Crocodile's demise means the collapse of his criminal group, Baroque Works.

Crocodile's dream of seeking Pluto was shattered. He had calculated everything, but he didn't expect Qin Feng's fist to be so hard.

The Navy specially sent Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel to arrest Crocodile, which shows that Lao Sha's status is still quite high.

Qin Feng had some impression of Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel. Although he was a vice admiral, he did a lot of dirty work.

When sealing off Crocodile's base camp, the Navy did not find a penny of stolen money, which surprised Flying Squirrel.

How could a criminal group as big as Baroque Works not have a penny of stolen money?

The answer is obvious. They were all looted by Qin Feng and his gang. Qin Feng didn't let go of a penny of 5 billion Baileys.

Although Flying Squirrel knew that it was Qin Feng who did it, he couldn't expose it. Qin Feng is now a big celebrity in the headquarters and is deeply loved by Marshal Zhan Guo.

You know, Qin Feng has caught more pirates in the past six months than the entire naval base has caught in the past three years.

Before the flying squirrel left, he specially awarded Qin Feng a medal and gave him 150 million Baileys as a reward, of which more than 80 million were Crocodile's bounty, and the remaining more than 70 million were additional reward compensation.

Qin Feng accepted it with a smile and responded,"Thank you, Marshal, for me.""

"I will."

Without any extra words, the Flying Squirrel led his team away at night, ready to put Crocodile in prison.

Karina stood beside Qin Feng and couldn't help but teasing,"The Admiral is quite broad-minded, and gave tens of millions of extra rewards."

Qin Feng smiled and said,"I helped their navy catch so many pirates, isn't it reasonable for me to give them more rewards?"

Nami agreed and said,"Of course not, the number of pirates we caught in the past six months is equivalent to the number of pirates caught by the naval base in three years. They have money to build warships and submarines, so they might as well give the money to us, right? Captain?"

As she spoke, Nami's little hand had already climbed onto Qin Feng's arm, and she was like a coquettish kitten.

Qin Feng smiled and said,"You are so greedy"

"Learned from the captain!!"

The next morning, Qin Feng was on the news again. The title alone was very eye-catching, and the content inside was even more interesting.

Nefertari Cobra, the king of Alabasta, personally invited Qin Feng to visit the palace. Cobra advocated that"the country is the people", knew how to sympathize with others, and always considered the interests of the people in advance when governing, so he was deeply loved by the people.

As the king of Magnetic Drum, Qin Feng was on the same level as Cobra.

Cobra held a banquet and entertained Qin Feng and others warmly. Princess Vivi also appeared during the banquet.

However, Vivi was just ten years old at this time. She was still a child. She looked very cute with blue hair, and she was a real beauty.

Vivi got along very well with Nami and Kalina. They chatted non-stop when they first met, especially after knowing that Nami was a devil fruit ability user, Vivi became even more excited.

Qin Feng hoped that the two countries of Magnetic Drum Island and Alabasta would be friendly with each other and help each other, and Cobra agreed deeply.

In the evening, Qin Feng came to the wall of Alabasta alone. , smoking and thinking about the problem.

The desert climate has a large temperature difference between day and night, and Qin Feng can feel the cool breeze coming towards him.

Princess Vivi belongs to the Nefertari clan, which is one of the twenty royal families that founded the World Government eight hundred years ago. However, they did not follow to live in the Holy Land, but ruled the Kingdom of Alabasta and guarded the ancient weapon"Pluto". Cobra is the 12th king of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

The historical text related to"Pluto" is now in the underground tomb of the Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

The ancient weapon Pluto possesses terrible power, enough to terrify the world.

After some thought, Qin Feng called Robin and told her his plan.

There is no need to hide many things, and too much concealment will appear extremely hypocritical.

Robin is an archaeologist. What she pursues in her life is to restore history, and she will never allow history to be hidden and trampled.

There is still a gap of one hundred years in today's history, and this hundred years of vacant history is in the text.

""Captain, are you interested in history?" Robin looked at Qin Feng and asked.

Qin Feng said bluntly:"History is like a mirror, which can reflect the background of this world."

"The captain is right, this is why I have always wanted to do archaeology"

"For the common ideal, we are destined to be thieves tonight."

Robin smiled and said,"I am willing to take a risk once."

After reaching a consensus, Qin Feng prepared to act.

Before that, the"Phantom Thief" Kalina went ahead to scout the area and figured out the route to the underground of the palace.

When Qin Feng and Robin went down, they had a smooth journey.

Qin Feng smiled and said to Kalina,"You are worthy of it."

Kalina smiled and said,"It is an honor to share the captain's worries."

The three came to the funeral hall of the royal tomb of the Kingdom of Alabasta, where stood a huge historical text, engraved with words that Qin Feng and Kalina could not understand.

Robin was shocked. Is this the legendary historical text that recorded a blank period of one hundred years?

While Robin was concentrating on deciphering, Qin Feng had asked Kalina to copy the original text.

""What is recorded on it?" Qin Feng asked.

Robin replied:"It records the ancient weapon"Pluto" guarded by the Nefertari royal family. This is an evil warship. It is said that a cannonball can destroy an island."

Sure enough, just as Qin Feng thought, the original history of the Kingdom of Alabasta recorded Pluto.

""Does the original text record the location of Pluto?" Qin Feng asked again.

Robin frowned and said,"Many place names are too complicated and I can't decipher them in a short time."

"It's okay, let's go out first and talk about it later"


"but what?"

"The name of an island is mentioned several times here."

"What island?"

"Endless Island."

When Qin Feng heard about Endless Island, his head buzzed. Isn't this the island where he practiced for ten years? How could it appear in the main text of history?

After a short period of immersive thinking, Qin Feng said:"Let's retreat first. There is no need to rush."


Just like that, the three of them left the underground of the palace. That night, Qin Feng handed the copied original text to Robin and said,"Be sure to keep it well. In this world, only you can restore the historical truth."

Robin nodded heavily and said,"Don't worry, Captain."

That night, Qin Feng lay in bed insomniac. There were many confusions in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. The next morning, when Nami was having breakfast, she couldn't help but complained,"My God, Captain, why are your dark circles so heavy?"

Qin Feng yawned and said,"Maybe it's because of the climate and water. I didn't sleep well last night."

"Here's a glass of milk. Go to sleep later."


There are many dry places in the Kingdom of Alabasta, and Nami, as the cloud ambassador, was specially invited to go there to bring rain.

For several days, Nami ran around every day and enjoyed it.

Qin Feng did not stop him. There was no way, he was just so kind-hearted.

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