As the sun was setting, Hawkeye did not appear on Moyu Island. Zoro looked into the distance unwillingly.

Qin Feng and the other two came to him. Qin Feng touched Zoro's head and said,"Do you know why he didn't come?"

Zoro shook his head and looked at Qin Feng.

"Because we are not famous enough, Hawkeye has been the world's greatest swordsman for a long time, so it is inevitable that he is arrogant. It is normal for him not to come."Qin Feng comforted

"I see"

"However, seeing that you want to fight him so much, I will do whatever it takes to help you fulfill this wish."Qin Feng said with a smile.

Kalina said on the side:"In the kendo circle, there has always been a swordsman fame list. As long as we are on the list, we can attract Hawkeye's attention. When we get the first place in the East China Sea Swordsman Fame List, Hawkeye will definitely accept our challenge."

Kalina's words made Zoro regain hope, but Zoro was also very clear about his current strength.

Although the East China Sea is recognized as the weakest sea area, there are still many strong swordsmen.

In this regard, Qin Feng slowly said:"Don't worry about the ranking. I can help you fight, and then the fame will be credited to you."

Zoro refused and said:"You can't do this, it's cheating."

Qin Feng knocked on his head and said:"Stubborn, why do I have such a stupid apprentice like you? I'm so angry."

In the end, Zoro chose to agree to Qin Feng, because Qin Feng was his master.

So, the strongest substitute officially debuted.

In the next month, Kalina continued to collect intelligence and challenge the players on the East China Sea Swordsman Fame List.

Every time the challenge was successful, Zoro's ranking would rise, and the thirteen-year-old boy was close to the position of the number one swordsman in the East China Sea.

Many righteous swordsmen were dissatisfied with this cheating behavior, but there was no way. When the knife was on their necks, they had to obey.

Not only that, after many swordsmen were defeated, Qin Feng threatened them to use their own special moves and asked Zoro to memorize them quickly.

After a month, Zoro made rapid progress, and his sword moves gradually developed his own style.

What is this called? This is called gathering the strengths of a hundred schools, removing the dross and taking the essence.

The Swordsman Fame List will be made public through newspapers.

Today is the day when Zoro officially challenges the number one swordsman in the East China Sea, and the challenge is scheduled to take place in Guqiao Village.

The day before the challenge, Kalina expressed her concerns

"Captain, since we are competing with the best swordsman in the East China Sea today, there will definitely be a lot of spectators. What should we do?"

Qin Feng said calmly,"Why panic? It's better to have spectators. This way, Sauron can show his power."

"What does the captain mean? Let the little green head fight in person?"

"I think it's totally possible. Those so-called No. 1 and No. 2 in the East Sea are just ordinary people. I think Sauron has a chance to fight. Go and call him over."


When Zoro learned that he was going to play, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"Master, can I really compete with him?" Zoro said happily.

"Of course, but the premise is that you can't lose, otherwise I'll give you points in vain in the past month"

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely win and will never let you down."Sauron said firmly.

"OK, then go and take a rest, and work hard tomorrow."

""Okay, Master."

Now Zoro called him"Master" more and more frequently, which showed that he respected and admired Qin Feng more and more.

Respect comes from strength. In the challenges in the previous month, Qin Feng always knocked down the opponents instantly with a wooden stick. Who wouldn't be afraid of such combat power? Who wouldn't say awesome!!

Nami came to Qin Feng and said with a smile:"Captain, I understand your good intentions. Did you decide to let Zoro play in this battle early on?"

Qin Feng nodded to Nami and said:"You are very smart."

Nami said proudly:"I'm not stupid"

"Okay, let's wait and see the show tomorrow."


At noon the next day, the area around the ring was already crowded with people.

Rogoshi, the number one swordsman in the East China Sea, has dominated the list for three years. During these three years, he has defeated many young men, and most of them have not survived ten rounds under his sword.

