"It doesn't hurt."

He has never been in pain, but Uta seems to ask this question after every battle.

Link shook his head with a smile and jumped directly into Uta's arms. Listening to his heartbeat and smelling Uta's scent, he felt very happy.

Gureva, who was standing aside, couldn't help but smile strangely when she saw this: "Link, you are so old, why are you still acting coquettishly with Uta?"

Link's behavior at this time was acting like a spoiled brat in Gureva's eyes.

Olvia quietly approached from behind Guleva, stretched out her hand to cover his mouth, and said with a smile: "Oh, Guleva, don't always be so uninteresting."

After saying that, without giving Gureva a chance to speak, she gave Robin a look, and Robin stepped forward with a smile and helped drag Gureva away.

Gulewa naturally refused to leave. She came over to say that it was almost time and she should go out to cook.

Because she saw Link like this, she didn't say anything serious. She teased him first, and then she couldn't say anything serious anymore.

Link hid in Uta's arms and smiled, only half of his face showing. He found it particularly interesting to see Gureva being dragged away.

On the other side, Enel approached Crocodile. Although his injuries had recovered, he still looked very embarrassed, which made Enel laugh out loud.

"You are no different from a refugee. No, refugees have better clothes than you."

At this time, except for his pants, Crocodile was still wearing only strips of cloth.

"But how do you feel? I think you were beaten very badly."

Enelu asked with a smile. Crocodile on the opposite side was a little silent, and finally said slowly: "Very strong, very strong."

However, this answer was not what Enelu wanted to hear, so he was a little dissatisfied: "Of course I know that Link is very strong. What I want to ask is, after this time, do you think you have the confidence to defeat Whitebeard?"

Crocodile just lowered his head in thought and did not answer Enelu's words.

After a long while, Crocodile sat up from the ground and said with a smile: "Yes, there must be."

Even if you don’t have it, you have to have it!

When you feel that you can't beat the opponent, you will feel afraid, and you will definitely not be able to beat the opponent!

Therefore, Crocodile chose to believe that he would win.

Seeing this expression, Enelu nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, this is the Crocodile I know. His appearance a few days ago was a bit too outrageous."

"Let's not talk about it if it doesn't sound right."

Crocodile looked at Enelu and said flatly: "I want to know why the sofa that was just cleaned the day before yesterday is dirty again?"

Enel: "..."

In the end, under Gulewa's strong resistance, they came out of the song world.

A group of people were sitting in the restaurant, waiting for Guleva and Olvia to continue serving food.

Uta's chair was close to Link's, and his head rested on Link's shoulder.

After using the ability for so long, and the large scale of the battle between Link and Crocodile in the Song World, Uta felt a little sleepy.

After eating, we went to rest with Link.

She won't take a bath today. It's okay if she skips a day. She really doesn't want to move. Let's talk about it tomorrow.

Time was tight, so the meals were simple. Dinner was just grilled meat, salad, and a pot of soup.

However, the people on the Star have been raised by Gureva for so long, and the picky eaters have long since starved to death.

In addition, the barbecue was more flavorful than the nutritious meal that Gureva had prepared so carefully. This meal made many people feel even better than before.

Anilu even recommended it with real name, so that Gu Lewa would often make these in the future. Doesn’t this taste more delicious than those unknown herbal stews?

However, there was only one warrior, and no one agreed with Enilu's words. In the end, under Gureva's death gaze, Enelu had to give up the proposal sickly.

"A bunch of heartless guys."

Enelu sighed and saw that the remaining half of the steak on the plate was no longer fragrant.

I took the knife and fork and wanted to continue eating, but my eyes blurred and the remaining half of the barbecue disappeared.

"Hey! Link!!"

Enelu immediately shouted, there was no one else but Link who could delete time who could do this under his eyes.

So there is no doubt that Enelu has directly locked the target.

With the barbecue in his mouth, Link directly picked up Uta who was sleepy and wanted to laugh. He muttered "I'm done eating" and immediately ran out of the restaurant with Uta in his arms.

"Oh, I still want to eat it, pah, it's gone."

Gu Lewa clapped her hands and said with a sneer.


Olvia shook her head helplessly and handed the almost untouched barbecue on the plate to Enel.

"Eat mine, I don't really like barbecue anyway."

In comparison, Olvia still prefers salad.

Enelu took the barbecue and protected it in his arms this time, carefully looking around to prevent Link from suddenly coming out and snatching away his barbecue again.

Dinner ended again in a noisy way, as it always did.

The sun and moon are reversed, and time passes.

