Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 278: Require

Naval Headquarters, in the Office of Marshal Sengoku.

Warring States sat in his chair with a solemn expression, thinking about why Qiu He would go to the Chambord Islands at this juncture.

You must know that Qiuhe's wanted notice has only been released for a few months. In terms of the world's backward information transmission technology, Qiuhe's news is far from cooling down, and it can even be said that it has just reached its peak.

However, at this time, instead of finding a place to stay and fading out of the vision of the World Government, he went to the Chambord Archipelago so close to the headquarters of the Navy. Isn't this a pure act of courting death?

Does he really think the Navy can't find his whereabouts? Or did he think the Navy couldn't keep him even if they found him?

Or is there something he has to do at the cusp of such a storm, and making money is his real purpose?

The 10 billion yuan in heaven is not enough to spend. Is it because the revolutionary army has recently carried out a major operation that requires a large amount of money?

The Warring States period pondered for a moment, and decided to wait for the outcome of the matter to talk to the Five Old Stars.

Admiral Akainu sat on the sofa, staring gloomily at the teacup on the table, looking like a volcano about to erupt.

"I should go with me. His existence will only bring shame to the justice of the Navy and must be cleared as soon as possible."

"Kizuna, Aokiji, and Zilong are all gone. If the three of them can't catch him, even if they add one more of you, it won't help."

Two generals plus a general candidate, logically speaking, it is more than enough to catch Qiu He.

However, there is a feeling in the heart of the Warring States that things are not as simple as imagined.

"However, he was recruited into the navy by me, and I should have captured him with my own hands."

Akainu clenched his fists, the back of his hand began to gradually turn red, and the lava overflowed from the back of his hand.

"It's not your fault. He lied to all of us. Even if it's another person, it won't be much better."

Sengoku picked up the green tea in front of him, took a sip, and gently guided Akainu.

Akainu's temperament is too hot, and he believes in absolute justice, which is a good thing and a bad thing.

In order to prevent him from messing around, Warring States would call him to the office and stare at him.

"Marshal, new situation... The Palace of Saints and Cabarenes of Corinth has been hijacked in Mangrove 15, Chambord."

An admiral rushed into the marshal's office in a hurry, and spit out quite bad news.


The overly surprised Sengoku directly sprayed out the tea that he had just imported but had no time to swallow.

"What a joke, hasn't the yellow monkey already arrived at the Chambord Archipelago! Why would someone hijack the Tianlong people..."

Just halfway through the words, a figure flashed in his mind, and Sengoku couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

"The one who hijacked the Tianlong people, shouldn't it be..."

The general had a wry smile on his face and replied, "It's Qiu He of the revolutionary army. General Huang Yuan has already fought against him, but because he is hijacking the Tianlong people, General Huang Yuan has to stop."

Sure enough it was him.

Warring States couldn't help but have a headache. He had already guessed that Qiu He, a daring fellow, would definitely not do anything good when he went to the Chambord Islands.

But he didn't expect it to be such a big deal.

First it was Heavenly Gold, then it was Advance City, and now it was Heavenly Dragon Man, each of which was enough for the World Government to sentence him to death.

It is really not to worry if there is too much debt, and not to bite if there are too many lice.

Sengoku wanted to ask something more, but at this moment, the telex bug on his desk suddenly rang 'Blu Blu Bleu'.

He glanced at the general with the pestle there, and then decisively picked up the telexworm's microphone.

"Hey, is it Mr. Warring States? It's really sad. My colleague has a fight, but he didn't even tell me when he changed the number. I have to ask Uncle Yellow Monkey for your phone number."

It had only been a few months, and of course the Warring States could hear it. This was Qiu He's voice, but compared to when he was in the Navy Headquarters, Qiu He's voice became a lot more cheerful.

Warring States ignored Qiu He's nonsense and asked directly, "Qiu He... What's your purpose of hijacking the Tianlong people? You shouldn't just want to contact me!"

"Go straight to the topic? I wanted to reminisce, but I don't mind if I have something to say."

On the other end of the phone bug, Qiu He chatted with Warring States in an old acquaintance-like tone. From the phone bug's expression, it could be seen that the smile on Qiu He's face had not changed.

"Actually, my request is very simple. It's really just a small request. I want the identity of Qiwuhai."

Qiu He whispered his request, and made this request as simple as eating and sleeping, as if the Warring States could do it by raising his hand.

"Haha." After hearing Qiu He's words, Warring States couldn't help but feel happy, "Do you think this is possible?"

"Why is it impossible, because of the organization problem? No, Qiwuhai is not full now. Even if the world government has already selected candidates, as long as they have not been announced, they can be exchanged."

"Or I'm afraid that my deterrence against other pirates is not enough. You shouldn't have to worry about this. Anyway, I also killed the lonely red Baroric Redfield, the evil ruler Abaro Pizarro, the huge People with ferocious criminals, such as the battleship San Juan Bad Wolf, should also have some deterrent power."

"By the way, it must be because of my identity as a revolutionary army! Don't worry, as long as I become Qiwuhai, I will immediately announce that I will cut my relationship with the revolutionary army. Damn, those guys, let me take the blame. I took all the Baileys that I finally got my hands on, so I have to sell things to survive."

Warring States didn't speak for a while, he didn't know if it was Qiu He's real thoughts or another lie.

However, Qiuhe's deal was impossible from the beginning.

The Tianlongren can be exchanged for the position of the Qiwuhai. Once such a precedent is set, the pirates who have a little idea in the future can take advantage of the Tianlongren to hijack the Tianlongren in exchange for the identity of the Qiwuhai.

If things go on like this, Qiwuhai will have to increase its establishment and change its name to Baiwuhai~www.NovelMTL.com~ Qianwuhai, or even Wanwuhai.

"It's not because the weight of two Tianlong people is not enough to exchange for the position of Qiwuhai. I don't know if the weight of that one Tianlong person is enough."

Maybe it was because the Warring States period was silent for a long time, and Qiu He, who was opposite the phone bug, made a direct threat.

"Don't, if you kill the Tianlong people, it's really impossible to talk about it."

Although he knew that Qiu He was only a threat, the Warring States did not dare to gamble, and hurriedly stopped him.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, in the end, this matter is still your problem. Obviously, the revolutionary army asked me to do it. You actually put a reward of 1 billion bailey on me. I can only go like this."

There are basically only two ways to get rid of the bounty on Qiu He, one is to kill him, and the other is to become Qiwuhai.

Of course, this is just talking about the Warring States period. In fact, Qiu He's purpose is not to become Qiwuhai.

Even if he really wanted to become Qiwuhai, the world government would not allow it.

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