Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 705

The affiliated forces of the Tyrant Dragon Pirates also joined the war.

Before the war started, "Tyrant Dragon" Zach summoned them all.

No one could escape.

Now, facing the Silver Axe Pirates, they have to fight.

Of course, under Zach's leadership, they are not afraid of the war with the Silver Axe Pirates.

But no one wants to sacrifice.

It is not so easy to replenish the number of crew members of these forces in such a short time.

Before the war, Zach also promised that if the Silver Axe Pirates were repelled, the Tyrant Dragon Pirates would give them sufficient rewards.

In the face of life-threatening dangers, any promises are useless, and dead people can't get money.

Once the Tyrant Dragon Pirates fall into decline, they will not hesitate to preserve their combat power and evacuate.

But now under the leadership of the Tyrant Dragon Pirates, they are still fighting.

For this war, the authorities don't know much information.

If they really knew the power of the Silver Axe Pirates, they might have retreated long ago.

The spread of news was not fast.

Only a small number of people still knew about the appearance of Katakuri and Owen.

And they did not deliberately spread this information to other areas of the battlefield. They did not have the energy to do so.

After all, when the troops were at a disadvantage, they were all facing siege, so how could they have the mind to pass on other information?

The leader was naturally Kurozumi Yaki.

He transformed into Yaki no Orochi and roamed the battlefield.

The poisonous fog emitted made people afraid to approach, and the corrosive poisonous fog had taken the lives of many pirates of the Silver Axe Pirates.

His opponent was also a veteran cadre of the Silver Axe Pirates.

In terms of high-end combat power, the Tyrant Dragon Pirates are not at a disadvantage at present, but in terms of mid- and low-level combat power, the Tyrant Dragon Pirates are undoubtedly suppressed in terms of numbers.

The losses are increasing.

Kurozumi Yaki is fighting seriously, as if he is loyal to the Tyrant Dragon Pirates.

But this is all an illusion. If his life is threatened, he will evacuate immediately.

Even if he gave up his own pirate crew.

Kurozumi Yaki actually didn't like the Tyrant Pirates.

With Tyrant Murasaki, he actually knew more information.

In the New World, the Tyrant Family also has its own intelligence network.

Although it is not top-notch.

Regardless of whether the Tyrant Pirates win this war, the Tyrant Family will lose the right to sell seastone and materials from Dragon Island.

There must be more than just the Silver Axe Pirates eyeing the seastone mine.

How can the Tyrant Pirates, who have suffered heavy losses, stop other forces?

In order to consolidate their position, they will also give up a lot of seastone mines. At that time, what does the seastone mine have to do with the Tyrant Family?

The reason why the Tyrant Family can help the Tyrant Pirates sell seastone is not only because of their own channels, but also because of the powerful Mythical Beast Devil Fruit user, Yaki.

The Tyrant Pirates need the power of the Orochi Pirates.

But now, the Kurozumi family is going to lose the power to sell seastone, so there is no need for the Orochi Pirates to help the Tyrant Pirates and be inferior to the Tyrant Pirates.

Their own crew will also be sacrificed.

The interest relationship between the Kurozumi family and the Tyrant Pirates has been cut off.

Kurozumi Yaki himself also has the idea of ​​being independent. He is so free to roam on the sea. He is restricted everywhere by relying on the Tyrant Pirates.

Even if he cannot dominate the sea, it is easy to rule a small area of ​​the sea.

However, his idea was rejected by Kurozumi Muchan without hesitation.

Although it is important to preserve the combat power, it will be devastating for the Kurozumi family if they betray the Tyrant Pirates and become the enemy of the Tyrant Pirates.

"Don't make Zack unhappy!"

These are the original words of Kurozumi Muchan.

If the Tyrant Pirates are defeated and their strength is greatly reduced, the Orochi Pirates will naturally leave the Tyrant Pirates.

The Tyrant Pirates couldn't say anything.

Why? The Orochi Pirates have tried their best.

Kurozumi Mushin had dealt with Zack many times and knew that Zack was very vindictive.

If he knew that the Orochi Pirates had betrayed him, he would definitely vent his anger on the Kurozumi family.

Kurozumi Mushin didn't want to bring disaster to the family because of this.

In this war, just go with the flow.

Don't fight too hard, and don't let the Tyrant Pirates catch you.

Losing some crew members doesn't need to matter.

If the Tyrant Pirates win, there's nothing to say. If they lose, they'll evacuate.

With Kurozumi Yaki's strength, his life won't be in danger.

In short, don't let the Tyrant Pirates catch you.

The older he gets, the more cautious Kurozumi Yashin becomes, and he doesn't need to offend anyone.

Kurozumi Yashin doesn't want to offend the Tyrant Pirates.Pirates.

But he still had some fear for "Balong" Zach.

After leaving the Balong Pirates, the Silver Axe Pirates would not provoke a pirate with such a powerful fighting force.

Moreover, they did not think that the Balong Pirates would be completely destroyed after the defeat, and they would make a comeback sooner or later.

Compared with the Silver Axe, Zach was still young, only forty-three years old, which was his advantage.

"Has the fight started?"

Two figures fell from the sky and landed in the center of the battlefield.

Belia licked his lips, looking at the scene of the fight around him, and his blood was boiling with excitement.

"Find an opponent, Belia, don't get too involved."

Samael on the side said calmly.

The members of the Balong Pirates who noticed the two of them all had their pupils shrank.

They knew that the Balong Pirates were in danger.

Not only did the Big Mom Pirates join in, but even the old rival, the Demon King Pirates, also intervened.

The Demon King Pirates are definitely not here to help them, they are their enemies.

However, the Silver Axe Pirates have two more high-end fighters, which makes the Tyrant Pirates face more pressure.

The balance of victory has already tilted towards the Silver Axe Pirates.

Belia and Samael are very familiar with the cadres of the Tyrant Pirates.

They directly found two familiar opponents.

One by one, black feathers fell from the sky like arrow feathers.

The feathers with domineering aura were extremely sharp, and under the control of Belia, they killed the crew of the Tyrant Pirates.

The long sword in his hand was burning with flames.

And Samael, the power that made everything wither and decay swept across the battlefield.

People with bad luck were deprived of their vitality and turned directly into corpses, and even their corpses decayed quickly.

Before, they participated in the Kendo Tournament.

However, after being eliminated, they returned to the Demon King Pirates.

For the next battle of the Kendo Tournament, they did not want to stay in Paros Island for a long time.

When they return to the Demon King Pirates, they can also watch the battle between top swordsmen through video.

Dragon Island has been completely occupied.

In Kuri, Rabbit Bowl and Hakumai, members of the Tyrant Pirates and Silver Axe Pirates are fighting in various places.

Pirates are constantly falling.

It was not until Zack, who was chasing Silver Axe, returned to Dragon Island that Zack knew what had happened.

At this time, Silver Axe, who had crossed the countercurrent waterfall, once again blocked Zack's way.

The situation is different.

"I won't run away this time, Zack, let's fight!"

Victory is in hand, but as long as Zack is not defeated, he will never be considered a winner.

He wants to completely tear Zack's dream apart and destroy the Tyrant Pirates that Zack has worked so hard to build.

The battle between the two has just begun.

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