Today, he really didn't expect that the challenger would be a thirteen-year-old boy. Interesting, really interesting!!

Zoro stepped onto the ring, holding his sword and Dao Ichimonji tightly in his hands.

The opponent Rogoshi is a three-sword swordsman. Qin Feng felt through his observation Haki that this person has something.

Again, there is something, but not much, and Zoro has a chance to defeat him.

Before the official battle, Qin Feng encouraged outside the court:"Remember what I taught you before, reduce unnecessary movements, simple and rough is the key to victory, the more movements will only reveal more flaws."

Zoro took a deep breath and agreed:"I know, Master."

Beside Qin Feng, Nami and Kalina stood on the left and right, one holding melon seeds and the other holding a fruit plate

"I'm so nervous."Nami said tremblingly.

Kalina said,"It's not you who's going to do it, why are you so nervous?"

"Vixen, can you say another word?"

"Just say it, what's wrong?"

While they were arguing, the sound of a gong rang out, and the battle officially began.

Luo Gexi drew out his long sword and prepared to play with the young man in front of him.

"Boy, you are the youngest among all the challengers. You are really a rising star."Rogosi said with a smile. Zoro stepped forward and saluted and said,"Roronoa Zoro, I appreciate your guidance."

""Rogosi, please give me your guidance."

The battle officially started, Zoro took the initiative, and the sharp sword intent rushed towards him.

Rogosi took Zoro's sword and immediately took three steps back. This made Rogosi unbelievable that a thirteen-year-old child had so much strength.

Nami and Kalina couldn't help cheering and said,"Come on, Zoro."

Then, Zoro continued his offensive. The attack like a storm made Rogosi exhausted and embarrassed.

In the audience, everyone expressed disbelief that this young man was so powerful.

For a time, many shouts came, which had a certain impact on Zoro.

Rogosi found the opportunity, drew out his other two blades, and counterattacked with three swords.

Now, Luo went from active to passive, and the situation began to reverse.

Rogosi said coldly:"Boy, I'm going to be serious"

"Just what I want."

Zoro exerted all his strength and used all the moves he had learned before to fight against the number one swordsman in the East China Sea.

The two sides fought back and forth, and the laymen watched with gusto and cheered.

However, in Qin Feng's opinion, this was simply a fight between two noobs, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He really couldn't stand it.

Qin Feng turned around and wanted to leave, but Kalina asked,"Captain, where are you going?"

"Go to the bathroom."

Qin Feng smoked two cigarettes while going to the bathroom. He was sure that the battle would not end so soon. Sure enough, when Qin Feng came back, the battle between Zoro and Rogoshi was in a tense state and it was difficult to tell the winner.

To an outsider, neither side had revealed any obvious flaws.

But Qin Feng only wanted to say one thing,"Help!……"

Finally, Qin Feng couldn't stand it anymore, and yelled towards the ring:"Why did I let you train with your eyes blindfolded before? Where's your prediction? Hundreds of moves have passed, can't you see his sword habits? Damn it!!"

A"damn" showed Qin Feng's inner anxiety and anger vividly.

After hearing this, Zoro was enlightened and instantly got it.

In the next round, he was not in a hurry to attack, but tried to predict Rogoshi's moves.

One failure... two failures...

After ten failures, Zoro finally predicted correctly and delivered a powerful blow, which directly hit Rogoshi hard.

This is the prototype of Observation Haki. Learning to predict means that half of your foot has touched Observation Haki.

Seeing this, Qin Feng immediately turned his anger into a smile and said,"That's right, just fight like this, you will definitely win."

Now, Rogoshi finally knew that the young man in front of him was not simple. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and prepared to end the battle.

He began to accumulate strength, and the three long swords gathered armed Haki.

"Wow wow wow wow, what is this, what is it called?"Karina was so excited that she was incoherent.

Nami quickly replied:"Armament Haki"

"That’s right, Armament Haki!!"

Now, Zoro is in big trouble.

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