Roja's praise was not over yet.

Whitebeard slashed back with his sword, also using the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and this time it was wrapped with Armament Haki.

The speed was so fast that it was impossible for ordinary people to react.

Of course.

Roja, who had cultivated the Observation Haki to the highest level, could still clearly know the trajectory of Whitebeard's attack.

However, this time he could not just use Armament Haki to withstand it.

After all, Whitebeard was wrapped with Armament Haki this time. Whitebeard, who could be called the strongest man in the world, was undoubtedly strong, not to mention that he also had the strongest superhuman Tremor-Tremor Fruit power.

But if Roja really just used his body to withstand Whitebeard's attack, it would not be impossible, but Roja just wanted to have fun with Whitebeard.


Facing the strong attack of Whitebeard, Roja once again displayed his Thunder Fruit power.

Seeing that Whitebeard's sword was about to hit him, Roya transformed his entire body into a ball of lightning and successfully avoided Whitebeard's attack.

Then Roya planned to use the Thunder Fruit ability to counterattack Whitebeard again.


Whitebeard also immediately anticipated Roya's next move, but he did not dodge, but instead showed a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Whitebeard knew that it was impossible for him to hit Roya, but he did not stop, but continued to attack, and with his most powerful and popular Tremor-Tremor Fruit power, he directly broke the air where Roya was just.


There was a crisp sound like glass breaking from the air position.

Suddenly, the whole air shattered, and Roya, who originally wanted to attack Whitebeard, also felt a strong impact coming towards him, as if he wanted to suppress his next move.

Unfortunately, relying solely on such suppression force would not work for Roya.

"This power!"


Roya laughed, and then he deliberately pretended to be suppressed, and the postures he was preparing to attack immediately stopped.

Mainly because Roja wanted to see the true power of Whitebeard's Shocking Fruit..

The next second.


The entire Marinefando began to shake like a glass lens, and cracks began to appear on the ground, forming countless abyss, and many people who could not stand firm were Falling into the abyss of the crack, even the water on the sea rolled up again, forming dozens of huge waves that seemed to want to drown the entire Marineland.

This attack was even more powerful than before. Not long ago, when Whitebeard first entered Malinfando, the power he released was even more violent!

As expected, as the legend goes, if the Shock Fruit is used to its extreme, it can destroy the entire world, let alone this little Malinfando?

"Is this the power of the strongest man in the world?"

"Run away, stop talking nonsense here!"

"If you don't run, you will fall!"

"Where are you going? Didn't you see the tsunami? Even if you don't fall, you will probably be drowned by the sea."


Countless navy soldiers and pirate minions shouted.

Some people still want to escape, but some people seem to have accepted the state of waiting to die.

"Is the power of the Four Emperors Whitebeard so terrifying?"

"It seems that the Navy's winning rate is really bad this time."

Even the civilians all over the world who are watching this live broadcast are surprised.

At the same time, in the Chambord Islands,

Pluto Rayleigh looked at the behavior of Whitebeard on the big screen of the live broadcast. He was holding a wine bottle He took a deep sip and then said slowly:"Whitebeard, do you want to treat this battle as the last battle for us remnants of the old era?"

Rayleigh's words are profound.

Maybe others don't know, but for Rayleigh, he seems to have understood the meaning of Whitebeard.

On the battlefield of Malinfando.

Marco couldn't help but frowned when he saw this formation. He frowned and said in surprise:"Dad is actually serious!"

After all, Marco, who has been with Whitebeard for so many years, naturally knows what Whitebeard's real power is.

But for Marco, what he is most worried about is Whitebeard's body.

After all, Whitebeard is now old. , coupled with some old injuries left over from the past, I’m really not sure that Whitebeard’s current body can support such a powerful force.

"Marco, with dad’s current body, do we really not want to stop him?"Also worried about Whitebeard's health is Diamond Jozi.

"It's too late, no one can stop Dad now."Marco shook his head

"White beard!"

"Is this kid Roja worth your seriousness?"

Garp frowned tightly, and clenched his fists tightly.

Looking at Whitebeard's current strength, the events on the Island of Gods seemed to appear vividly in front of Garp.

After all, Garp knew Whitebeard's destructive power best.


Big Momo and Kaido, who knew a lot about Whitebeard's power, were stunned.

"Is Whitebeard going to use his full strength right away?" Kaido said unhappily.

"White beard!"

"Do you want the sea to drown us?"

BIGMOM shouted anxiously.

The three Yonko are all Devil Fruit ability users. Once these tsunamis really completely submerge Malinfando, it will not only be the navy that will suffer, but the most important ones will be them. People with abilities.

Not just them.

Even Roja who saw the power of this earthquake fruit sighed:"No wonder Blackbeard wanted to get the power of this earthquake fruit. It is indeed the most powerful superhuman fruit."!"

And Roja is also very clear.

If he had just used his body to resist this attack, even though his domineering and physical constitution were already very strong, if he was hit by this head-on, even if he could not die, he would still be alive. It's very uncomfortable.

Seeing the tsunami rising into the sky is about to submerge the entire Marineland, but this is not worth mentioning to Roja. Anyway, the Devil Fruit ability he possesses is a reward from the system, and it will not. Become a landlubber.

But as a naval marshal, how could Warring States let Whitebeard drown their naval headquarters like this? This is a matter for their naval headquarters in the world!

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