After another wave of bombardment.

The cadres of the Revolutionary Army scattered on various warships were panting.

Even many of them were already covered in wounds.

After all, there were not many people in the Revolutionary Army who had the ability to intercept from a distance.

Not to mention, there would be additional shells of electromagnetic cannons fired every minute. Even if Dragon was here, he would not be able to do anything about it.

Among the group, Sabo was the most desperate.

Although he had learned the Armament Haki, he had just awakened to the extent that he was now, and each time he intercepted at close range.

After a few rounds, he was really badly blown up.

Even his entire left arm was broken and hung straight down.

"I don't know what happened to Mr. Dragon?"

After adjusting his breathing, he whispered to himself.

On the other side.

Dragon attacked the flagship of the Second Fleet where Hawkeye was like crazy.

However, Hawkeye, who was standing still and outputting, and whose basic attack was his ultimate move, continued to swing out slashes that were infused with the Haki of Armament.

For a moment, Dragon could not get close.

He could only watch as the King's Fleet fired shells towards the Revolutionary Fleet wave after wave.

After watching Hawkeye and Dragon fight for a while, Luo Lan also shook his head.

Hawkeye's fighting method was really two extremes from Zoro's.

Although they were both swordsmen, Zoro was the kind who kept developing ultimate moves.

Well, he used all kinds of ultimate moves when he attacked, and he had no intention of using basic attacks, but what about Hawkeye?

He always had only one move.

Raise the sword, and then cut it down!

Yes, in addition to the most conventional flying slash, it was still a flying slash.

This thing might be considered a sword move at the swordsman stage, but at the great swordsman stage, it was really just a basic attack.

Low consumption, long range, and great power.

Adding the Armament Haki to it, it's just YYDs...

Luo Lan, who was about to give the order to speed up the artillery fire, suddenly remembered something.

Then he slapped his forehead.

Why did he forget that?

What if Sabo was killed by the electromagnetic cannon.

Wouldn't Ace collapse?

Even if his loyalty was locked, he wouldn't betray.

But in the future, this kid might not be able to make any progress.

After all, this psychological blow was too great for him.

Came to the second gun at the bow and opened the gun cabin door.

I saw Ace inside had turned into Thor, standing there like a battery.

And some strange devices around were constantly absorbing electricity from Ace, the battery man.

"Ace, come out!"

"Right now, wait for me to charge this round!"

"Charge your head, Sabo is about to die, if you don't care, just continue!"

"Sabo...wait, Sabo?"

Ace suddenly reacted and directly released the Thor state.

Staring at Luo Lan blankly.

" he still alive?"

"Well, he is in the Revolutionary Army's fleet. If you don't go, I'm afraid it will really die..."

Luo Lan hadn't finished speaking yet.

I saw Ace had turned into a thunderbolt and crossed the sky directly.

And the direction...

It was the direction of the Revolutionary Army's fleet.

"All warships, pay attention."

"Stop shelling for three minutes"

"Violet, keep an eye on the Revolutionary Army's fleet, and tell me immediately if there is any change!"

After Ace flew away, Luo Lan picked up the Den Den Mushi and gave an order.

Speaking of which.

Today, the command chain of the King's Landing Fleet is a system based on Den Den Mushi and then transformed through various transformations.

Up to 208 Den Den Mushi can be bridged in one communication at the same time.

Don't ask why it is 208, the author just made it up.

"Yes, Marshal!"

"High-altitude patrol boat received!"


All warships stopped firing.

And a three-minute countdown began.

And Ace...

It took less than ten seconds to appear above the Revolutionary Army fleet.

"Tsk tsk, it's really miserable..."

Transformed into a human form again, Ace looked at the miserable situation below.

He spoke.

Then, he used his observation Haki to sweep.

Sure enough, a breath that was a little bit strong, but very familiar to him, was immediately sensed.

Sabo, this guy, is really still alive...

And he has become stronger!

Although he is far inferior to himself, he is much stronger than Luffy.

However, this guy actually joined the Revolutionary Army and followed that guy Dragon to do something that would kill hundreds of thousands of people.

It seems that he must be captured and his thoughts must be reformed.

The next moment, Ace turned into a thunderbolt again., directly fell from the air.


"Sabo, can you bear it?"

Kerla ran to Sabo, holding a bandage.

She bandaged Sabo's left arm in a panic.

"Kerla, use the boat on the ship to leave!"

"Sabo, what are you talking about!"

"I'm not talking nonsense. In this situation, the fate of the Revolutionary Army is doomed. While there is still time..."

"Shut up Sabo, Mr. Dorag has passed. We just need to hold on..."

Kerla didn't finish her words, Sabo had raised his right hand and covered her mouth directly.

"According to the time, Mr. Dorag has already arrived, but do you see that King's attack has stopped?"

This sentence.

directly silenced Kerla.

Yes, according to Dorag's speed, this time is enough for him to fly twenty or thirty nautical miles.

But King's attack still didn't stop.

There are only two possible reasons.

One is that Dorag didn't go to King's Landing, but took advantage of King's Landing's fierce attack on the Revolutionary Fleet and escaped alone.

However, Kerla didn't think Dorag would do that.

Then, there is only one other possibility left, that is...

Dorag arrived at the King's Landing Fleet, but couldn't make any contribution!

But no matter what the reason is, the result is the same, that is...

Unable to stop King's Landing's continued attack, let alone escape.

"Kerla, do you understand?"

"Let's go, while there is still time!"

"Don't do these things in the future, find a safe place, and live an ordinary life!"

Sabo's tone softened and persuaded again.

But at this moment.

A thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky and hit Sabo more than one meter in front of him.

Instantly a large amount of sawdust flew.

And dragging through these flying sawdust, Sabo vaguely saw a figure among them.

"Hey, isn't this my stupid brother? What are you going to do?"

"Is he going to make his last words?"

The next moment, Sabo saw who was coming.

Then, his head banged, as if it was hit hard by a hammer.

He held his head with both hands and screamed.


Soon, all kinds of memories that he had forgotten flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

Yes, he remembered now, the person in front of him...

Isn't it...



After spitting out two words intermittently.

Sabo fainted.

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