Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 248 The person promised is not you

The super giant Neptune glanced at the ordinary Neptune who was stunned by the Overlord Color, and just said to Link calmly: "Humans, please don't attack when they are defenseless."

There were too many groups, so it didn't care too much about the ordinary sea kings, but it was a little displeased to intimidate them while they were defenseless.

Bai Xing raised his eyes and looked up, intending to translate for Link, but Link stopped him as soon as he said a few words.

"I understand."

Looking at the sea kings floating unconsciously in the sea in the distance, Link didn't even think that he was attacking. His overlord color was attacking the fish-man island, but he didn't rush towards them.

Qiu Shui pulled it out again, and the black lightning continued to explode. Link slashed at the huge sea king that was more than five thousand meters in front of him, causing a large hole of nearly one thousand meters in its body, and the liquid flowed out. The blood dyed the sea red little by little.

"That's the attack."

Link chuckled, not caring about the increasingly angry looks in the eyes of these Neptunes. It is estimated that if Bai Xing had not been present, these Neptunes would have started to fight back.

The Poseidon who was attacked was also stunned. Unexpectedly, Link just said something and started attacking.

A cut of nearly a thousand meters was a huge wound for its size. It endured the pain and began to control its muscles to slowly heal.

"This at least lets us know that the person we agreed to is not you."

The giant sea king said with a grin. Its wound was still aching, but it did not choose to attack Link because it was concerned about Bai Xing's feelings and Link's strange aura.

"Promise? Of course it can't be me. I haven't made a promise with you."

Link chuckled and looked at the unconscious Neptunes to see which ones he could take away and have Gureva make food for him.

But this idea was abandoned by Link after only two seconds. He didn't necessarily need those who were unconscious. Those who were still conscious could also be included in the ingredients.

Bai Xing couldn't see Link's eyes, but she didn't want to cause another conflict between Link and the Neptunes, so she quickly said: "Everyone, please leave."

He began to bow to many Neptunes, which almost knocked Link off his head. Fortunately, he held on to Shirahoshi's hair and did not fall.

The Neptunes gradually left one by one. The last few super-large Neptunes stared at Link for a long time before leaving, as if they wanted to remember Link's appearance.

When Link stood up, almost all the Neptunes around him had left. Even the stunned Neptunes were taken away by their companions. This was what made Link most regretful.

"Why don't you call back a few more? I think they all seem delicious."

Link patted Bai Xing's head and said with a smile, but Bai Xing shook his head. She couldn't call those Neptunes who respected her back to feed Link. She couldn't do that kind of thing.

"Lord Link, I will ask my father to prepare sumptuous food when we return."

Shirahoshi's words barely made Link give up the idea of ​​calling back the Neptune class.

"Is there any meat?"


"Where's the cake?"


"That's fine. By the way, who is your father?"


Not long after Enelu and Link separated, he noticed that many sea kings broke into his range of perception, and then headed towards Link's position. There were thousands of them, and he didn't know these sea kings. Wherever he is usually, he can appear so quickly.

However, Enelu calmed down after being surprised. His current task was to get rid of the mouse hiding in the shadows.

The divine ring was still floating behind him, and Anilu's thunder weapon had not been disarmed yet, making Anilu's range of sight, hearing, and color perception much larger than normal. Soon, he found himself in a trench. He smelled the fishman's breath.

Enelu has seen the photo of Vanderdeken IX, and he can tell whether the fish-man he perceives is right when he sees it.

The current pushed Enelu to move quickly in the sea, and soon he came to the trench and stood in front of the man.

Fortunately, the person he sensed was none other than Van der Deken, which saved Enel a lot of effort.

"You're easier to find than I thought."

With a chuckle, Enel raised his hand and pointed it at Vanderdyken with his fingertips. A dazzling thunder light completely illuminated the place, destroying the waterproof coating on Vanderdyken's body and also electrocuting him directly. , died instantly.

"If it wasn't for the purpose of losing power to that big ship, you wouldn't have died so easily, you bastard."

A golden thunderbird flew out from the divine ring behind him and struck directly at Vanderdyken's body. The golden thunderbird devoured his body, and the body was turned into charcoal and turned into debris in the violent thunder.

There are still about 80% of the power of Lei Ying's armed forces. Some of them are used by him and some are lost naturally. There is a huge life form around him, but he is still sleeping. Even if Enelu makes such a loud noise, There was no movement.

After thinking about it, Enelu did not kill the giant life again, but turned around and left the trench.

"Tsk, what a troublesome day."

After stretching, Enelu sighed. Looking at the waterproof coating on his body, he felt more and more that it was a good thing.

Although it takes some time to wrap it up, the fact that it allows the esper to enter the water makes the early preparations completely worth it.

In fact, they didn't have many opportunities to go into the water, but Enilu still felt that he should mention it to Olvia after returning. He really should have some of these things.

Swimming in the direction of Fish-Man Island, the scenery on the seabed made Elniru feel novel. Although he had seen it once when he came down on the Star, the senses of watching it on the ship were different from swimming in the sea. Diving was even more exciting. Free and flexible.

On Fish-Man Island, Crocodile, who was standing on the Dragon Palace City, did not take a second look at the fainting person below. His body turned into sand and left here.

Dragon Palace City, at the entrance of the Hard Shell Tower, Neptune lay here unconscious.

When he saw the sea kings surrounding the Fish-Man Island, he felt something was wrong and hurriedly walked towards the hard-shell tower.

As he walked further and further, Neptune saw some unconscious guards on the ground. These were the people who were stunned by Link's Overlord Color last night, and they still haven't woken up yet.

When he saw the open door of the hard-shell tower, Neptune knew that it was all over. His daughter Shirahoshi had been taken away. At this moment, Link's domineering aura came from above, knocking Neptune straight out. He went over and fell to the ground.

The wind and sand blew by, and Crocodile stood in front of the unconscious Neptune, looked at him twice, and reached out to take off the crown from his head.

Looking around, he took out a folded piece of paper from a sandwich.

The paper was very old and slightly yellowed. When he opened it, he saw that the paper was not small, and it was filled with ancient characters that he could not understand.

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