Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 535 Meat on the chopping board

"The World, time has stopped. Oh, by the way, I should have said that before using my ability."

Link said with a smile. He just used his ability to stop time.

Even if Kaido used all his armed Haki to resist Link's ability, he was still suspended along with time.

This is a power that can control the world. How can one person's domineering power compete with it?

Therefore, even if Kaido's domineering power increases several times, it will still be suspended over time.

"Oh, it turns out that the body is covered with domineering energy. Why wasn't it roasted?"

Looking at Kaido in mid-air, Link said with a smile, and then looked at the swelling flames on his body, which were like an invisible barrier even when time was suspended.

Although the flames no longer emit heat at this time, you can still feel its temperature by touching the flames with your hands, so it is still a bit troublesome to kill Kaido like this.

But these are just minor troubles.

Link waved his hand with a smile, and the flames on Kaido gradually disappeared. The time of the flames continued to go back to before they appeared, and the flames naturally ceased to exist.

He stretched out his hand to pull Kaido's body out of mid-air, pushed it to the ground casually, and then stabbed Kaido's body with the autumn water.

However, with Kaido's armed and defensive body, the first blow didn't penetrate.

Link looked at it curiously, and then Qiu Shui's blade began to be wrapped with the beating domineering domineering energy.

Raise your hand and chop it off.

The powerful sky fire directly broke through Kaido's defense and cut a huge wound on his body.

However, this was not enough to defeat Kaido. Link could still pause for a very long time, so he was not in a hurry and slashed at Kaido again.

One stab after another, until Link confirmed that Kaido had no ability to continue fighting after the world was lifted.

The power of time is so unreasonable.

As long as the confrontation lasts, after Link uses The World, JIU will become meat on the chopping board, allowing Link to slash at will.

"That should be enough."

Link smiled and shook Qiushui, and the blood beads on the blade were thrown away. However, almost as soon as they flew out, they were fixed in the air and stopped moving.

Kaido on the ground had been chopped to pieces. His limbs were not cut off directly. Many bones in his body were exposed. Even when Kaido lowered his head, he could see his internal organs.

However, the time pause continues, so Kaido will naturally not move.

At this time, he was still looking forward with a ferocious expression, not knowing at all that he had been chopped to death.

Putting Qiu Shui back into the scabbard, Link snapped his fingers with a smile and said casually: "Time begins to flow."

As Link finished these words, the extremely silent world became noisy again.

Although many of Kaido's muscles were chopped to pieces by Link, they still maintained their strength, which made his body seem to have turned into a fountain, with bright red blood spraying around wantonly.

Did I...fail?

One second he was about to attack Link, but the next second he was lying on the ground with his whole body broken. The severe pain made Kaido almost scream out. After thinking for a while, he figured everything out.

His attack, the all-out Great Weed Fire Dragon Bagua, didn't work. Although he might be able to defeat the unsuspecting Link, with the ability to pause time, he could never hit Link.

The body's armored domineering energy seems to be used to defend itself against its own flames, and is useless except for eating.

Kaido, who was still in a trance, heard an anxious and panicked shout from the distance.

It was Yamato, her voice was far away, and she was calling her father. This seemed to be the most intense emotion Kaido had ever had when he heard Yamato calling him.

Yamato in the distance instantly entered the human-animal form and rushed towards Kaido like crazy.

On the Star, everyone was not surprised at all that Link won, but they were just a little surprised why Link didn't kill Kaido.

Morgans flew in mid-air, pressing the shutter of the camera frantically, taking pictures of Kaido's miserable state and Link next to him.

Before, he thought that the battle between Link and Kaido would take a long time, but he never expected that the winner would be decided in an instant.

This powerful ability to crush the Yonko is naturally big news, and Morgans is already too excited to calm down.

Enelu did not stay quietly on the Star. He noticed that Link and Kaido were victorious, and he took action when Yamato rushed towards him.

But instead of stopping Yamato, he stopped Jhin who was also rushing towards Kaido behind Yamato.

Enilu was not worried about them hurting Link in the past. After all, Link was very strong now. Even if they all passed by, he would still be no match. He stopped Jhin for other reasons.

For that, it was agreed upon before, the winner’s spoils.

"Don't worry, Jhin. Link defeated Kaido, so your road signs should be handed over to us, right?"

Stopping in front of Jin, Enelu put his hands in his pockets and said with a low smile.

Flame Calamity Jhin, the second-in-command of the Beast Pirates, is not weak in strength and is rumored to be a calm and strong man.

But at this time, he looked at the bloody Kaido on the ground, and naturally fell into panic.

