Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 290: fishman street

"From the source?"

King Neptune repeated Qiu He's words, and he had probably guessed Qiu He's plan.

"That's right, from the source. The curse of the white star is the effect of Van der Deaken's fruit ability. As long as he is killed, this kind of thing can be lifted."

Qiu He's expression was very relaxed. Although Vander Daiken was a big problem that plagued Dragon Palace City for many years, for Qiu He, it was no more difficult than crushing an ant.

After all, the real-time location of that Van der Deaken N was already in Qiu He's hands.

"Can you really catch him?"

King Neptune's eyes were restrained, and there was a trace of distrust on his face.

King Neptune knew very well how slick Vander Deacon was. After all, his three sons had been chasing him for so many years and could not be caught.

Qiu He's strength is indeed strong. He has experienced it himself, but to capture Vander Deaken, it is not enough to be strong.

"I'm talking about killing, not arresting. Vander Deacon is now on Fishman Street."

When Qiuhe was hanging out on the fish-man island, Xiao Jin was not idle either. He kept running around on the fish-man island, helping Qiuhe to draw a map. Now basically the whole fish-man island is displayed on Qiuhe's small map.

"The easiest way is to blow up the Street of the Fishmen directly. I will use my ability to bombard the Street of the Fishmen in a covered way to ensure that there will be no survivors in the Street of the Fishmen."


Before King Neptune could speak, Jinping rejected Qiu He's proposal.

Fishman Street was the place where he was born, and there were still many of his clan living there. How could he allow Qiu He to blow up that place like that?

Jinpei took a step forward, looked at King Neptune and said, "Furman Street must not be bombed. I'll go and bring Vander Deaken back."

Ryugujo also received several reports of Van der Deaken haunting the Fishmen Street, but every time the three princes arrived, Van der Deaken had already fled.

Directly blowing up Fishman Street is the most likely way to kill Vander Deacon, but King Neptune is a benevolent king, and he doesn't want innocent people to be implicated.

Just when he was about to agree to Shiping's proposal, Qiu He suddenly said another word, which made his heart twitch.

"The enemy who killed your wife is also hiding in Fishman Street. Do you really want to destroy such a filthy place?"

The corners of Qiu He's mouth rose slightly, with a soft smile on his face, but what he said was like a whisper of a demon.

"Yi, Yiji, isn't the person who killed Yiji already dead?"

The human who assassinated Otohime should have been killed a few years ago, how could he still be alive now?

"No, no, the one who killed Princess Otoji was your former bodyguard, a murloc."

Noticing the suspicious eyes of everyone, Qiu He added another sentence.

"I know you don't believe it, but you can ask Bai Xing, she should know a lot."

Hearing Qiu He say this, everyone immediately believed it by seven points. This is a good confirmation. Qiu He doesn't need to tell such a lie.

King Neptune gritted his teeth and struggled for a while before saying, "Even so, I can't directly blow up Fishman Street. When I confirm the identity of that person with Bai Xing, I will personally lead troops to capture him."

"Forget it, I'll go there in person. When you arrive with the Sea King's Army, it is estimated that people will run away early."

As long as he helps King Neptune get rid of the people who killed his wife and threatened his daughter's safety, I think he will not be stingy with the gold and silver in the treasury.

Qiu He waved his hand and walked outside the Dragon Palace. As for Robin, let her stay in Dragon Palace, anyway, going to Fishman Street is of no use.

According to the guidance of the small map, Qiu He quickly arrived at Fishman Street.

Unlike the tourist streets on the upper level of Fishman Island, Fishman Street does not welcome humans, so the entire street is completely immersed in sea water, and Qiuhe can only float slowly under the wrapping of bubbles.

The murlocs on the street cast vigilant glances at him, but this vigilance is because of his human identity, not because his name is Qiuhe~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although he is now a well-known news personality, he is rarely seen. Someone will associate this kind-hearted young man with a vicious wanted criminal.

After all, most people have only heard of Qiu He, and not many have actually seen Qiu He's photos and remembered this person.

From the small map, the red dots are scattered almost all over the fish-man street, but most of them are gathered in one place, and I think Vanderdeaken is there.

However, before taking a few steps, several murlocs stopped in front of Qiu He, and the leader was one of the targets Qiu He was looking for this time - Hody Jones.

"Leopard Tibetan, this human is offering a reward of one billion Baileys. I will kill him and give you half of the reward. How about you join my new Murloc Pirates."

As a thoughtful, literate, ideal, and aspiring young man, Huo Di certainly knew Qiu He, but he did not take Qiu He in his eyes.

Just like those with abilities in the nature department are superstitious about their own strength, the murlocs always have a blind self-confidence of 'I am invincible' when they are in the sea. King Neptune's actions against Qiubai also had this factor in the past.

So even if he knew that Qiu He had a bounty of one billion Baileys on his back, Hody just regarded Qiuhe as the one who gave him Baileys. It happened that he wanted to collect Leopard Collection recently and needed a lot of Baileys.

Leopard Zang snorted coldly, and gulped two mouthfuls of soju from the gourd.



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