Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 33: new gun

All in all, Qiuhe was quite satisfied with this trial gun. After thinking about it with the gun, Qiuhe handed the gun back to Bobby.

"Uncle, can the production accuracy of the gun be higher? The gun body almost doesn't matter, the internal error of the gun is large, the shooting accuracy of the gun is not easy to control, and there is a danger of exploding the chamber."

Qiu He did not propose the improvement of gunpowder. For the time being, this gun is enough.

"This... It's not a big problem. I made this gun for the first time, and it was made in a hurry, so the production is not very precise. As long as it is made slowly with high precision as the goal from the beginning, it will be more perfect. ,but……"

Bobby thought for a while, and gave Qiu He a satisfactory answer, but at the end, he paused, with an expression on his face that was hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter, is there any difficulty? Uncle."

"It's not a problem. This new type of gun has higher production requirements and cannot be produced by someone else. The output cannot go up, and although the lethality is stronger than traditional guns, it has not reached a very exaggerated level. It is estimated that If you can’t sell it at a high price, if you want to make money, it’s better to sell this weapon design to which organization, I believe they will pay a high price.”

Bobby didn't say a word. According to the current output and his labor, making this kind of gun is not as profitable as making a sword. In Bobby's view, Qiu He designed this new gun to make money.

Qiuhe's greed for money is well-known on the island. After all, not everyone dares to be a bounty hunter, and not every bounty hunter dares to take food from the navy.

"No, I don't plan to sell this gun, nor do I plan to sell the blueprint."

Qiu He shook his head and rejected Bobby's proposal.

"For this gun, you only need to make three guns. Please trouble uncle to bother. When the time comes, you can see how much it will cost, and I will pay you both."

"Three hands, no problem. If you make it carefully, you should be able to complete it in a month. As for the cost, it doesn't cost much. This thing doesn't cost much for materials. Instead, I can move my muscles and bones, and I can learn a new skill. I earned it."

Bobby planned to make one for his grandson after completing the three pieces that Qiu He asked for. He believed that Qiu He would not mind.

"Okay, then please give me the first one, and the other two can be given directly to Wayne and Abel."

Qiuhe was not hypocritical, and nodded in agreement.


Bobby was stunned, he didn't expect that Qiu He had already thought about it for Wayne, but he himself seemed to be cautious.

"I will also provide all the ammunition for free in the future."

Although he didn't know why Bobby suddenly said such a sentence, Qiu He did not refuse.

Qiu He wanted a gun just so that when he wanted to sell the blueprint in the future, he would have a sample for display, and he didn't need a lot of bullets. After all, this kind of gun and the gun produced by the system are simply incomparable.

Wayne is Bobby's grandson, and Bobby gave him free bullets, as it should be. As an orphan with no stable income, Abel could save a sum of money for him, which is what the teacher Qiu He should do.

"Then please uncle, let Wayne tell me when the gun is ready, and I'll get it when the time comes."

According to the time, Bobby made the first gun, and the next batch of iron ingots should almost arrive, and they can be taken away at that time.

"As for this gun, let Wayne take it to practice first, but he can only practice at home. After his own gun is ready, destroy it!"

Qiu He pointed to the gun on the table and said.

Although this tried-and-true gun is not accurate enough, it still has the desired effect. It can be used by Wayne to practice, so as not to have two people squeeze a gun to practice, but this is a bit unfair to Abel. But this is also impossible. After all, this gun is not suitable to be taken out. If it is targeted by someone with a heart, with the current strength of Wayne and Abel, it is impossible to protect this gun.


After discussing with Bobby, Qiu He left.

Originally, he was still thinking about where to have lunch, but Xiao Jin, who had been sleeping on Qiu He's shoulder all morning, suddenly stood up.

"Oh, finally woke up? Little slacker."

Qiu He stretched out his finger and tapped Little Jin's chubby body.

Xiaojin is getting smarter and less like a robot now. Which robot can eat food. He even had the habit of sleeping recently. If Qiu He woke him up for nothing, he would get angry.

Xiao Jin pushed Qiu He's fingers away with her tail, shook her body, spread her wings, and flew around Qiu He.

"As soon as I wake up, I want to eat. It's getting harder and harder to raise."

Qiu He smiled helplessly, took out an apple from his backpack, and threw it into the sky.

Xiao Jin opened his mouth wide and swallowed an apple that was not much smaller than his body, but his body did not change at all.

After eating the apple, Xiao Jin stopped making a fuss and returned to Qiu He's shoulder, shaking his body to look east and west.

"There aren't many apples left! Well, just have a snack for lunch."

When he just picked up the apples, Qiuhe found that there were only a few left, and it was Xiaojin's ration for two days, not to mention that Qiuhe sometimes took out one to eat.

Since there are no plans now, Qiu He plans to go to the fruit stand in the port to replenish the stock and buy a basket of apples.

If it weren't for the fact that the upper limit of the backpack's load was too low, Qiu He really wanted to buy a warehouse and put apples in the backpack~www.NovelMTL.com~ After all, the backpack can perfectly keep the items in it, so that the items can be taken out and put in. At the same time, the same items can be stacked almost infinitely.

Qiu He even wanted to stuff a bunch of food into his backpack so that he wouldn't have to run so far when he was hungry, but unfortunately, the limitation of the load made Qiu He have no choice but to dispel this idea.

He can only put some emergency fresh water and food in the backpack, plus the equipment, materials, and the weight of the boat. If he didn't pack anything, most of the load on the backpack was gone.

Of course, Qiuhe now has a lot of gold coupons, which can be spent to upgrade the capacity of the backpack. Maybe two more levels of backpacks will become infinite weight.

However, just think about this kind of thinking. Good steel is used on the blade, and the hard-earned gold coupons cannot be wasted because of the convenience of the moment.

For example, in the penguin gift box, a lot of life-saving things can be opened here.

Slowly walking to the fruit stand, Qiu He bought a lot of snacks along the way, but filled his stomach half full.

"Yo, uncle, buy a basket of apples."

He took out a tissue and wiped off the oil in his mouth. Qiu He smiled and greeted the uncle at the fruit stand.

Smelling the aroma of the fruit, Xiao Jin, who was parked on Qiu He's shoulder, also flew up and stopped in the air in front of the fruit stand.

"Oh, it's Qiuhe. A batch of fresh fruits just arrived today. You will have a good time."

With a smile, the uncle picked up an apple from the stand and threw it to Xiao Jin in the air.

Xiao Jin opened his mouth wide, and just wanted to bite it, Qiu He suddenly stepped forward, stretched out his left hand and pulled Xiao Jin's tail back, and grabbed the apple with the other.

"It just ate one, uncle, don't give it to it."

With that said, Qiu He picked up the apple in his hand and took a bite.


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