Looking at Enelu with lightning wrapped around his arm, Jhin understood that now was not the time to fight, and said coldly: "Jack will take you to find him."

Jack had discovered this thing, and Jack knew where it was now. Kaido didn't avoid them at all when he buried the red stone.

After saying what Enelu wanted most, Enelu no longer blocked the road and stood sideways, allowing Jhin to pass by.

Jin Leng looked at Enelu, remembering his appearance firmly in his heart, and then without hesitation, he picked up Quinn, who had just reacted, and rushed directly in the direction of Kaido.

Enel also waved to them thoughtfully as a farewell, then looked at the silent Jack and smiled: "Let's go, take me to get Link's loot, Jack."

Yamato quickly rushed to Kaido's side, looking at Kaido who was in a panic on the ground, he was so panicked that he couldn't even speak.

He stretched out his hand to pick up his father's pieces of meat, but he was afraid that his actions would make his father more seriously injured. Yamato's hand just froze in the air, hesitating and not daring to make any move.

"Quinn...Quinn...Quinn!! Come here quickly! Come here quickly!!!"

Yamato's lips trembled slightly as he chanted Quinn's name, going from anxious to more manic.

At this time, Quinn was being carried by Jhin's pigtails and just flew past Enelu. Hearing Yamato's cry, he responded quickly.

However, his current posture was very awkward. As Quinn moved at high speed, his body kept spinning under Jhin's hands.

Jhin also knew the seriousness of the matter, so after flying to Kaido's side, he immediately stabilized Quinn's spinning figure and landed gently next to Kaido, for fear of splashing dust and falling into Kaido's open chest.

Quinn, who landed on the ground, had no intention of scolding Jhin, but hurriedly squatted next to Kaido, frowning tightly.

With the injuries in front of him, Quinn didn't know how Kaido could survive, but since Kaido was still alive, he would definitely try his best to rescue him.

His eyes quickly looked at the pieces of meat on the ground, memorizing every piece of meat and exposed bones.

"Yamato! Create a piece of ice, put all Kaitou's flesh on it, and then Jhin and I will take Kaitou back to the laboratory!"

Now he has no tools at hand. Brother Kaido's injury is too serious. Even if he takes him back to the laboratory, Quinn is not sure that he can cure Kaido. He is not even sure whether he can revive the dying brother.

However, Quinn's words gave Yamato a backbone. He kept nodding and quickly picked up his father's body tissues scattered on the ground and placed them on the ice.

Jhin and Quinn on one side were having a hard time, because Kaido's miserable situation at this time made it difficult for them to start.

Link stood quietly aside and did not stop the three of them from rescuing Kaido.

Link heard Eniro's previous question to Jhin, and his spiritual hearing has always been very good.

At this time, the battle was over, and the last stone, Enel, had already been retrieved with Olvia and the others. Because Onigashima was some distance away from Wano Country, they took the Starship to go there.

But Uta still stayed here, because she would not leave when Link was here.

So now we just have to wait for our companions to come back, right?

Link's confused brain quickly cleared up his thoughts, so he turned around and walked in the direction of Uta.

No matter what, Link will feel very comfortable next to Uta, so he won't just stand here stupidly.


Kaido coughed up blood and called Link's name.

Not only was he coughing up blood now, but with Kaido's movements, his body was still spurting blood out, but the blood column was much lower, and there was obviously not much blood left in his body.


"Brother Kaido! Don't move, your body is dying!"

Yamato and Quinn gathered around Kaido and quickly stopped him when they saw Kaido struggling and looking towards Link.

However, Kaido looked beyond them and looked directly at Link.

Even at this time, Kaido's eyes were darkened and he couldn't see Link clearly.

"Why don't you kill me? Are you insulting me by leaving me alive?! Link!!!"

Kaido's voice was very hoarse, and his throat was accidentally cut open by Link. This was not Link's intention. After all, among Link's people, the throat did not affect the battle.

Jhin silently took two steps forward and stood in front of Kaido. At this time, Kaido couldn't see this at all. His consciousness was a little blurry at this time, and he was just waiting stubbornly for an answer.

Link, who was stopped, looked at Kaido strangely and said doubtfully: "Kill you? I remember it was a duel, but no one told me it was a fight?"

Link remembered that he would fight this dragon man today, and the winner would get the red stone. No one told Link to kill this dragon man?

If he had known that he could kill him, Link wouldn't have bothered to cut Kaido so many times to make him incapable of fighting.

Wouldn't it be more convenient for him to just chop off the dragon man's head with one knife?

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