Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 526

The Roger Pirates quietly left, taking with them a disappointed Buggy.

The chart left behind was taken by the real Zero, and the only thing he paid was the rubbing of the signpost stone.

Kozuki Oden could tell the authenticity of the rubbing at a glance, so there was no excessive entanglement.

The real Zero then left Roland Island and returned to the Kingdom of Chronos.

The fake Zero is being cultivated, and Roland Island has not yet been officially determined as a base.

This needs to be discussed after the fake Zero is cultivated.

After all, Roland Island is only a temporary base of the "Sound Nest", and it may be replaced by a more suitable location later.

The fake Zero also needs time to grow. At least in the short term, the most superficial base of the Sound Nest will not be established, and the Sound Nest still needs time to develop.

The Roger Pirates have gathered the last piece of the puzzle, and the only thing that can stop them next is time.

"It's finally time, let's get ready to start the countdown."

Hades got the news from Ignis, and the Roger Pirates, who didn't want to get involved too much, didn't want to cause trouble.

After all, the unknown "Nest" has something to do with "Pluto" Hades.

Next, just wait.

However, Hades also wants to know.

The Hikong Pirates were not destroyed by the super giant storm, and "Golden Lion" Shiki was not stabbed in the back of the head by the flying rudder.

Now that the Hikong Pirates are the strongest pirates, and "Golden Lion" Shiki is also the first pirate.

Can Roger reach the top and become the recognized Pirate King?

There is a high probability that he can.

On the sea, for the first pirates, adventure is the main theme.

The legendary island, Raftel.

Only when you get there can you be considered to have circumnavigated the world and conquered the great route.

Complete an unprecedented great achievement.

Even if it doesn't work, Hades will promote the birth of the Pirate King.

This is unstoppable.

Only when Roger becomes the Pirate King will his influence reach its peak.

The Great Pirate Era that he has set off will be more shocking.

Over the years, the establishment of trade routes, the birth of many guilds, and the strengthening of the kingdom's military power.

It has not made the sea more peaceful.

The trade routes have tied up a large number of naval forces, seriously weakening the role of the navy in maintaining stability in the four seas.

And over the years, the trade routes that gather a large number of merchant ships have been a treasure land for many pirates.

Every year, a large number of pirate groups will attack the trade routes and plunder merchant ships.

Sometimes, even the navy cannot arrive in time.

If it cannot be recovered in the first time, the looted goods will flow into the black market in the first time, and there will be no way.

For the trade routes, there is also a special intelligence network in the underground world.

As long as you spend some money, you can get news about where merchant ships pass by.

There is even intelligence about the patrol trajectory of the navy.

In order to protect the trade routes, the navy loses a lot every year.

There is also the Blood War Island, where a large number of navy soldiers are buried every year.

The trade route stabilized the member states, but it also became a shackle for the navy, making it unable to expand outward, let alone maintain world stability. The scope of influence covered only a small part of the entire world.

The emergence of guilds has both advantages and disadvantages.

The essence of guilds is mercenaries.

There are many competitions for tasks, and sometimes when there are too many competitions, some guilds naturally become hostile.

There are conflicts between each other, and even wars.

Wars between kingdoms often hire guilds to participate in the war.

Taking countries as units, hostile relations between countries often directly affect the hostile relations between guilds within the kingdom.

Even guilds on different islands will have conflicts.

After all, if a guild wants to survive, tasks are the core.

Without tasks, no money can be made, and members will leave.

The larger the guild, the more famous it is, the more members it has, and the stronger its power.

Some high-difficulty and high-reward tasks will be delivered to them.

The guild was born with a good purpose.

Very pure.

However, the sea is changing, and with the development of the times, it will inevitably deviate from the track.

Especially the existence of the guild that has grown rapidly in just over a decade.

Except for the West Sea, where the guild is the strongest.

There are many guilds in the other three seas and the first half of the great route.

It is already a force that cannot be underestimated.

Some guilds that have committed many evil deeds have even entered the sight of the navy.

And issued a reward.

The increase in the kingdom's military power has led to the expansion of ambitions, and the entire sea is in constant war.

Expanding outward, wars between kingdoms.

The most obvious is that it is increasing every year.The total amount of arms trade.

The sea seems to be in constant chaos without stopping.

People die every day.

The four seas that have been ravaged by the Rocks Pirates many times cannot be restored in just a dozen years.

The pain brought about will take at least two generations, or half a century, to recover.

Not to mention the West Sea.

The damage caused by the Bondi Pirates is even greater than that caused by the Rocks Pirates.

The economic losses will take decades to recover

and the population losses will take at least a hundred years.

Besides, the sea has never stabilized.

The number of pirates is increasing.

Many islands in the sea that the navy cannot reach have become places where pirates are stranded.

Gradually becoming a pirate island.

Children who grow up in such an environment will eventually become a pirate.

In order to stabilize the member countries and establish trade routes, the navy has paid a lot of effort and has ushered in a backlash.

The shrinking sphere of influence has led to a decrease in the number of naval students.

After all, the area covered is small, and the population base is also small.

Without sufficient military funds, it is difficult to expand the army.

Although I haven't felt anything yet, there is already such an impact.

Such a sea is a barrel of explosives that can explode at any time.

Roger is the fuse.

Hades is sure that this era of great pirates will be more terrible than he remembers.

The ruling foundation of the world government has been constantly weakened.

The navy is not much weaker than Hades remembers.

The familiar people are still those who have not changed, but the unknown ones have sacrificed too much.

Such a navy can only be said to be reluctant to return to the new world. Faced with the cruel reality, the influence of the navy is constantly weakening.

In some waters, the navy has been away for too long, and the locals have no interest in the navy for so long that they have even forgotten the navy.

Newborns may have only heard of the navy as an organization.

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