East China Sea.

Kokosia Village.

Behind a cliff, there is a small beach.

This place is very hidden, and not many people know about it.

Nami hid behind a rock and poked her head out slightly to look at the sea.


"Will they really come?"

Thinking of the various horrors of the fishmen.

Nami always had some doubts about whether Luo Lan and his team could defeat the evil dragon.

And just at this moment.

A flashing light suddenly appeared hundreds of meters away from the coast.

That was the signal...

The agreed signal!

Here they come, they really come!

But why can't I see their boat?

Nami was a little confused, but she didn't stop moving.

She dragged a wooden sail out of the bushes and brought it into the water.

Then she jumped on it and rowed towards the signal.

Because it was night, Nami finally saw it clearly until she got close.

On the water was a part of a huge metal creation, and a young man was standing on this metal creation.

The Navy's Justice Coat fluttering in the wind made Nami's heart tremble.

It's really the Navy...

Thinking back to what Noki said at that time...

"If Bellemere has served in any organization, it should only be the Navy."

But the Navy...

Can they really be trusted?

Not to mention Nami, no one in Cocosia Village and dozens of surrounding villages trusts the Navy at all.

After all the things that the 16th branch has done over the years...

"So, you are the Navy?"

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago?"


"I told you that Bellemere once served our organization?"

He did say that, but who can really associate it with the Navy...

Well, Noki did associate it that way.

"Okay, let's talk about other things later, Ian!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

A voice came from the round cover that was opened on the side.

Then, one marine after another climbed out.

"Well, send the people to the shore in batches first!"


The raft that Nami brought was not big, and it could only carry 7 or 8 people at most at a time.

After four rounds, all the people arrived at the coast.

Apart from Luo Lan, Ian, and Ace, there were 24 fully armed marines.


"My name is Luo Lan, not Hey!"

"Okay, Luo Lan..."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Can you... really deal with the dragon?"

Nami was very skeptical.

There were only more than 20 people, and except for the different appearance of the muskets, they looked no different from the marines she had seen before, right?

This ordinary marine, let alone the dragon, can fight against a hundred with just the cadres under him...

"Don't worry, the dragon is just a piece of cake, do you see him?"

"Even if it's just him alone, that's enough!"

Pointing to Ace on the side, Luo Lan didn't care.

But Nami felt more and more unreliable.

Following Luo Lan's finger, she looked at Ace.

This guy who looked only 1 or 2 years older than her, without even a gun, could kill the entire Dragon Pirates alone?


Luo Lan could naturally guess what Nami was thinking.

However, he was not going to explain more.

At this time, Nami's vision was still too low.

"Just lead the way, and finish the work at night. We have other things to do before dawn!"

"Okay, but let me make it clear first, if you fail, I will never admit that I have anything to do with you!"

After gritting her teeth, Nami finally nodded.


Dragon Park.

At this moment, all the fishmen were lying on the ground in a mess.

They were all drunk.

Of course, there were still some who had not fallen down.

"Brother Dragon, the tax collection went smoothly this time, but when I think about tomorrow..."

"I feel very unhappy!"

"Why should we give half of the Bailey we earned with our own strength to that loser?"

Kroobi was a little drunk, and he directly expressed the unhappiness in his heart.

"Shahahaha, brother, that loser is just a clown standing in front of the stage. Do you really think that he can help us cover up in the East China Sea for so many years?"

"Brother Dragon, what you mean is..."

"That's right, Bailey just passed through his hands, and most of it will eventually flow to some powerful senior officials in the navy!"

"I see, no wonder..."

Kroobi sobered up a lot in an instant.

He used to wonder, why did the Dragon Pirates make trouble?It was so big that it even directly controlled more than 20 villages for several years...

How could a mouse alone carry out the whole thing without the other naval branches or even the headquarters noticing it at all?

It turned out that the ones who really did all this behind the scenes were the termites in the naval headquarters.

Or the termites with real power.

Humans are indeed an inferior race. They actually allowed their own people to be bullied and even killed by us for such a little Bailey.

After thinking it through, Kroobi was relieved.

He no longer felt bad about giving half of Bailey to the mouse.

However, just as he picked up the wine glass and was about to continue...

Boom! ! ! !

After a loud noise.

Various wood chips, iron sheets, stones and the like flew all over the sky.

There was even a flying stone that accurately pierced the wine glass in Kroobi's hand.

The wine flowed out of the gap and fell to the ground.

"Who is it!"

"How dare you break into Dragon Park..."

"Are you looking for death?"

Under the influence of alcohol, Kroobi stood up suddenly.

He roared angrily.

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