Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 319: to cultivate

Most of it is a kind of mark, falling on Su Yi, the other party can find them through this mark.

No wonder I have run away, I have been changing my position, and I am not open.

"Today's plan, you can only find the bones to help!"

Su Yi whispered a word, and then a black skeleton appeared in his hand.

This skeleton is Su Yi. He left the Qin Tian star field and gave him the bone demon.

The bone demon is still practicing in the secret of the dragon, looking forward to restoring the dragon's power to its strongest, to see if it can enter the King of God.

When Su Yi left, the bone demon gave him this black bone and told Su Yi that if something happened, he would inspire the bone. Even if Su Yi is among the nine kings, he can feel the bones. Will rush to help him. This is better than the voice of jade, the voice of jade is too far apart and it is difficult to transmit information.

In the advanced voice palace, there are also distance restrictions, it is difficult to transfer from the Qin Tian star field to the nine kings.

Of course, some powerful forces will naturally have special methods to transmit messages quickly.

In this case, Su Yi can only help the bones, but his own power cannot solve it.

Pushing the power of God into the dark bones, the dark bones are suddenly filled with mysterious waves.

After a few flashes, I calmed down.

"I have contacted a senior master now, he will come soon, but we must escape the pursuit of black robe before he arrives!"

Su Yi Dao

Wu Shan and Han Ying nodded, their eyes looked forward.

In the sky above the universe, there are countless meteorites floating.

Many meteorites of different sizes are suspended in the sky of the universe. The territory is endless, and you cannot see its end at a glance.

Long ago, this is probably a fierce battlefield. Many planets were blown up, forming countless meteorites, floating in the universe.

Their goal is this field.

This area is very complex, with many meteorites, chaotic, and a bit unmatched. Next, they will use this terrain to avoid pursuing each other and support the bones.


Lu Ming snorted, and the three of them flew forward and into the meteorite group.

Soon, they disappeared in the meteorite group.


When Su Yi escaped, nine kings, empty houses!

In a secret hall, a black robe was reported to a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is the current boss of the Sikong family, Sikonggang.


SiKongan patted the handle of the chair, exuding a terrible atmosphere.

"This is a lot of waste. Even a small unit in Chu Tianxing's domain is not clean. What can I raise for you?"

Skonan's cold voice sounded, causing the black robe to tremble.

"Lord, according to reliable information, Miss Han's family was saved by Su Yi!"

That black robe is human.

"This is Su Yi, that little miscellaneous item is always a bad thing to me, really looking for death!"

Si Kongan said with a cold drink: "Go, send more hosts, they must be killed, our news must not be leaked!"

"Yes, this is indeed the case, you must send the strongest master!"

The black robe nodded again, then turned and left.

"No, I still don't trust it. There must be no omissions in this matter. I will walk!"

Sikong'an whispered, and then he walked away and left.


Chutian Star Field!

Just over an hour after Su Yi's three people entered the meteorite group, there was a figure outside the meteorite group.

Blue Maple!

Some young people behind, one of them, was actually Lan Feng.

"Su Yi, I didn't expect you to really raise your suit to the blue level. This exceeded my expectations!"

Lan Feng said, his eyes were killing endlessly.

"Wu Fan is not with you?"

Su Yi asked a weak question.

"Without Wu Fan, I would still kill you. I will let you run for the last time. How do you run this time?"

Lan Feng's voice was very cold.

He was very rich in the murder of Su Yi.

In his view, Su Yi's power source should be his, but he was swallowed by Su Yi himself. This is a violent thing.

Don't kill Su Yi, it's hard to vent your hatred.

Lan Feng didn't know. Outside, the Lan family saw this scene, ugly face to face, unable to wait for Lan Feng's screams, and told Lan Feng to run away.

They have seen Su Yi's combat effectiveness, it is definitely the second-class peak, and even ranked first, and Lan Feng is not Su Yi's opponent.

Unfortunately, they can only be anxious.

Others are also very anxious.

Those are the two people hiding in the dark.

"This is not good, it is Lan Feng. Although Lan Feng has not awakened the mysterious source, the power of the sorcerer's wizard is also very powerful. Don't let him preempt!

"We still took it, or Lan Feng took it, the child is dead, we didn't share it!"

"Do it!"

These two people, Annai, could not stop because they were worried that they would be killed by Lan Feng, and then they did not participate in their powerful battle.

They couldn't help but rushed out.

Suddenly, the three parties appeared in three directions of the mountain, surrounded by Su Yi.

it is good?

Lan Feng's eyes flashed in the cold, and he obviously didn't expect so many people beside him.

"Everything has to come out, and then kill you quickly, I have to train!"

Su Yi vaguely said.

A pair of people who didn't put Lan Feng and the others in their eyes.

Lan Feng really wanted to laugh.

"Mad man ignorant, die!"

Lan Feng directly activated, a blue magic sword light and smashed the past Su Yi, the power of terror.

Now Su Yi could feel it. Lan Feng's restoration is also a trio of gods, he awakens two sources of power.

In the nine kings, this kind of power was not something Su Yi could compete with.

but now?


"Do it!"

"Don't be preempted by Lan Feng!"

The other two people saw Lan Feng's shooting, and suddenly they felt anxious, and they shot too.

These two people are the most powerful, and they are also the second level of Tianjiao. Otherwise, they dare not compete with BlueMaple.

"Completely solve it together!"

Su Yi's eyes were cold, and the door above his head appeared.

The door of the ruler was shocked, terrible power broke out, and the surrounding attacks were defeated.


The gate of the ruler directly attacked one of them.


Tianjiao, headed by the people, was directly killed by the ruler's gate and fell to the ground. ..

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