Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 268: Bubble Island

The island of Sissippi is in the first part of the "Paradise" in the first half of the Great Route, and it is very close to the Kingdom of Alabasta, but the two are on different routes.

However, Qiu He has the permanent record pointer of Alabasta in his hand, so he can easily get there.

Following Qiu He to find the historical text placed under the Alabasta Royal Cemetery, Robin was very happy and excited at first, but after reading the content of the historical text, the whole person became silent.

Robin finally adjusted his mood, and within a few days, after reading the historical text of Sky Island, the whole person became more depressed.

Robin couldn't understand why the two historical texts coincidentally recorded the location of ancient weapons. She knew the location of two of the three ancient weapons at a glance, which made Robin wonder if Qiu He was fighting. Uneasy at first.

Thinking of this, Robin immediately found a lot of doubts.

Why did Crocodile lurking in Alabasta for so many years without finding the historical text, but Qiu He knew where the historical text was placed.

The same is true for the historical text of the empty island. It is clearly at an altitude of 10,000 meters. How did Qiuhe find it.

Found it while you were passing by on an adventure? This is too coincidental.

There is also the fish-man island that is about to go. The historical text there will not record the whereabouts of the king.

When she knows the whereabouts of the three ancient weapons, Qiuhe will find a way to get rid of her and rule the world after obtaining the three ancient weapons?

No, he has the identity of the revolutionary army. Could it be that the revolutionary army intends to use these ancient weapons to overthrow the rule of the world government?

Under Robin's suspicion, the two successfully reached the Chambord Islands.


This is a very magical world. Because of the climate and species, many magical islands have been formed, such as the sky island that Qiuhe went to before, which is at an altitude of 10,000 meters, such as the fish-man island that is going to be under the deep sea. Another example is the Chambord Archipelago, which has no land.

The Chambord Archipelago, also known as the "Soap Bubble Archipelago", is not a complete island, but an island composed of 79 large trees called "Alchiman Mangrove", because the roots of the trees are always exposed on the water. , so the Chambord Islands are formed, and the ground is the root of the tree.

The biggest feature of the Chambord Archipelago is the special natural resin secreted by the roots of the mangrove tree due to respiration. The resin is expanded by the air to form bubbles and then fly into the sky.

Since the bubbles are only suitable for climates within the range of the Alquimia mangroves, once the bubbles leave the climatic realm of the Chambord Islands, the resinous component will blow up because it cannot fully exert its power.

Bubble cars, Bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on Bubble... Bubble culture has penetrated into every corner of the Chambord Archipelago.

The Chambord Archipelago is very close to Mary Joa, the holy land where the world's aristocratic Tianlong people live, so there are often Tianlong people here, which is almost the back garden of the Tianlong people.

At the same time, this is the only way to go to the new world in the first half of the Great Route. Pirates from several different routes of the Great Route will eventually gather here, and since there are countless pirates, it will naturally attract a large number of pirates. bounty hunter.

Coupled with the navy that maintains order, the organization under the World Government that protects the safety of the Tianlong people, and the Chamber of Commerce alliance that does not even want to make money, the situation in the Chambord Islands is not just a mix of fish and dragons.

However, various groups have long been tacit, and in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, the Chambord Archipelago has already divided areas where different people gather according to area codes.

Since the Chambord Islands are near the headquarters of the navy, the navy stationed here is very powerful, and even the generals of the headquarters will come here to hang out when they have something to do.

Therefore, the pirates on the island are very honest. Generally, they go shopping and buy things when the boat is being coated, and then quickly flash people after the coating is done.

So the safety here is still very guaranteed.

The invisible storm robot reached the sky above the island, Qiu He jumped directly with Robin in his arms, and landed on the soft and sticky ground.

Putting Robin down gently, Qiu He took a deep breath of the resinous fragrance with a light natural taste, unlocking the camouflage effect on himself and Robin.

The figures of Qiu He and Robin suddenly appeared on the island, but they were covered by colorful bubbles, but no one noticed them.

Raising his head, Qiu He glanced at the numbered Alchemy mangrove tree in the middle, and determined that they were now in area 43.

Although he had never been to this island, Qiu He had done his homework when he was in the navy. Their location should belong to the sightseeing and shopping area, and they could indeed see many people holding bubbles with items.

This is also one of the bubble cultures in the Chambord Islands. A rope is attached to the bubble, which can be used as a bag for purchasing items. The buoyancy of the bubble offsets the weight of the goods, making it easy and labor-saving.

Unfortunately, this thing was of no use to Qiu He, who had a backpack.

"It's rare to come to this kind of shopping paradise, why don't you go shopping for a while!"

Shopping and shopping are women's nature, and Robin is no exception. After all, she usually looks fashionable.

After thinking about it, Qiu He added, "Don't worry, the money will be paid by me, you can buy and buy with confidence."

"Okay, I happen to know a good bookstore."

Robin smiled slightly and stepped forward.

Not long ago, she followed Crockdale here once, and she still knew something about the island.

The last time she took a fancy to a few books, but unfortunately, because of the sudden attack of the Admiral, she failed to buy it, but now she can buy it.

Moreover, the past few days of getting along have also let her know that Qiuhe has the ability to pack a lot of things. Maybe this time she can pack all the bookstore away.

If Qiu He knew what Robin was thinking~www.NovelMTL.com~ I wonder if he would regret agreeing to pay.

The two stepped on the soft and sticky ground and slowly approached Area 41.

A newly formed air bubble slowly emerged from Qiu He's feet and floated into the air.

Qiu He grabbed it and squeezed the bubble in his hand.

"This island is all covered with flammable resin. If someone who has a heart finds a corner to light a fire, will the island burn up?"

Resin is a flammable substance, and the one secreted by the mangrove tree is no exception. Qiuhe was very curious about how those people thought of building a city on it back then.

Robin didn't answer, bowed his head slightly, and his face became sad.

Qiu He's words reminded her of her hometown, the island that was bombarded by the Demon Slaughter Order and disappeared in flames.

"Well, Qiuhe, do you want to know the whereabouts of the ancient weapons?"

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