Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 130 Rayleigh’S Special Training


Rear training ground at Naval Headquarters Marineford.

As Marine's Instructor, Zephyr leads his students in unremitting training every day.

Zephyr reminded loudly: "You all must train hard and strive to eliminate more pirates in the future."

"Yes, Teacher Zephyr." The Marine students responded in unison.

Garp walked up to the side and said with a smile: "Seeing this scene is really like when we were young. Think about how time flies."

"Yes! We are old, but we must also consider the new generation of Marine." Zephyr nodded in response.

Garp laughed and said, "Yes! We really need to lay a good foundation for the new generation of Marines. After all, the pirates we need to face in this era are not simple."

The person Garp is referring to is none other than Luo Chen, the leader of the new era.

If you want to deal with Luo Chen, then Marine needs to get more power to be able to deal with Luo Chen.

So in the meantime, we need these old guys to continue to shine.

Prepare the way for a new generation of Marine.

At the same time, the Calm Belt, the first half of the Grand Line, is on an island somewhere.

The Straw Hat Pirates are actively training.

Rayleigh held a wooden stick and continued to guide the Straw Hat Pirates and others.

Rayleigh smiled very satisfied with the Straw Hat Pirates and said: "Very good! Very good. Sanji has learned how to use Observation Haki, Zoro has learned how to cover Armament Haki, and Luffy has also learned how to use Armament." Haki uses it."



Rayleigh's complimentary comments made the Straw Hat Pirates and others very happy, indicating that their special training was effective.

Rayleigh then focused on Straw Hat Luffy and continued: "The next step, Luffy, in addition to mastering Observation Haki as soon as possible, also needs to learn how to accurately control Conqueror's Haki."

"How to learn how to accurately control Conqueror's Haki can help you lay a stronger Haki foundation in the future."

"I know, Rayleigh." Straw Hat Luffy stroked the straw hat on his head and responded with a smile.

The reason is that Sanji mastered Observation Haki first, and Zoro mastered Armament Haki first.

It's because Rayleigh told everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates how to use the two-color Haki.

The focus of training is also for the Straw Hat Pirates to explore individually.

therefore! Sanji mastered the Observation Haki first, and Zoro mastered the Armament Haki first, but both of them were close to fully mastering the two-color Haki.

After a while, the only people still training were Straw Hat Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Franky. The others found a place to rest not far away.

After all, maintaining high-intensity training is quite a burden for them.



Chopper lay on the ground exhausted and said, "Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji Franky are so amazing! We can continue training."

"Yes! Especially Franky can keep up with that kind of training intensity." Usopp also responded very tiredly.

Brook sat on the ground and leaned against the big tree and said, "But it looks like Franky can't hold on anymore!!"

"You three idiots, you should learn from Franky and see how seriously he trains?" Nami on the side directly started the so-called criticism mode.

Usopp, Brook, and Chopper instantly felt deep despair, mainly because Nami's expression was so terrifying.

Robin gently covered his mouth with his right hand and said with a smile, "Everyone is so energetic!"

At this time, Rayleigh, who was supervising the training, said loudly: "Okay, the training is over, let's take a rest! Have lunch and continue training in the afternoon."

As soon as Rayleigh finished speaking, Franky couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed on the ground, gasping for air.

Just now, I was relying entirely on willpower to keep supporting me. Now that I stopped, my whole body was completely discouraged, and a huge feeling of fatigue came over me instantly.

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji were also very tired, but not as exaggeratedly as Franky.

Rayleigh put one hand in his pocket, walked up to Luffy and the others, and said: "Starting from this afternoon, we will no longer continue group training, because group training will lead to lower efficiency for your personal improvement."



Seeing that everyone in the Straw Hats was listening carefully, Rayleigh nodded with satisfaction and continued: "The next people who will mainly improve their combat effectiveness are Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. The rest of you will conduct extended training to target your respective abilities. Developing your strengths will be more helpful to you.”

Robin smiled intellectually: "Mr. Rayleigh, you are worthy of being the deputy captain of the Pirate King. Your training is all targeted."

Nami immediately followed and said: "That's right! Without Mr. Rayleigh's guidance, these idiots don't know when they would have achieved the strength they have today."

"Haha~" Rayleigh chuckled softly: "You two little girls are really sweet-mouthed."

Except for Robin and Nami, everyone else was stunned for a moment. Were they sold by Nami and Robin? ?

Suddenly Rayleigh's expression became serious and said: "Luffy, I will increase the amount of training for you next. After all, the enemies you will face in the future are now extremely powerful."

"Yeah! Come on! Rayleigh, I'm determined to be the Pirate King." Luffy clenched his fists and responded confidently.

Zoro, Sanji and others also looked unusually determined.

Seeing this scene, Rayleigh smiled happily. These young men actually have a bright future.

As long as we keep working hard, we will definitely be able to stand at the top of the sea in the future.



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