The battle was won, and the battle was won.

When the smoke cleared, the huge square was divided into two.

Whitebeard held Kusugawa-kiri in his hand and faced the navy.

Behind him, across the deep crack, the Whitebeard pirates looked stupidly at the figure that seemed to hold up the whole sky.

Only a few captains who were still able to move maintained some rationality.

Even if they wanted to take Whitebeard away with them like the other pirates.


If they really did that, no one could escape, and then Whitebeard's sacrifice would be meaningless.

"Get on board, evacuate!"

Marco forced back his tears and immediately gave the order.

Given the current situation of the Whitebeard Pirates, only his words have a certain deterrent effect.

As expected, most of the pirates turned around slowly after hearing this, and some who still refused to leave were dragged away by their companions.

The Whitebeard Pirates officially began to evacuate.

However, how could the navy let them leave so easily?

"They are going to run away, fire quickly!"

However, because of a wide and deep crack, they can only intercept them from a distance.

The sound of gunfire continued to echo, and several captains of the squad stayed behind to protect the pirates under their command to evacuate.


Whitebeard was furious, and used up his last bit of strength to swing Kusugawa Kirei, and a huge slash spanning nearly 100 meters, filled with the breath of destruction, burst out.

Wherever he passed, the ground turned into countless gravel, and was shattered into powder by the extreme tremor force, and drifted around with the strong airflow.

And when the dust settled.

A strange laugh suddenly came from the quiet square.

Thief hahahaha——

"Finally here, Teach!"

Luo Di looked down quietly, a gleam of light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

He was waiting for this moment.

But right now, he still had something to deal with.

Then, with a black afterimage, Luo Di rushed towards the dilapidated central attic of the Navy Headquarters.

Whitebeard's attack made the Navy Headquarters fortress dilapidated, and even the power of the Death God that he used to stabilize the Death God was shattered.

If he didn't go, the Death God would have to sink into the sea.


The smoke that had not yet dissipated was floating in the air.

But... there seemed to be something more on the field.

"That, what is that!"

"Who is standing on the execution platform? When did they go there?"

Whitebeard's slash caused half of the navy to lose their combat capability, and they had already stopped attacking the White Pirates.

At this moment, their attention was completely attracted by the strange laughter on the execution platform, and they all looked up.

"Finally noticed it!"

Blackbeard had an exaggerated smile on his face, and it was clear that he was missing a few teeth in his mouth.

He had a rough appearance, thick hair on his body, and his eyes were full of ambition.

"How did you bastards get here!"

The appearance of Blackbeard startled Sengoku, and then he was uncontrollable.

As one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he hijacked a warship and went to Impel Down without the permission of the navy.

His purpose, he finally knew now.

It was to release the ultimate criminals who were imprisoned in the deepest part of Impel Down and whose existence was hidden because they were too cruel.

"Teach, what on earth have you done!"

Sengoku clenched his fists, his eyes fixed on Blackbeard and the notorious pirates behind him.

To be honest, he regretted it. Giving the title of Shichibukai to Blackbeard might be his most wrong decision.

"Teach, you bastard!"

Whitebeard also stared at Blackbeard.

It can be said that everything in front of him has the most direct connection with Blackbeard.

For a Dark-Dark Fruit, he actually killed Captain Sachi of the Fourth Division, who had been with him for many years.

In order to get the title of Shichibukai, he sent Ace to Impel Down, and eventually died in this "big event".

More than half of the pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates were killed or injured.

Those are all his "family"!

Now seeing Blackbeard again, without the warmth of the past, Whitebeard's heart is left with only regret and resentment.

If we had listened to the red-haired man's suggestion, perhaps the scene today wouldn't have happened, right?

The old man sends the young man away, and now it has really become a reality.

Navy Headquarters


The last ray of Death Power was also defeated by the remaining tremor ability.

The already shaky Death Ship finally couldn't hold on, and the hull kept tilting, but fortunately, Smanton and Lafayette attacked at the same time, barely dragging the medium-sized pirate ship of about 100 meters.

Because the distance was not far, Lodi also came back in time.

The power of the Death God emerged again and fixed the hull again.

Feeling the familiar breath, Lafayette and Smanton let go at the same time.

"Captain Lodi!"

"Captain, you are finally back. Do you have any mission? I am almost dead!"

Lodi shook his head, then came to Lafayette's side, raised his hand and took out a fruit from under his sleeve with his left hand.

Only said two words.

"Put it well!"

It was slightly hot in the hand, and Lafayette almost didn't hold it.

He wanted to ask something else, but after seeing the video Den Den Mushi in Luo Di's hand, he nodded to show that he understood.

At this time, Smanton suddenly came over.

"Captain, what are you talking about behind my back? And, Lafayette, what is that thing in your hand?"

Lafayette rolled his eyes and then dragged him to the cabin.

"Captain, don't worry, I will keep it!"

From this point, it can be seen that Lafayette will obviously take the overall situation into consideration.

The other end of the Den Den Mushi.

"Parking the ship above the Navy Headquarters, this Death God Lodi is really brave!"

"Devil Sheriff Lafayette and Raptor Smanton, two cadres, it seems that all the members of the Death God Pirates are here!"

"No wonder the view is so good, it turns out that they have been flying in the sky all the time, tsk, the ability of these guys is really BT, by the way, does anyone know what devil fruit the Death God Lodi ate?"

"Not sure..."

"Wait, look down, what's the situation on the execution platform? What's going on with those guys?"

"Blackbeard Teach, For some unknown reason, he suddenly left the Whitebeard Pirates. He even captured Ace the Fire Fist. The group of guys around him... I seem to have some impression of them. Hiss, could it be..."

"Isaac the Ten Thousand Slayer, Kasmir the Blood Demon... Didn't those cruel and bloodthirsty guys disappear? How could they appear there?"

"Look at the prison uniforms on them. These guys should have escaped from Impel Down, no, they were released. The culprit is probably Blackbeard Teach!"

The appearance of Blackbeard caused a huge sensation.

The pirates who disappeared more than ten or twenty years ago made the crowd tremble with fear.


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