“Lord Karp!”

Seeing Karp looking towards him and the others, a naval soldier at the head plucked up the courage to take a step forward and continued, “Colonel Mouse… Wake up after you’re gone, and… Then he committed suicide in fear of sin! ”


Karp stared at his eyes in disbelief, “Committed suicide in fear of sin? ”

“Yes… Yes! ”

The soldier nodded, “Colonel Rat said that he has made too many mistakes over the years… I’m sorry for the navy uniform on my body, and I have no face to Lord Karp, so… So I committed suicide! ”

“The old man is back?”

Without waiting for Karp to come back to his senses, Xia Yu came out of a mushroom house room and said in surprise, “So soon?” Did Aaron and his gang catch it? ”

At this moment, two soldiers who followed Karp trotted into the courtyard and shouted at Karp, who was a little confused by the second monk, “Lord Karp, Aaron and his gang have all been escorted to the warship, may I ask if you want to rush back to the headquarters immediately?” ”

Hearing the words of these two naval soldiers, the navy of the 16th division, which was trembling in the courtyard a moment ago, secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Sure enough, Mr. Xia Yu sincerely did not deceive them, and Along’s gang was arrested by Lieutenant General Karp, and they must have finished playing!

Karp did not speak, and after staring at Colonel Mouse without blinking, he raised his head to look at Xia Yu. If Colonel Rat really colluded with pirates like Aaron and his gang, he would never have committed such a feat as committing suicide, with his experience over the years, as long as such naval scum happened, the first thing he did was cry and beg for mercy or weave various reasons to prove that they were helpless.

So, his intuition told him that Colonel Rat was not afraid of committing suicide.

However, although he thought so in his heart, he still did not break it. After a moment of silence, he slowly stood up and said to the two soldiers who came to report, “You are responsible for escorting the members of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group back, the old man is not over yet!” As for Sengoku there, I will inform him with a phone worm! ”


The two naval soldiers were also very crisp, and after saluting Karp, they tacitly took advantage of the situation to glance at the mouse colonel lying on the ground and left with a stomach full of doubts.


As soon as the two soldiers left, Karp suddenly spoke, glared at the subordinates of the mouse, and said in a deep voice, “What are you still stunned to do, hurry back to your branch, and then make a report on everything that happened here, report it to the naval headquarters, and let them arrange for a new colonel to come and take up his post as soon as possible!” ”

How dare the subordinates of the rats snub, before Karp finished speaking, they picked up their respective clothes and guns, resisted the rats and rushed out of the courtyard gate.

Looking at the group of navies that were embarrassed to leave, Karp shook his head and sighed, it was hard for him to imagine that these soldiers were the navy of their naval department to uphold justice!

“Everything is over, old man?”

Just when Karp shook his head and sighed at these navies, Xia Yu, who had already walked to the wooden table, suddenly spoke, and said with a smile, “Since the matter at hand is over, isn’t it time to settle our accounts?” ”

“You still dare to settle the bill with the old man?”

Karp quickly came to sit down opposite Xia Yu, and said in a rough voice, “Colonel Mouse, you killed it, little ghost!” ”


Xia Yu’s eyes widened, unable to believe, “Yes, old man, can’t eat the overlord meal, and change the planting to blame?” Sure enough, the rat is just a back-pot man, the real scum of the Navy…”

“Hey, hey, hey…”

Seeing that Xia Yu was involved in this again, Karp quickly waved his hand to stop it, “Give it, can’t the old man give it?” ”

Saying that, Karp scratched around on his body, and then took out a stack of crumpled Bailey and put it on the table, “So much for the old man!” ”

Looking at the Bailey that Karp took out, Xia Yu counted it in a similar way, and then looked sideways at the flat head who had just rushed into the yard after Karp, “Flat head, this old man wants to pay the bill…”

“Enough, little ghost!”

Seeing that Xia Yu actually let the flat head bite himself again, Karp almost exploded on the spot, glaring and roaring, “Here is 200,000 Bailey!” If it’s in Rogue Town or other places, it’s enough to eat dozens of bowls of snake soup! ”

“Can their snake soup make you ten or twenty years younger?”

Xia Yu stretched out his hand to stop Xia Pingtou, forced a smile and said, “So be it, half a million Bailey!” It can’t be less, the rest, you stay in the mushroom house to work to settle the bill, how? ”


Karp really wanted to smash Xia Yu into the soil, if it weren’t for the fact that Xia Yu let him not only solve the matter of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group and the scum of the Navy, even if he didn’t beat Xia Yu, he would be too lazy to talk nonsense with Xia Yu and turn around and leave directly.

However, Xia Yu’s final suggestion made him a little moved.

It’s time for him to take a vacation, and this mushroom house is clearly perfect for his vacation. As for the work, he has no problem, digging the ground to farm and chop firewood, these are things he will do in his spare time, a piece of cake!

Thinking of this, Karp suddenly calmed down and tentatively asked, “Can you really stay here and work to settle the bill?” ”

“Of course, eat and wrap up!”

Xia Yu showed a harmless smile and continued, “However, I have to hand over 500,000 first!” ”

“You wait.”

Surprisingly, Karp didn’t talk any more nonsense, got up and ran out.

Although he has no money on him, there are so many subordinates on his warship, and one person makes up one person, how can he make up the 300,000 that is still missing. Even if the soldiers don’t, he seems to have a little private money hidden, which should be enough!


Today’s fourth more, ask for flowers, ask for scored votes! Ask for a wave of tips and support, brothers. Don’t ask for more, just ask for 100 VIP points. There is not a single figure on the fan list, the book review area is also lifeless, and the flowers and rating votes are pitiful. Give some motivation, brothers! Wow woo woo ~ ~


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