
An extremely sharp knife hit Roja's body.

And the sharp blade is actually covered with a layer of transparent balls!

This is the Zhenzhen fruit ability!

That's right!

Whitebeard, who had been silent all this time, suddenly took action at that moment. His whole huge body jumped up, and the huge Zongyunqi in his hand suddenly slashed towards Roja. The most important thing was that he also directly used Shock. Fruit ability.

And it’s also wrapped with armed domineering! Not only is it powerful, but it is also extremely fast!

If you were hit by this thing, your body would probably be smashed to pieces!

It seems that Whitebeard has recognized Roja's power, so he just uses his killing move directly, and really doesn't intend to leave any room for Roja.


Roja, who possesses the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, reacted immediately and predicted Whitebeard's attack.


Whitebeard's Zongyunqi actually hit a bolt of lightning.

No, to be precise, it should be that at that moment, Roja used the ability of the Thunder Fruit to elementalize and successfully avoided Whitebeard's attack.

Don't underestimate Whitebeard's huge body. Even with his old body, his speed is not invincible by ordinary people. If Roja doesn't use the Thunder Fruit to elementalize his body in advance, he just uses Even if you have mastered the Sixth Marine Style to the top, you still may not be able to dodge Whitebeard's attack.

But Roja was not indifferent.

After he used the elementalization of the Thunder Fruit to dodge the attack, he immediately counterattacked, quickly condensing countless thunder and lightning in his hand and attacking Whitebeard's chest.


Whitebeard, who also possesses the domineering power of seeing and hearing, also reacted very quickly. He immediately dodged and took two steps back. The big knife in his hand immediately struck Luo Adam on the head with a backhand.

This time, Roja did not use the thunder fruit ability to dodge again, but drew out his sword to resist head-on.


A crisp sound!

Without exception, Roja blocked the collision of swords.

Although Whitebeard did not use his Shock Fruit ability this time, Roja could still clearly feel how powerful Whitebeard was.

Of course.

Surprised, but it is basically impossible to defeat Roja with just such power.

Therefore, Roja also fought back again, and Whitebeard continued to wave the sword in his hand, and the two began to fight. that's all.

After Roja and Whitebeard fought against each other for several times, no one took advantage and they all retreated to their original positions.

Sure enough, he is called the strongest man in the world!

It seems that dealing with him is really not that simple!

"White beard!"

""Who told you to take action?"

Kaido asked. He had not allowed BIGMOM to take action, but he never expected that Whitebeard would take action.


"I didn't expect you, Whitebeard, to take the initiative?"

"This really doesn't look like you at all!"

BIGMOM is also a little surprised that Whitebeard would take the initiative. This seems to be inconsistent with Whitebeard's character.

Not only BIGMOM and Kaido are surprised that Whitebeard takes action.

Even! Sengoku and Garp are also surprised. , for them, they really couldn’t figure out why Whitebeard would suddenly take action against Roja. However, what was even more surprising was the few rounds in which Roja and Whitebeard fought just now.


Garp was a little confused,"Did that brat Roja just use the power of the devil fruit?""


Sengoku nodded. He saw the whole process clearly."It seems to be the power of the nature fruit. If I remember correctly, Roja didn't seem to have eaten any devil fruit, right?"

The same is true for Sakaski, Borsalino, and Kuzan.

"This guy is also a natural devil fruit user?"Sakaski was a little shocked, because he himself is a natural devil fruit user, so he is naturally sensitive.

And the last time in the Sabaody Archipelago, Royako did not use any devil fruit abilities.

Did he hold back on purpose?

Thinking of this, Sakaski's face really became ugly.

"Roja, your swordsmanship seems to have improved again. I wonder how many moves I can match with you?"Eagle Eye Mihawk has been paying attention to Roja's moves. As a fellow swordsman, he can naturally tell at a glance that Roja's swordsmanship is more powerful.

After all, the last time he was here, Roja also used swordsmanship. When he came to fight against Kaido, Hawkeye Mihawk had already noticed Roya's swordsmanship.

As for the navy soldiers and pirates, they were all dumbfounded. They never expected that the majestic Four Emperors Whitebeard would just disagree. He took action against Roja, and Roja faced the attack of the strongest man in the world without falling behind at all.


"He actually completely blocked the attack from his father?"

The most surprised person was Marco, although he also knew that Whitebeard and Roja were just testing each other and did not use their full strength.

But what surprised Marco was that although it was a test, Roja was able to easily block all of Whitebeard's attacks. Thinking back to the time when he was still very young, he was able to block Whitebeard's attacks so easily, maybe it was the battle between Whitebeard and Roger?


And Fire Fist Ace, who was suppressed on the execution platform, couldn't help shouting when he saw this scene.


"Why did Whitebeard attack you suddenly?"

"Have you had any issues with him before?

Zefa, who was next to Roja, suddenly asked. As a former admiral of the navy, Zefa naturally knew Whitebeard’s status and strength, so he had a little understanding of Whitebeard.

As for Kaido’s plan to take action against Roja It's not surprising, after all, Roya personally defeated Kaido before and sent him to Impel Down. So based on the character of a guy like Kaido, it's basically impossible for him not to cause trouble to Roya..

In response to Zefa's question, Roya shook his head helplessly.

Actually, even

Roja himself couldn't figure out why Whitebeard would suddenly attack him. Is it because he was very unhappy with Kaido forcibly suppressing him, and then he wanted to help Kaido?


Although Whitebeard and Kaido were once partners on the same boat, their relationship is definitely not as good as expected. Maybe he only attacked Roja because he wanted to help Kaido.

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