"Haha, chatting with smart people saves time."

"I want to join the Shichibukai."

Kuro made his request

"This is impossible. The Seven Warlords of the Sea are already full, and the World Government will not agree to add one more seat."

Sengoku refused without even thinking about it. Joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea is really a bold idea. Pirate Kuro

"Hahaha, this question is not something I consider, Marshal of the Warring States Period"

"Oh, by the way, we have more than 50 navy soldiers here as guests."

Kuro said, and waved his hand to issue an order.

Ah Er, who was next to the navy soldiers, saw the order and stepped forward to punch and kick the soldiers.

"ah! Damn pirates!"

"Stop it, you bastard!"

"Stop fighting!"

The navy soldiers roared in pain after being beaten.

Seng Guo listened to the bursts of wailing coming from the phone bug, and his whole body became angry.

"Clow, you guy, are you going to declare war on the navy?!"

The angry-looking phone caller came with a cold-toned question.

"Of course not, I just want you to know that they are living comfortably here with me, and if you come to pick them up, remember to bring gifts."

"If there were no gifts, I would bury them all!"

The murderous intention in Kuro's words was conveyed to Warring States without concealment.

"You guy!"

Warring States roared and stopped talking, and Kuro ignored him.

After a while, Warring States said

"I can't make the final decision regarding the Shichibukai. I need to ask the Five Old Stars for instructions."

Sengoku still gave in. After all, Kuro's place is too far away from the navy headquarters. Even if Kizaru is dispatched, it will be too late to save people.

"Of course, let me see, it is one o'clock in the afternoon, half past one, I want to hear good news"

"Otherwise, every ten minutes, a navy soldier will fall into the arms of the sea."

After saying this, Kuro hung up the Den Den Mushi.

"Damn guy!"


Seng Guo smashed the desk with an angry punch, and the navy standing guard outside the door rushed in.

"What's wrong, Marshal!"

"fine! Call Lieutenant General He here. I have something to talk to her about."

"Got it!"

The soldier saluted, quickly closed the door and went out to find Lieutenant General He.

"Phew, the navy marshal is really scary."

Quluo threw the phone bug aside and leaned back on the chair.

"Captain, will the Navy agree to let us join the Shichibukai?"

"I don't know, but even if we don't agree, we have no loss. I just want to confirm who issued the order to encircle us."

Crow looked at Crow beside him indifferently.

"Okay, let's get these guys onto our boat, and then notify Ryan that we're leaving here right away."

"Although this place is far from the Navy Headquarters and they don't have time to rescue people, other Navy branches still have time to come over. Leave here first to avoid being surrounded."

"Also, take away all the valuables on the warship. They are our spoils of war."

""Understood, Captain."

Kuro adjusted his glasses and turned around to arrange the action.

Kuro looked at the shabby warship, but he was thinking about another thing.

He did not just say that he wanted to become a Shichibukai. In his current situation, if he killed a rat colonel, he would be surrounded by four warships.

If he killed these two vice admirals and all the marines, he would have nothing to do and would have to prepare for the pursuit of the admirals all day.

With his current strength, he would only be defeated when facing the admirals, so he had only two choices.

One was to join the Four Emperors and become their little brother on the ship, under the protection of the Four Emperors. Under the protection of the King, they can survive.

But this is completely contrary to the purpose of going to sea.

So this path is a direct puss.

The other way is to become a Shichibukai.

As long as you become a Shichibukai, the original wanted order will be stopped, and the World Government will no longer pursue all the crimes committed before.

This is very suitable for the current situation of the Kuro Pirates. If they can succeed, the navy will not send people to encircle and suppress them.

At the same time, it also gives me a stable development time.

And now, what I lack most is time. The foundation of the crew has been laid. As long as there is enough time, the strength of everyone on the ship will be able to grow rapidly.

"Phew, luckily the current marshal is Sengoku instead of Akainu. If it was Akainu, he would have sent troops to hunt me down without even talking to me.

Kuro secretly thought to himself,

"Captain, I found a treasure in the cabin storeroom."

A'er ran over, carrying two boxes in his hands.

"Oh? What treasure?"

When he heard there was a treasure, Kuro also became interested.

"A devil fruit!"

"What! ?"

Crow suspected that he heard wrongly. How could there be Devil Fruit on the warship?

Ah Er didn't explain, and opened the box on the left directly. Inside was a fruit that was completely black with red patterns on the side.

Crow looked There was a piece of paper inside.

He reached out and took it out. It said:

Animal type dog fruit, mastiff form.

"It really is a devil fruit. What kind of luck do you have!"

After reading the note, Kuro looked at Ah Er and sighed. It was unreasonable for such a bastard like Lao Liu to find a devil fruit.

Hearing the captain's praise, Ah Er shyly touched his head.

"I'm not complimenting you, bastard!"

"Well, since you found it, it belongs to you. You must work hard to use it, understand?"

A Er was stunned when he heard the captain said that he had given it to him.

"Captain, it’s a complete waste for me to eat the Devil Fruit. Give it to Brother Crow."

A'er quickly refused, and then wanted to give the fruit to Crowe

"Haha, eat it, Er. The captain is right. Whatever you get is yours."

Kro looked at the devil fruit handed over and pushed it over again.

"You eat it, here is Crow, I will arrange another fruit for him."

Hearing the insistence of the captain and Brother Crow, Ah Er no longer refused, picked up the dog dog fruit, opened his mouth and bit it.

"Uh uh uh uh! yueyue!"

"So disgusting!"

Even though I had asked Brother Ryan what the devil fruit tasted like, he said that he wanted to die after eating it.

But A'er didn't expect it to be so unpalatable, not only because of the smell, but also because of the taste.

Ryan felt numb all over.

He lay on the ground and vomited for a while, but nothing came out.

As he vomited, A'er's hands turned into thick dog paws, and his body turned into a dog's body, covered with black hair.

Finally, his head turned into the head of a Tibetan mastiff.


The dog was more than three meters long and flew towards Kuro.

"Hahaha, you are causing trouble, you bastard!"

Kuro smiled and punched Ah Er gently, knocking him away.

"You'd better control yourself, Ah Er," after Kuro said, Ah Er's body shrank and finally turned into an orc form of about 2.8 meters.

"Ah, Captain, I just want to thank you, why are you hitting me?"

The dogman Ah Er stroked his swollen right cheek with his right paw, his mouth full of resentment.

"If you keep talking like that, I'll hit you."

"No more, Captain."

Ah Er quickly covered his mouth with his paws and shook his head.

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