On a sunny morning, many crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates were lying on the deck of the Moby-Dick in a state of disarray, falling asleep with smiles on their faces.

There were many wine bottles next to them, and it could be seen that a grand banquet was held the night before.

Marco kicked his legs and kicked off Sachi, who was sleeping soundly on top of him, and then sat up somewhat drowsily.

The sun was very bright at this time, and Marco had to squint his eyes and look up at the observation deck. When he saw a little fat black man standing on it, he laughed twice and shouted to him: "Tich, yesterday Please keep vigil."

Having drunk too much wine, Marco's brain was still a little dazed at this time, and it would take some time to wake up.

Although alcohol can be expelled through life return, how can you play tricks when drinking with family and brothers?

"Hahaha, Marco, if you feel uncomfortable, just keep sleeping. I don't really need to sleep. It'll be fine if I keep watch for a while."

Marshall D. Teach said with a smile that seemed genuine.

"Forget it, I can't bother you every time I have a banquet."

Marco laughed twice and walked towards the cabin in the distance. He wanted to wash his face first to clear his mind.

Whitebeard was still sleeping, and having so many sons by his side made him sleep very peacefully.

"Sachi, Sachi! Wake up, it's time to get up and cook."

Marco, who woke up, walked to Sage's side and shook Sage's body gently, but Sage did not wake up, but slapped Marco twice impatiently and continued to sleep.

Seeing this, Marco couldn't help but reveal a evil smile on his face, leaned into Sage's ear, and said loudly: "Dad doesn't take his medicine again!"

These words suddenly woke up Sachi, who was still sleeping soundly. He stood up straight and said instinctively: "Dad, you must take the medicine!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Saatchi looked at the brothers who were lying in pieces around him, and his still-awake brain couldn't help but shut down for an instant. It wasn't until Marco's unbearable laughter rang out that Saatchi finally reacted.

He was cheated!


If Sachi hadn't gotten up angry, he would have hit Marco a few times to vent his anger.

Marco lay on the deck holding his stomach and laughing. This laughter made many people wake up in confusion.

"Hahaha, Sa Qi, how long has it been since Brother Luo healed my father's body? Why are you still woken up by this trick?"

In the past, it was Sachi who was responsible for supervising Dad's medication. It has almost become instinctive after so many years. How can it be changed so easily?

Sachi was not convinced either, and started to struggle with Marco on the deck.

Whitebeard opened his eyes. He didn't know when he had woken up. The corners of his mouth had curved into crescents like his beard, and he looked at the child below kindly.

After the fight, Sachi walked to the kitchen with the people who had woken up.

There are many people living on the Moby Dick. If the meal is cooked late, many brothers will be hungry.

Marco sat on the fence next to Whitebeard, chatting and joking with his father with a smile.

Since the last time the Golden Lion brought Brother Luo, his father's body has been cured, and he is in a much happier mood without having to hang up a bottle to take medicine.

It has nothing to do with regaining strength, it's just because there are less troubles, so Whitebeard doesn't have to worry about his body often.

After breakfast, Marco lay on the cable of the sail and burped, looking at the sea casually.

Tiqi, the fat little black man on the observation deck, returned here again after his meal to observe the surrounding situation.

His relaxed expression suddenly changed, and he turned to Whitebeard sitting in the center and shouted loudly: "Dad! The Star Pirates are here!"

After hearing this, Marco immediately sat up from the cable and looked where Teach was pointing.

On the sea in the distance, a dazzling ship appeared, which looked golden and bright under the sunlight.

The appearance of the Star had long been published in newspapers, and everyone was deeply impressed by the ship, which was inlaid with gold.

"Are you coming?"

Whitebeard leaned on the back of the huge chair, looking at the slowly approaching Star, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Shiji, I will 'repay' your kindness well!"

By the way, let's verify whether Shi Ji's child is as scary as the rumors say.

Marco fell in front of Whitebeard and said with a smile: "Dad, do you need to prepare the brothers for battle?"

Whitebeard shook his head and said with a smile: "No, let's see what their intentions are first."

Whether you want to fight or not, you have to talk to the opponent first. There is no need to put on a defensive posture just because the Star Pirates are approaching.

He has a white beard!

On the observation deck, Teach looked at the dazzling Star in the distance. The first thing he naturally thought of was Link, and then the other crew members.

Fruit from time to time, if his dream can come true, it seems good to use it as the third one.

There is also the Thunder Fruit, a top-level natural type and also a very powerful devil fruit.

Hey, but even if he could get the Devil Fruit he dreamed of, it would be difficult for the Star Pirates to do it.

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