Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 496: lightning storm

"Heavenly Weapon!"

The corners of Qiu He's mouth rose slightly, and his gaze towards the Heavenly King was no longer dull, but with a hint of interest.

Thinking about it, the moon people can travel in space by spacecraft, but it is not unacceptable just to control the celestial climate to attack.

Zilong clenched his fists, looked at the king, and said angrily, "That guy, are you planning to kill us together?"

The laser attack just now was also the same. This ancient weapon controlled by the Tianlong people obviously regarded them as the target of the attack.

"Now is not the time to say this, the attack from the sky is about to start, and you must find a way to avoid it." Shanks looked at Qiu He and asked with a solemn expression, "The defensive move that resisted the laser just now, you still Does it work?"

"Please let me come, God. This battle, obviously it intends to drop a thunderbolt attack. My ability can control the thunderbolt to deflect the attack direction, so that the thunderbolt that descends near us will gather and attack the big machine flying in the sky. ."

Anilu raised the golden stick and pointed at the king, and looked at Qiuhe, waiting for Qiuhe to agree to his request.

Anilu is a person with the ability to ring the thunder fruit. His ability is used to the extreme, and he can also manipulate the celestial phenomenon and drop thousands of thunders from the sky to attack.

It's just that he needs to meet a lot of prerequisites to create a lightning storm, and it's not even worse than the range and power of the thunder created by King Uranos.

However, he can use the convenience of his ability to control the lightning that is about to fall.

"No, the King of Heaven is the only weapon that can solve this monster and cannot be destroyed."

Sengoku clenched his fists and stared at Anilu with a chilling look on his face.

If Enilu really intends to attack the King of Heaven, Sengoku will attack Enilu before he attacks.

Although Qiu He said that he was the only one who could kill An Tuen, the Warring States period did not trust Qiu He very much.

The King's attack gave Warring States hope, so even if he lost his life, the Warring States would not allow anyone to attack the King of Heaven.

Qiu He thought for a while, then nodded to Anilu, "Yes, but the lightning you gathered should be used to attack An Tuen! After all, logically speaking, the King of Heaven is now with us."

At this time, countless thunder and lightning fell from the clouds together, and the thunder light illuminated the entire sea.

The thunder of the sky is intertwined, forming layers of thunder nets, filling all the gaps.

The whole world trembled under the momentum of thunder, and the overwhelming thunder shook the hearts of all creatures.

Before Anilu could answer Qiu He, he instantly turned into a flash of lightning, facing the thunder that fell towards the flying platform.

Ai Nilu's incarnation of lightning rolled around the thunder in the sky above the flying platform. The thunder in this circle immediately gathered into a huge thunder column, swept past the flying platform, and fell on An Toun's back with countless thunders. superior.

"It's terrifying power!"

Glancing at the terrifying thunder surrounding him, Qiu He sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Such a powerful move, even if it is a superpower, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will become a ruin.

If the energy of the Uranus is enough, destroying this world is not an empty talk.

However, the premise is that the energy is sufficient.

Attacks like this, the consumption is definitely not low, and it must not be released continuously.

The lightning storm lasted for nearly three minutes before it stopped, releasing so much power at one time, but the dark clouds did not disappear due to overdraft, but became darker and thicker. Obviously, the attack did not end there.

"Stopped, how's it going? Does it work?"

Warring States took two steps forward, stood on the edge of the flying platform, and looked down at An Toun.

However, it is a pity that this mighty lightning storm failed to cause any damage to An Toun.

Even the huge thunder column formed by Anilu failed to leave the slightest mark on An Toun.

"I'm exhausted. Ordinary attacks are useless. This apostle can only be killed by God himself."

The lightning-turned Anilu flew back to the flight platform, re-condensed into a human body, slumped on the ground, and breathed in the air.

In the two or three minutes just now, he was exhausted, and he still underestimated the lightning storm created by the King of Heaven.

Warring States moved his fingers and his face changed, but after staring at An Toun for a while, he became happy again.

"No, the attack is useful. When attacked like that, this monster has no plans to fight back, and it doesn't move. It is obviously paralyzed by the lightning strike just now."

Why don't you wear a high hat, you are obviously afraid that it will accidentally destroy the king, so let it not do it!

Qiu He gave Zhan Guo a blank glance, but didn't say anything. Zhan Guo had already helped him find an excuse, so he didn't need to bother anymore.

"Take this opportunity and let's attack this monster together."

At the same time as he was speaking, the Warring States period had transformed into a giant Buddha, raising his hand and attacking An Tuen.

Fortunately, the flying platform after the expansion is large enough, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate the transformed Warring States.

"Do you really think that An Tuen will be hit by lightning and will be in the negative state of 'Shock', and then you will be able to break defenses when you attack? Stop dreaming, wash and sleep!"

Qiu He patted his forehead, spit out something weak, flapped his wings, and flew into the air.

Realizing that Qiu He's words were based on some truth, Warring States put away his hands in embarrassment and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"It's almost time for me to start, I'll warm up first."

The camouflage effect was activated, Qiu He's figure quickly faded, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

A new round of attacks also began at this time. Countless huge hailstones fell from the dark clouds. Even the smallest hailstones were even bigger than the flying platform~www.NovelMTL.com~ There was a big swordsman on the platform, so that The attack is not a problem at all.

But after being hit by the hail, An Toun's body was gradually covered with a layer of frost. Judging from this posture, it is estimated that it will not take long for the volcano to become an iceberg.

Such a situation made Warring States and others overjoyed, and the King's attack was still somewhat effective.

Qiu He didn't pay attention to these things. In a stealthy state, he secretly approached the King of Heaven, circled the King of Heaven twice, and found a place that looked the most like an entrance from the rows of gun barrels.

He leaned forward, reached out to touch the icy body of the King of Heaven, and closed his eyes gently.

The King of Heaven is also considered a shooting weapon, so his first acquired skills, which he has been using all the time, but not very conspicuous, came into use again.

It took less than a minute for Qiu He to know the control method of Tian Wang. When he opened his eyes, the passage to Tian Wang also opened, and Qiu He quickly got in.


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