Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 332: collide

The huge mechanical fist, with the assistance of Zefa, hit Kaido's chest with some tricky head-on.

For this blow, Kaido did not choose to release his strength to dodge, but stepped on the ground, straightened his chest, and wanted to use his powerful physical strength to resist Qiu He's strongest blow.

However, Kaido failed. Under the powerful force of Gaiboga's fist, even though he had already applied his full strength to resist, he was forcibly repelled by more than ten meters, leaving two deep ravines on the ground.

And Kaido's chest, which had been raised a little because of the explosive muscles, was completely sunk, and a huge hole appeared, which was shocking.

It's a pity that Kaido's current state looks terrifying, but if an ordinary person suffers such an injury, it is estimated that he can only wait for the body to be collected. But this is nothing to Kaido. It only takes less than a minute for him to recover as before.

On the contrary, Zefa, who was punched by Kaido, was lying on the sand in the distance, the blood from his mouth poured out like he didn't want money, Ain supported him and kept crying, but Zefa didn't show the slightest hint. reaction.

Zefa's current situation is indescribable just by using the word 'bad'. If it is not treated in time, it is unknown whether Zefa can last for ten minutes.

Obviously they were all punched, and even Kaido's punch was even stronger, but the situation of the two became a stark contrast.

This is Kaido's way of fighting. Relying on his undead body with high blood resistance, he takes the attack abruptly, and then trades wounds for wounds.

Although Qiu He really wanted to take action now...or tell him the medicine to cure Zefa, Kaido, who was standing in front of Qiu He, obviously wouldn't give him this chance.

"Oh oh... good boy, this is a good move. But if you have enough strength, your accuracy will be a little off. You should hit here."

Kaido ignored his rapidly bulging chest, stretched out his fingers, pointed at his head, and shouted loudly at Qiu He.

I don't know if it was because of excitement or because of anger, Kaido's huge body like a hill couldn't help but tremble.

After he finished speaking, before Qiu He could respond, Kaido kicked his feet sharply, and the distance of more than ten meters was crossed in a blink of an eye. Head smashed.

Fortunately, Kaido is a powerful character with high blood resistance. Even though his speed has almost caught up with Qiu He, he is still a little short.

And this difference in speed was enough for Qiu He to calmly dodge Kaido's attack.

Kaido's huge fist blasted deep pits one after another on the ground, but he failed to hit Mid-Autumn He with one punch.

Instead, it was Qiu He. When dodging Kaido's fist, he was distracted and shouted to Ain, "Ain, take Zefa away quickly, and Perona will show them the way."

When Ain heard the words, he immediately held up Zefa, used the moon step, and ran towards the warship on the sea.

Perona also understood the meaning of Qiu He's words. She only knew one of the nearby routes.

Seeing this, Kaido picked up a wall brick on the ground, covered it with a domineering look of armament, and smashed it towards Ain on the sea.

Qiu He hurriedly walked along the path of the dark bricks and summoned a storm robot to block the bricks thrown by Kaido.

Under the influence of Kaido's huge strength and powerful armament color domineering, the dark wall bricks are even more powerful than the cannonballs thrown by Garp, directly piercing the storm robot blocking the front, but the wall bricks are also piercing After passing through the storm robot, it flew not long before falling into the sea.

Qiu He distanced himself from Kaido and stared at him with a dark face.

"It's not a glorious thing that Kaido, one of the four dignified emperors, actually took action to bully the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled."

"I don't care about that old guy's life or death. You want me not to stop them, that's ok, as long as you don't dodge here, and have a good fight with me."

Kaiduo laughed and didn't care about Qiu He's accusations.

"Okay, I'll play with you."

Qiu He took two steps back again, took out a sniper rifle with dark bullets, and shot at Kaido's eyes.

Kaido raised his hand, blocked his eyes, and caught this special bullet.

Because Kaido's defense was too high, the bullet just penetrated Kaido's skin, and before it was embedded in the flesh, it exploded, and the dark power with a corrosive effect penetrated into Kaido's body from the wound penetrated by the bullet, Corroding Kaido's body, Kaido, who has a strong resilience, can't heal the small wound in the palm of his hand for a while.

Qiu He stomped under his feet, maximizing his speed, and appeared behind Kaido like a teleportation. The sniper rifle in his hand had also been replaced, but the bullets were still the same dark bullets.

"Little devil, do you really think that if you are fast, I can't help you?"

Kaido punched down and hit the ground again.

What was different from before was that from the position where Kaido was smashed, there was an incomparably violent aura, rushing towards all directions.

Under Kaido's blow, although the sky didn't collapse, the ground did crack.

The ground, which was originally flat, is now in a state of dilapidation as if it had experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake.

If you continue to move on the ground, the speed will be greatly limited.

"Your weird strength is good, but it's no different from mosquito bites. If you run around like this again, I will smash that ship at sea."

Kaido shook his palm, the black spot on it had shrunk a lot, but it was still very conspicuous. He didn't like this feeling very much.

Qiu He glanced at the skill interface and determined that the cooling of 'Gaibo Jia's Fist' had finished. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com nodded slightly towards Kaido, "As you wish."

Turning on the boosting effect of Soul Hunter, violent magic power spewed out from Qiu He's body, sweeping the power in the surrounding air, and gathered behind Qiu He together.

The space shattered like a glass mirror, and a huge mechanical fist broke the space and charged towards Kaido.

"Oh oh oh... that's what it's going to be."

With previous experience, Kaido didn't underestimate the power of Qiu He's blow. He attached a jet-black armed color to his fist, and the veins on his arms bulged, gathering the strength of his whole body, and slammed it towards the mechanical fist.

Immediately with the two at the center, the ground was a little lower, and even a huge explosion sounded, terrifying air waves swept through, and if a hurricane passed through, all the trees in the distance would be blown down.

After completing the mission, the mechanical arm shattered, restored to magic power, and dissipated in the air.

"Cool, come again."

Kaido roared loudly and stared at Qiu He with hot eyes.

He hadn't been so excited for a long time, and now he just wanted to fight Qiu He to the flesh and fight for 300 rounds.

"Today, if I beat you to death, or I will be beaten to death by you, there is no winner or loser, and no one wants to leave."


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