Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 160: Smoke

A sailor rushed into the Colonel's office in a panic, but the whole room was filled with smoke, making it impossible to see the figure at all.

However, the sailors were already used to such a situation, resisting the urge to sneeze, and shouted loudly, "Master Smoker, it's not good!"

"Calm down, what's the matter."

The smoke gradually dissipated, revealing Smoker, who was sitting on the sofa with his upper body bare and smoking.

"Uh!" The sea soldier paused and said cautiously, "A man came from outside, claiming to be the brigadier general of the headquarters, and said he wanted to see you."

For these navies stationed in the four seas, it is not a good thing for the officers of the headquarters, or generals, to come suddenly.

"Brigadier General of the Headquarters? It's called Qiu He!"

Smoker stood up, walked to the window, and pushed it open. Due to the convection, the smoke in the room quickly disappeared.

"Yeah~ That's right, it's called Qiu He." Hai Bing was stunned, the situation seemed to be a little different from what he imagined.

"Is that so, it's finally here." Picking up the jacket stuffed with cigars and slowly putting it on, Smoker looked at the sailor, "Where is he now."

"I've already taken it to the reception room."

"That guy who is familiar but not polite, he has to get rid of the matter quickly."

Smoker sighed softly and walked towards the door.

A month ago, he received news from the headquarters that Qiu He would arrive soon.

To be honest, Smog doesn't like Qiu He, whether it's his familiar character or his bad way of doing things.

Qiu He was sitting on the sofa in the reception room, drinking tea and having refreshments.

At this moment, the door of the reception room suddenly opened, and Smoker walked in.

Qiu He didn't get up either, and greeted Smog with a smile on his teacup, "Yo, smoker, long time no see, my lungs are alright lately."

"Don't worry about Brigadier General Qiuhe, I'm in good health." Smog frowned slightly, walked to the sofa opposite Qiuhe and sat down, "Also, please call me Smog."

"Hahaha, isn't the name "Smoker" very nice, it's kind and nice, and it matches you."

Qiu He stood up with a chuckle, walked to the window, and pushed it open.

Qiu He doesn't like smoking, nor does he like the smell of cigarettes. Every time he sees someone smoking, he has the urge to throw someone's cigarette on the ground and stamp it out.

But Qiu He knew that it was very rude to do so, so he kept restraining himself. It was only more than a year ago that he met Smog for the first time. Unable to hold back, he poured a basin of water on him.

"I don't think our relationship is so good."

Seeing Qiu He's movements, Smoker consciously took out the cigar in his mouth and extinguished it.

"Hahaha, I'm still angry about what happened back then, haven't I already apologized?"

Qiu He smiled awkwardly and sat back on the sofa.

"Some things can't be solved by an apology."

Smog gets angry when he thinks of what happened back then. Back then, he reluctantly spent half a year's wages to buy two boxes of limited-edition premium cigars. Who would have thought that he had just smoked it, and before he had a taste of it, he was thrown by Qiu He. basin of water.

In fact, it didn't matter if he got wet with water. The most important thing was that the two boxes of cigars he just bought were all wet. Even if they were dried, they couldn't smoke.

If it weren't for the presence of many people at the time, Smog almost fought with Qiu He, and after adjustment, Qiu He apologized to him, and the matter would be settled, but Qiu He was hated by him.

"Stop talking, you're here this time about that huge cannon!"

When the headquarters contacted him a month ago, he had already said this, so Smog was very clear about Qiu He's purpose of coming here.

"It's a naval cannon."

Qiu He took out the information about the naval cannon and put it in front of Smog.

"I don't know what the group of people in the headquarters thought. Ever since I took charge of this town, have any pirates who broke into this place escaped? Why waste money doing this kind of thing."

Smog casually picked up the information on the table and looked at it with disdain.

"That's why you don't understand, the battleship cannon is a man's romance. Besides, with your ability, it's impossible to stay in this small place all the time. This thing will be used sooner or later."

Qiu He didn't care about Smog's contempt at all, anyway, this thing was originally taken out to cheat the budget, it was just a random thing he made.

If Smoker dared to take this attitude towards something he worked so hard to make, Qiu He would definitely let him try the ice bucket challenge.

Throwing the document lightly on the table, Smog looked at Qiu He and asked, "So, what assistance do you need?"

Qiu He once again took out a document and placed it in front of Smog, and said softly, "Assist? Did you make a mistake?"

"Aren't you responsible for building this naval cannon? We are responsible for assisting?"

Smog picked up the information with a little doubt and flipped through it.

"I'm just here to send the design drawings and core components. How to build it, who builds it, where it is built, and how long it will take to finish it is your own business."

Looking at Smoker's frown, UU read www. uukanshu. Com Qiuhe smiled lightly, picked up the tea and ate it.

Looking at the design drawings that made people head over heels for two, Smoker asked angrily, "Then what are you here for?"

"Me?" Qiu He pointed his finger at himself, and said with a smile, "I'm here to travel."

"It looks like you will be very busy next, so you don't need to do your best as a landlord. I'll go out for a walk by myself, don't care about me."

Qiu He waved his hand, and the core of the huge cannon appeared in the reception room. Because it was too heavy, it even cracked the floor. After doing all this, Qiu He jumped out of the window.

The things Qiuhe has already been delivered. As for how Smog moves out the core of the cannon, which is much larger than the door, it is not his responsibility.

Smog hurried to the window and looked out the window, only to find that Qiu He had disappeared.

"This guy!"

Smog had blue veins on his forehead, took out a cigar from his clothes, lit it, took a breath, and gradually calmed down.

"By the way, I forgot to tell him something else." Smog suddenly remembered that the headquarters had notified Qiu He to go back quickly, but thinking of Qiu He's bad character, he shook his head, "Forget it, forget it."

"Ah! After you're done, just wander around for a while and go to another island, so as not to be caught by that guy."

Qiu He walked on the street happily, thinking about which island to go to next.

The town of Rogge certainly cannot stay for long. The naval artillery he designed is not something that is easy to manufacture. In fact, this thing could have been further optimized, but Qiu He didn't waste time doing it.

When Smog finds someone to start production, he will probably go crazy, so it's best to run away early.

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