The cannons are roaring.

The Revolutionary Army is being bombed.

Although there is Dragon holding up, no ships have been attacked since the second wave.

But the terrifying scene of the large-caliber shells exploding around the fleet still makes everyone tremble.

After all, they are not elite soldiers who have followed Dragon for many years.

More than half a month ago, they were even civilians.

It was only under the instigation of the Revolutionary Army that they started the rebellion.

And after successfully taking over the palace and killing all the nobles, and after being fooled by the Revolutionary Army, these 10,000 people were selected from hundreds of thousands of civilians. They are relatively strong and have a very fanatical belief in the Revolutionary Army...

They left with the Revolutionary Army while howling.

Let alone the iron willpower, at this moment, they have not even experienced a real war.

What do you think when the rebels captured the Kingdom of Akado?

You know, except for a few kingdoms in the pirate world, most of the member countries have almost no army, and at most have some guards.

A kingdom like Alabasta, which has hundreds of thousands of troops on standby, is a rare gem in the entire pirate world.

According to the words of the nobles of each kingdom, that is...

We pay so much money every year to the navy as military expenses, is it for nothing?

Why should we pay another sum of money to form a regular army?

If there is a problem, let the navy send troops to protect it.

Otherwise, the money is for nothing?

So, it is said that the Akado Kingdom was captured, but in fact, hundreds of thousands of people rushed over and killed less than a thousand people of the kingdom guard.

And among them, those who have some strength in the guard were all killed by the cadres of the Revolutionary Army.

So, it is not a battle at all.

At this moment, many people have collapsed on the deck, holding their heads in their hands and crying, calling for their mothers.

"Mr. Dragon, this is not good!"

"Although you can change the climate environment of the entire area and take action to solve the fish that slipped through the net, but..."

"You can't keep it up like this!"

Sabo was a little anxious.

He knew very well that since the other side could accurately attack him at a very long distance, they would definitely find that the shells they fired at him were ineffective.

But even so, they still did not stop attacking.

What does this mean?

It means that the other side has enough shells and is confident that they can kill Dorag.

And thinking of Dorag's ability and strength.

Sabo sighed again.

If it weren't for these burdens, but only Dorag.

Then, these shells would have no way to deal with Dorag.

Moreover, Dorag doesn't have to stay here and passively defend, but can directly counterattack in the direction of the shelling.

"Mr. Dorag, this is not a solution, just rush over!"

"No, if I leave, you will suffer heavy casualties in an instant!"

Dorag shook his head.

There are 10,000 new forces of the Revolutionary Army here, and more than half of the cadres of the current Revolutionary Army.

Baldigo had just suffered heavy casualties from the joint attack by the World Government and the Navy.

If this side could not be saved either...

The Revolutionary Army would be finished!

Even if it was not completely destroyed, it would not be able to recover within three to five years.

So, he did not want to give up for the time being.

Of course, if it really came to a point where it was hopeless, he would cut off his tail and survive without Sabo saying anything.

However, Drago's statement was so touching to Sabo.

"Mr. Drago, if you continue to stay, none of us will survive in the end!"

"But if you go back and kill directly, and I and other cadres temporarily intercept the bombardment, although there will definitely be losses, it is better than being wiped out!"

Sabo's expression was firm.

And several cadres of the Revolutionary Army nodded one after another.

Seeing this, Drago sighed.

"Okay, I'll set off immediately after the next wave of bombardment!"

"After I leave, these tens of thousands of new recruits of the Revolutionary Army will all depend on you..."


On the flagship of the Second Fleet.

After listening to Violet's latest report, Luo Lan put down the Den Den Mushi.

Then he looked at Tina, and Ace and Zoro behind her.

"Electromagnetic railgun!"

"It's the second generation. Do you know why only the flagship of the Second Fleet is equipped with it?"

Luo Lan reached out and touched the gun mount beside him, with a slight smile on his face.

Now, of the six battleships in service in the Second Fleet, five are continuously bombarding.

But this flagship has not taken any action..

If you look closely at the appearance of the battleship, you will find...

Although they are all the same battleships, the flagship is completely different from the others.

Because the three main guns on the flagship are not cannons, but...

Three electromagnetic guns.

Just as Luo Lan said, Taotu's First Fleet does not have this big toy, only the Second Fleet has it.

After all...

Now there are three Thunder Fruit ability users, one is Tina, and the other two are Tina's subordinates, Ace and Zoro.

All three are in the Second Fleet.

This is why the flagship of the Second Fleet did not install conventional main guns, but installed electromagnetic guns on all three main gun positions.

"Go prepare, give the Dragon Store a big news!"

Hearing this, the three nodded.

Then they went to the positions of the three electromagnetic guns.

Opened the gun cabin door and walked in.

The next moment.

The lightning of the three electromagnetic guns was magnificent.

At the same time, he started to calibrate.


"Marshal, the electromagnetic gun is fully charged!"

A soldier from the King's Landing trotted over and reported loudly.



After a moment.

Three flashes of lightning flashed on the flagship.

Three special shells were pushed out instantly.

It is faster than the first generation, with a speed directly exceeding Mach 20.

At the same time, compared with the eight-kilogram metal projectiles used in the first generation, the second generation uses 17.5 kilograms of metal projectiles.

This weight, and this speed.

The kinetic energy generated is absolutely terrifying.

Not to mention the sailing ships of this era, even the 100,000-ton super aircraft carrier of Luo Lan's previous life can blow you up with one shot.

"The electromagnetic gun begins to recharge, and it is expected to be fully charged in one minute!"

After the electromagnetic gun was fired.

The soldier reported immediately.

Luo Lan nodded.


At the same time, eight nautical miles away.

"Sabo, after I leave, you will be responsible for coordinating everyone to intercept the bombardment!"

"I understand, Mr. Dorag!"

"Okay, I will try my best..."


He was halfway through his words.

Dorag seemed to sense something.

He turned his head suddenly and looked in front of the bow.

"Not good, hurry..."

From sensing the crisis to saying three words...

This is Dorag's limit.

Because he didn't have time to say the fourth word.

Three metal projectiles have arrived.

Two shells fell into the sea, and the huge kinetic energy was like a small meteorite falling into the sea.

And another one just hit the sailing ship where Dorag was.

The whole ship was torn apart in an instant.

Countless pieces of wreckage rose into the sky.

This Im, everyone on the other warships was stunned.

Even Dorag himself was blown into the air.

A series of exactly the same questions flashed through his mind.

"What on earth is this?"

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