Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 120: 5 old stars

Holy Land Mary Joa.

This is the place where the Tianlong people live, and it is also the headquarters of the world government that rules this world.

In a luxurious and spacious hall, five energetic old people were sitting or standing, discussing face to face.

Any decision made by these five people will have a huge impact on the world. Because they are the core of the power of the world government, the actual controllers of the world government, the five old stars.

"Nature is a person with the ability to ring the thunder fruit, Anilu..."

"Dare to challenge Whitebeard alone, and he can still retreat from Whitebeard's hands. His ability is indeed worthy of attention."

"It's a big loss for the World Government to fail to obtain such a powerful Devil Fruit."

Even though the World Government has been established for 800 years, it is still unable to fully control the Devil Fruit. This is a headache for the Five Old Stars.

If you can fully master the core technology of this world, then building an army composed entirely of devil fruit powers is a simple matter, and you can easily conquer the whole world.

Unfortunately, the appearance of Devil Fruits is uncontrollable. After hundreds of years of research, the regularity of its appearance has not been found.

"The appearance of the Devil Fruit is not something we can control. Let's first consider how to deal with this natural thunder fruit person!"

"That's right, challenging Whitebeard and getting Whitebeard's approval is the same situation as Redhead back then."

"Whitebeard Edward Newgate, Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Red-haired Shanks, the existence of these four emperors in the new world is enough, we can't add a fifth..."

"The appearance of the new emperor may break the current pattern of the four emperors and let these pirates kill each other."

"The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed in the ant's nest. Once the camp of the three major forces collapses, it will definitely bring a direct impact to the world. It must be balanced."

"Even if you want to break the pattern, you should increase the strength of this side. Why don't you try to invite him to become the king's Qiwuhai!"

"Wangxia Qiwuhai has been full for many years, and now adding another one, I'm afraid it won't be able to convince the public."

"Let's invite you first. If he really agrees, he can remove the current Qiwuhai. Anyway, they are not clean. It's easy to find some reason to remove them."

"Well, don't act rashly first, arrange for someone to contact him secretly and see how to deal with it."

Looking at the reward list placed on the table by Anilu, the Five Old Stars decided to deal with him one by one.

Ainilu came down from the empty island. Although Qiu He was a little surprised, he was more happy.

His little butterfly finally brought some big changes to the world.

For the past two years, Qiu He has been looking for an opportunity to go to the empty island again to see if the pile of gold he didn't take away is still there.

It's a pity that Qiu He was followed by others when he traveled before, and this time he traveled alone was also limited in time, so he had to wait for the next opportunity.

"Power, there is no freedom without power."

Qiu He stretched out his hand and grabbed the sky, gave it a virtual shake, sighed softly, picked up the newspaper, and started to pass the time.

The newspapers sold by Newsbird are very similar to the newspapers in the previous world of Qiuhe. In addition to the recent major events, there are also various advertisements, lace news, and some interesting stories.

Where there is demand, there is a market, as is the case in any world.

And what Qiu He likes to read the most is the "One Thousand and One Stories of Beji" published in the newspaper every issue, which tells the various stories of the protagonist Beji on the great route.

Of course, this story is fake, but the stories in it are all changed from real stories. From this story, Qiu He can get a lot of information about the great route.

"Hey huh."

Qiu He was concentrating on reading the newspaper when Xiao Jin suddenly shouted, pulling Qiu He's clothes with his mouth, and sending vague information to Qiu He's mind.

someone... at sea...

Qiu He hurriedly looked down at the sea.

I saw a small wooden boat without a sail, drifting with the waves on the sea, and there was nothing else on the wooden boat except a crying child.

Seeing such a scene, Qiu He instantly thought that something happened.

Although there are many people in this world who go out to sea in small wooden boats, and there are even people who stuff themselves in wooden barrels and drift, but this kind of thing does not work here.

You must know that this is a great route, and the weather is unpredictable. Just sailing in a small wooden boat is completely dead, let alone a child.

Of course, it is also possible that the child accidentally drifted off the island by boat, but Qiu He felt that there was still a greater possibility of an incident, because this is how the world is.

Controlled the storm robot to descend and docked beside the small wooden boat.

When the child saw the robot suddenly appearing beside him, he immediately stopped crying, and he didn't feel scared. Instead, he stared at the storm robot and shouted, "Wow... that's amazing."

Qiu He jumped and jumped onto the small wooden boat. In order to avoid overturning the boat, Qiu He deliberately clicked in the air when approaching the boat, UU reading www.uukanshu. com slowed down the force falling on the boat.

Even so, the little wooden boat couldn't bear Qiu He's sudden addition, and shook violently.

As for Qiu He who suddenly appeared on the boat, the little girl was obviously a little scared, and she stepped back.

As the ship swayed violently, she retreated, and the little girl deflected and fell into the sea.

Qiu He quickly reached out and grabbed the little girl to prevent him from falling into the sea. He smiled and said to the little girl, "Be careful!"

"Wow~woo~ Weird uncle is going to eat people."

However, the little girl did not appreciate it. She stared at Qiu He, and tears fell instantly, fully explaining the statement that women are made of water.

"Strange, strange uncle! Am I so old?" Qiu He touched his face, and instantly doubted life.

Well, he has to admit that he has been too busy recently and forgot to shave. He has a lot of stubble on his face, and he does look older.

"Don't be afraid, little one, my brother is a navy and a good guy." Qiu He pulled the cloak behind his back, took out some cakes from his backpack and handed it to the little girl.

The island where the little girl lives should not have been bullied by the bad navy. Therefore, seeing Qiu He's attire, the little girl is no longer afraid.

"Eat slowly, no one will rob you." Qiu He patted the little girl's back, took out water from her backpack, and handed it to her.

After the little girl was full, Qiu He began to ask what happened and why she was floating on the sea alone.

And the little girl's answer made Qiu He speechless for a moment.

Because she was angry with her parents, she ran to hide in a small wooden boat by the sea, and accidentally fell asleep. When she woke up, she found that she was floating at sea.

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