Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 323: Zefa

Zefa can be said to be the soul of the navy.

After retiring, he has been serving as an instructor for the elite navy in the Navy Headquarters. It can be said that almost all of the navy's generation of generals and officers came from him.

Even Aokiji and Akainu among the three current admirals of the navy, as well as Admiral Kizaru who stepped down not long ago, are his students.

Even the only current general, Zilong, who is not his student, has to respectfully call him a teacher when he sees him, because he has also been instructed by Zefa.

Before the age of 42, Zefa did not kill any pirates, and was called an admiral who did not kill. However, when he was 42 years old, his family was killed by pirates, but he turned to hate pirates. .

Show pity for those sinners, but end up hurting yourself.

Why did no one seek revenge for Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, Aokiji, Kiabou, etc. Why did those avengers find this general who did not kill.

This fully confirms the saying that Ren Shan is bullied by others, and Ma Shan is ridden by others. Kindness is not wrong, but excessive kindness will only be regarded as weakness.

When Qiu He joined the navy a few years ago, Zefa was already preparing for the establishment of a pirate guerrilla team. Therefore, Qiu He and this natural mentor had only met a few times and never said anything.

Seeing that the flag of the neo navy is now hanging on his ship, and thinking of the news some time ago, I think it is because Edward Weibull was recruited as the Shichibukai. Zefa was disheartened by the navy and had broken with the navy.

However, shouldn't he now take the annihilation of the pirates all over the world as his mission? How could he face Kaido, one of the four emperors, does he think that to annihilate the pirates all over the world, he must first annihilate the four emperors?

On the Mammoth of the Beast Pirates, one was tied with a ponytail and two braids, with a strong physique, a metal jaw on his mouth, and two ivory-shaped tusks on his head and shoulders. decorated man is standing on the deck.

The man who closed his eyes and rested his mind and ignored the roaring artillery fire was none other than Drought Jack, one of the three plagues of the Beast Pirates.

"Lord Jack, the Kingdom of Somarez has arrived, and it's time to act."

Although Jack looks a little dumb and is not good at speaking, he is actually a violent-minded saboteur who knows only about fights.

Jack has always believed in the principle of never beeping if he can do it. It was only because this matter was about Kaido that he listened to the persuasion of his subordinates and endured it until this time.

"Finally, we can do it. We have to kill the old guy quickly, otherwise it will affect the mood of Lord Kaido."

Standing at the front of the deck of the Mammoth, he opened his eyes full of killing intent and bloodshot eyes, and looked at the warship coldly.

"Mr. Zefa, the other party has landed."

On the neo navy warship, after Zefa received the news, he couldn't help coughing twice. The girl with the blue head standing behind him immediately stepped forward and gently patted Zefa's back.

Zefa is indeed getting older. He has always suffered from asthma. After taking out a bottle of spray and spraying it in his mouth twice, his symptoms eased a little.

Turning back, Zefa smiled at the girl with the sea-blue head and said, "Ain, thank you, I'm much better."

This navy-blue-haired girl is exactly Ain, the fruit of retrogression. She is also a student of Zefa. She is one of the only two students on board after Zefa was attacked by Edward Weibull.

Since the attack, Ain and Binz have followed Zefa and become his right-hand man.

Not long ago, they just planned to form a pirate guerrilla team, but they didn't want to, but they first received news that their former enemy, Edward Weibull, had become Shichibukai.

Zefa was disheartened by the navy, and resolutely withdrew from the navy and established the neo navy, and Ain joined the neo navy without hesitation.

After seeing that Zefa's situation was better, Ain squatted down in front of Zefa, looked at Zefa respectfully and said, "Teacher, the other party is the Hundred Beast Pirates, one of the four emperors, why don't we still Let's go."

Kaido, one of the four emperors, is known as the strongest creature in the world. If it was Zepha in his heyday, Ain would not be too worried.

After all, Zefa in his heyday was someone who could compete with Roger One Piece and the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard.

However, now Zefa is old, not only has a broken hand, but also has asthma and other diseases, and his strength is not as good as before.

It's a pity that although her retrogressive fruit can turn Zefa into what he looked like when he was young, it can't eliminate the diseases that have accumulated in him for many years, nor can he restore his hands.

"Can't go, Jack under Kaido won't let us leave like this."

Zefa shook his head slightly, got up and walked towards the deck.

Don't look at the artillery fire outside, in fact, this is useless for ships with masters.

In this case, the only way to truly end the battle is to take the side battle.

The reason why there has been no pick-up battle is because of the tacit understanding between the two sides, which is also a recognition of the strength of the other party.

Zefa was afraid that a pick-up battle would cause too many casualties among his men, while Jack was afraid that the Mammoth would be damaged and affect him to meet Kaido.

If Zefa really intends to leave, Jack will definitely let the boat rush up regardless of everything, and the arrogance in Zefa's heart will not allow him to escape like this.

Zefa can feel that he is indeed old, and his body is not as good as before, not to mention fighting Kaido, even if it is now the drought Jack under Kaido, he can't guarantee that he can win.

Fortunately, before leaving the navy headquarters, he had transformed his right arm into a robotic arm equipped with sea tower stones. I believe that it can play a certain restraint effect when dealing with Jack, who is an animal devil fruit person.

When the warship docked, Zefa jumped directly from the deck and landed on the soft sand.

There was only one person standing on the beach that was crowded before, and it was Jack who just got off the Mammoth.

"Old guy, how dare you influence me to greet Lord Kaido, I will tear you to pieces, and then kill all those people on your boat."

Jack took off the two ivory-shaped decorations hanging around his neck~www.NovelMTL.com~ and removed the outer layer, revealing two SCHOTTEL knives that were similar to sickle-shaped.

A violent aura emanated from Jack's body and spread in all directions, and there were terrifying bloodshots in his eyes.

Before the fight started, Jack himself had already entered a state of madness.

Jack's aura did not affect Zefa at all, but his words silenced the smile on Zefa's face.

"Then let's try it!"

Raising the huge mechanical arm, Zefa's eyes were full of killing intent. ...


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