Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 37 Clockwork Monster or Frankenstein

Hex Technology Core Type II, core codename: Clockwork Demon.

In Piltover's colorful shopping streets, there is a workshop belonging to the famous inventor Colin Levick.

He is most famous for his craftsmanship in making exquisite prosthetic limbs. Colin uses complex and ingenious brass parts to make the prosthetic limbs exquisite, often even better than the original physical body.

In addition to the prosthetic technology from the Source Project universe, Oran also knows about Colin's technology, which is the medical remuneration received by Oran for treating his daughter Orianna.

This timeline has also undergone a change due to the existence of Oran. There is no hero named Clockwork Demon on the continent of Valoran, but there is a happier family.

Orianna's talent in clockwork mechanical crafts is no less than her father's. Her body has changed, but her inspiration is still there. This core manipulation method of out-of-body style is one of Orianna's ideas.

But on this sea, this idea is truly realized.


Wild current surged in the laboratory, and compared to the birth of Blitzcrank, the noise this time was much greater.

Oran himself has been wearing an exoskeleton, and after Kate underwent cardiac modification, she also developed special tolerance to electric current and was not affected at all.

However, Blitzcrank, who was made of pure metal, instinctively stood forward, blocked the current with his body, and absorbed the excess power into his body.

This situation did not last long. After a brief period of violence, this energy seemed to have a home, and finally gathered on the body that had not yet awakened on the experimental platform.

There was originally a special horn on the top of the machine's head, but now it was like a lightning rod that continuously attracted the electric current released by the core.

At the back of the head, almost parallel to the ears, is a special cylinder. In its design, it has the function of receiving external signals and regulating the energy movement in the body.


After the current was transferred to the new body, the surrounding equipment emitted bursts of black smoke because they could not bear the energy.

The originally sophisticated instruments and flashing data screens became distorted and frantic under the sudden influx of electricity.

There is a burnt electronic smell in the air, as if it is the last cry of the electronic soul.

The lights in the room suddenly went out, and the wires on the wall twisted and swelled like a swarm of enraged snakes. The insulation on the outer skin was scorched by the high temperature, revealing the flickering sparks inside.

These sparks jumped in the darkness, forming dazzling rays of light that shone on Olan's face, but Olan did not panic, and you could even see a faint smile from the corner of his mouth.

In the center of the laboratory, the newly completed robot stood quietly. The flashing current could still be seen on the bionic metal skin, and the eyes that were originally closed had now opened.


"Yes, your name, Frankenstein."

Unlike Blitzcrank, as the first-generation Hex II machine, Frankenstein has some things that Oran didn't expect. For example, his pupils, one yellow and one blue, are not part of Oran's design, and the sound system seems to be activated. Something went wrong.

"Fran. Dad, brother, sister?"

Her eyes swept over Olan and the others one after another, and her voice was very small. At this time, she was accepting everything in this world.

"Blitzcrank welcomes you, family."

"Meow, too~"

According to Blitzcrank's current thinking logic, Oran is his creator, which can have the same meaning as the word father. As a body that was born earlier, he is naturally his brother.

As for the sister, Kate's modified heart is somewhat related, but she cannot be considered biological.

The sound of approval in her ears caused an emotional fluctuation to appear in Frankenstein's eyes. Looking at Olan's palm stretched out in front of her, she tentatively put her hand on it. Her ignorance of the outside world made her She was a little cautious.

Unlike Blitzcrank's complete view of logic, Frankenstein's understanding of some things is more like that of a newborn baby. Part of the program recorded in the body has been damaged, and the rest are intermittent memory fragments.

Later, in the damaged room, Olan simply conducted some tests and drew some preliminary conclusions.

[The language system is suspected to be slightly damaged, and the thinking logic is relatively clear, but this time it seems that something different happened by accident. 】

Experiments are random and accidental, and sometimes unexpected things will happen. There are also many things in history that were born by chance.

Since Blitzcrank and Frankenstein are both first-generation machines, Olan has not upgraded them with the final emotion modules. The emotions Blitzcrank now embodies are all derived from his own compilation. Compared with real emotions, There are slight differences.

But with the fusion of the Devil Fruit and the Hex II core, Frankenstein seems to have developed special emotions.

[Partial reshaping of logical cognition requires further study. 】

Although Olan's control is still intact, if he does not cultivate his cognitive concepts, accidents may occur when performing tasks in the future.

At this time, Frankenstein was touching the damaged equipment, gradually feeling the outside world in this way. During this process, the warhammer was always by her side. It was her core, and the two could not be separated for a long time.

In Olan's design, Frankenstein's body also has an energy storage device inside. After the electric energy is exhausted, it can even be manually powered by a clockwork device. However, in Frankenstein's perception, not being far away from the core is the same as breathing.

"Oran, what is her fruit ability? Didn't you fuse the devil fruit in your core? How does it compare to the bear's?"

"I haven't tested the specific effect yet, but according to the record in the illustration, that fruit is the superhuman-type storage fruit, which can absorb intangible energy to restore its body. I don't know what effect it will achieve after fusion."

The records in the illustration are often only part of it. Not all users can use all the abilities of the devil fruit, and there are also many abilities that are not recorded at all. It is already a good thing to get a recorded fruit for research.

"Kate, you get ready and do a practical exercise with Frankenstein later."

"Okay, leave it to meow, then meow will go to prepare the test site first."

"Swish, Sidilier Oran, I didn't expect that you would have a day when the experiment went wrong. Look at the situation here, it's really embarrassing."

Kate hadn't left yet, but the half-open laboratory door on the side revealed several figures, and Caesar walked in with an unusually arrogant step.

"According to the rules of MADS, the competition of experimental results determines the allocation of funds. Sidilier, I want to challenge you!"

"Caesar Courant, I think you are itching for trouble."

Kate rolled up her sleeves and wanted to help Orlan deal with this guy, but this time Caesar did not retreat, but took a step forward and made an abnormally provocative expression.


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