The third route is on Greenland.

The Big Daddy Pirates' dreadnought battleship Sabre, pulled by the sea beast Moo, entered the port of this island.

Greenland, like Magnetic Drum Island, is a cold winter island.

This island is covered with snow for eight or nine months a year, and there are only three or four months of warm time, which allows the islanders to grow food and the animals on the island to reproduce.

In this harsh environment, Greenland does not have any special industries to support its development, so no pirate group will stay here for long.

Unlike Magnetic Drum Island on the next route, it was previously famous as a medical powerhouse in the world, attracting a lot of talents and developing the economy.

But all of this has now been destroyed by the stupid King Wapol. Now the situation on Magnetic Drum Island may be even worse than that of Greenland.

"Captain, we don't have a permanent pointer for the Plague Island, so we can only let the recording pointer store up the magnetic force of Greenland before we can go to the Plague Island. This may take a week!"

Nami, a navigator wearing a fashionable warm long coat, reported to Dai Die. She had just got off the ship to find out the magnetic storage time of this island.

"Let's see if there are any other pirate groups on this island."

Dai Die said lightly with his upper body naked, and then continued to exercise on the deck, letting the goose-feather-like white snow float onto his strong shoulders and then evaporated by the heat.

"Captain Dai Die meant that if other pirate groups already have stored magnetic force, or are close to stored record pointers, they should grab them!"

Bai Ji Kuluo raised his gold-framed glasses and immediately added his explanation. He knew that this captain didn't like to waste time.

""So that's how it is! You're really smart, Captain!"

Gizas Bajes and Edrag said excitedly. They couldn't wait to go to the island and make trouble, to give other pirate groups a warning and steal their record pointers.

They are pirates, so stealing things is a normal thing.

And now they are robbing other pirate groups, which means there will be a fight!

"There is no need for a captain for such a small matter. I believe you can handle it."

Baiji Kro said to the crew with a chuckle, which immediately made Bajes, Edrag, Iron Bear and others pat their chests and say that they will complete the task.

And Nami, De Zaya, Queen Sweetheart, Carmen and others, under the protection of the ghost man Ajin and the cat brothers, went off the ship to purchase supplies.

Whether it is island specialty products, clothes, food, all kinds of supplies need to be replenished. After all, the Big Daddy Pirates are not short of money now. The

Big Daddy Pirates, who robbed two islands and dozens of pirate groups, have as much gold and silver treasures as a cabin.

Baiji Kro He also got off the ship and went with Otokoshi Van Oka to collect information.

On the ship, two crazy practitioners, Dai Die and Zoro, were watching the ship, but with the sea beast Moo Moo around, no islander or pirate dared to approach this huge three-deck sailing ship.

And with that black pirate flag, any weak pirate group with a little bit of sense would not dare to provoke this East China Sea murderer.

At this time, a small boat was also approaching Greenland quickly.

When Du Q saw this huge pirate ship, he couldn't help but be a little curious. He was on Plague Island recently, and he didn't know the latest information about the Big Daddy Pirates.

"This flag seems to be the Rookie King from the East China Sea. I didn't expect him to be on this route. It's really fate!"

Poison Q immediately became interested in the Big Daddy Pirates. According to the previous newspaper description, this seems to be a brutal pirate group famous for massacres. This pirate style is a bit suitable for him.

Since I have met them, let's test my fate.

I don't know if his bounty matches his strength. I hope it's not a waste pirate group mixed with too much water!

"Zhuangzhuang, go up!"

The skilled and courageous Poison Q is not afraid of this kind of rookie pirate group. I wonder if Big Daddy Babaaya has enough luck to survive in his hands.

Hearing the master's order, the skinny horse actually carried Poison Q and ran vertically onto the huge pirate ship.

The sea beast Moo Moo also roared after discovering them, and these movements made Dai Die and Zoro, who were concentrating on training, frown. Is there really someone who dares to cross the sea beast Moo Moo to provoke them?

""Captain, do you need an apple?"

Zhuangzhuang had already boarded the deck of the dreadnought battleship Sabre with Du Q on his back. When he saw Dai Die and Zoro, he asked them with a basket of apples, like an old man selling apples.

Dai Die didn't expect this guy to come to him on his own initiative!

What's wrong with this world? Has he awakened the protagonist's halo?

He walked straight towards the old man-like Grim Reaper, Du Q!

"You eat one first! Prove that you are qualified to live!"

Dai Die's right hand suddenly grabbed Du Q's collar and lifted him up, then he picked up an apple with his left hand and put it into Du Q's mouth.

Du Q did not expect Dai Die to play by his own rules. He struggled hard, but found that the other party was so strong that he could not escape at all.

He immediately activated the ability of the Disease-Disease Fruit, and the virus silently rushed towards Dai Die, but a barrier ball appeared in Dai Die's right hand, instantly covering Du Q and completely covering him.

Dai Die's right hand was still holding Du Q, and the dark armed color was defending against Du Q's virus attack.

""What! You don't believe in your luck either?"

Dai Die said with a big laugh, and then, under Du Q's panicked and confused eyes, he put the apple in his left hand into his mouth and bit it.

However, it didn't explode!

"Death God, Poison Q, are you interested in being the ship's doctor on my ship?"

Dai Die said to Poison Q with a smile while eating an apple, but his tone was full of irresistible flavor, and everyone could hear the consequences of rejection. Poison Q really didn't expect that his test would have several twists and turns, but it was obvious that this guy had recognized him and knew about his explosive apple trap.

However, Dai Die's luck was really good. He actually got the only normal apple, and his strength was stronger than his own. He was not the kind of bounty that was piled up by massacres.

Is this his destined new captain?

"Isn't this the guidance of fate? My Captain!"

Death God Poison Q smiled and put away all the viruses, then lowered his head and whispered to Dai Die.

"Haha! Yes, this is fate!

Du Q, in fact, as soon as you got on the boat, I knew we had found the right person!"

Dai Die laughed, and after he untied the barrier ball, he put Du Q back on the back of the skinny horse.

"Captain Dai Die knew that there was a bomb in my apple, but he still chose to eat it. This courage and luck will not lie to me!"

Du Q believed more and more that this young rookie king might be the tough guy he was waiting for.

As for why Dai Die was able to choose a normal apple, it might be luck, or it might be his observation Haki, and of course it might be the confidence given to him by his Armament Haki and Barrier Fruit. Anyway, just bite it!


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