Tensa Zangetsu was well placed in Whitebeard's abdomen without causing fatal injuries.

But Marco, Joz and other captains were all eye-opening and worried about Whitebeard's injury. If they didn't care about the request of the old man, they would have rushed forward together.

"I've got you... brat!" Whitebeard's pitch-black palms grabbed Yak's body, preventing Yak from elementalizing and escaping.

Yake: This sentence seems familiar, brothers, I am GG.

Kizaru: Coincidentally, I thought so too at the time.

Whitebeard clenched his fist with his right hand and hit Yake's face with a white halo.

Yake hastily raised his dark arms to cover his face.

At this moment, Yake's painting style surpassed everyone.

Yake's expression was broken by Whitebeard's punch, and he was directly shocked to the point of fainting. Yake still underestimated Whitebeard's strength.

"Gu la la la, what a difficult little brat!" Whitebeard pulled out Tensa Zangetsu stuck in his abdomen without changing his expression, blood gushed out suddenly, only Whitebeard himself understood that this sword could have been stabbed in his chest .

Several captains including Sach and Bista immediately surrounded Whitebeard.

"Dad, are you okay?" "Dad, are you alright?"...

"Gu la la la, Laozi is Whitebeard!!!"

This is the strongest man in the world: Whitebeard- Edward Newgate.

"Ahem, what a monster, Whitebeard, I'm not dead yet!"

Yake stood up staggeringly, shaking his head, as if trying to get rid of the strong dizziness.

"Come again, Whitebeard!" Yake once again condensed the thunder and rushed to Whitebeard.

But what stands in front of Yake is the captains of Whitebeard.

"Do you want to dance together too?"

"Get out of the way, silly sons, this is Laozi's fight!" Whitebeard slapped the sons in front of him like chickens, the dazzling white awn on his right fist and Yake's fist When they meet together, a powerful momentum suddenly erupts.

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah!"

Yake's veins burst out, the skin on his arm was chapped, and blood continued to seep out of the pores, forming blood beads.

One can imagine how fierce the confrontation with Whitebeard was.

"Father, we can't fight anymore, the Moby Dick is about to burst!" Marco shouted anxiously. He found that just below the point where Whitebeard and Yark met, the hull began to crack, and if he continued to fight, the Moby Dick was almost lost.

Yake and Whitebeard seem to have never heard of it, and the strength in their hands is still increasing.

Suddenly, Yake's sense of knowledge sensed the movement on the Eternal Truth, and he couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the ship.

The Eternal Truth struggled to sustain itself in the tsunami that killed people, and waves hit the ship one after another.

"Little devil, you dare to lose your mind when fighting with me!" Whitebeard retracted his fist angrily, and after suddenly releasing his strength, he immediately hit Yake's head with an even more terrifying fist.

Jacques just reacted, and Whitebeard's fist came again, and Jacques was blown away like a kite with a broken string, lying on the deck of the Moby Dick, his life and death unknown.

Eternal Truth.

Although the sea situation is very bad, Robin has been paying attention to the situation of Yake.

"It's over, it's over, the captain was punched flying, we are going to die..." Perona observed the battle situation with a ghost, and Yake lay on the ground motionless, as if he was dead...

"Go save the captain, hurry up! Get the boat up for me!!!" Robin clenched his teeth, worry was written all over his face.

"Robin, leave it to me." Reiju looked solemn, and the rudder flew up.


The battle was over, but Yake still couldn't get up again.

"Gu la la la, this kid's strength is really good. The fruit ability not only takes into account strength and speed, but also has a good physical training. Fighting alone, you are no match for him." Whitebeard took a sip of wine and said, the wound is not serious. The fatal, monster-like physique is basically fine after some treatment by Marco.

Now it seems that Whitebeard's disease has not worsened, and it is not very good compared to two years later.

"What have you done to our captain!" Robin folded his hands in an attacking stance.

Reiju's battle suit has been put on, and even Perona is surrounded by ghosts. Although Anna is afraid, electric lights are already shining on her furry body.

"Gu la la la, this kid is really lucky." Whitebeard couldn't help laughing when he saw Robin and others coming to the boat.

"Don't worry, your captain just fainted, nothing serious." Marko said lightly.

"However, your captain failed to challenge our king, you should be prepared to die..."

Marco was gorgeously ignored by Robin. He squeezed away Marco and stepped forward to check on Yake's situation. Seeing that Yake was still breathing steadily, he was relieved. Ke understood that as long as he was still angry, he would be fine.

"I'm very sorry that our captain has caused you so much trouble, and I'm willing to make up for your loss." Robin said generously, lowering his head and bowing to Whitebeard in apology.

"It seems that your captain is very popular! As the losers of the challenge, we could have killed your captain, but Dad cherishes talents, as long as you are willing to join our Whitebeard Pirates, then we will be a family, so this ..." Marco said proudly, but was interrupted by Robin again.

"Absolutely! Yes! Impossible! Our captain is a man who wants to overthrow this world. How could he live in someone else's house? This is the only thing that cannot be discussed." Robin said loudly, even though the surroundings were full of enemies who could easily kill her .

Reiju, Perona, Anna, and Robin surrounded Yake in four directions for protection, and confronted Whitebeard's crew, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Gu la la la, brave little girl, let's talk about it after your captain wakes up, you are not the captain!" Whitebeard looked at Robin and others with admiration, this pirate group was unexpectedly very homely.

Whitebeard's crew also understood what Dad meant, and dispersed one after another, leaving only a few people staring at Robin and the others.

Yake has been awake for a while. The old guy Whitebeard doesn't talk about martial arts and engages in sneak attacks. He was going to fight Whitebeard for another 300 rounds, but when he saw Robin coming, forget it.

Whitebeard is concerned about the impact of his abilities on the environment at sea, so he will definitely not fight with all his strength, and he will not play happily. Anyway, I also bleed Whitebeard, so it's not ugly to admit defeat.

What's more, Robin and the others are also on board, and they don't dare to use their abilities on a large scale. Forget it, it's just the price of making friends with Whitebeard. Yake just rolled his eyes and went to sleep!

The Eternal Truth has been moored to sail with the Moby Dick, and some shipwrights are repairing the damage caused by Yark's battle with Whitebeard. Yake has been transferred by Robin to rest on the Eternal Truth, and several people are sitting around Yake, hoping that Yake will wake up early.

In the early morning of the next day, Yake felt a little difficult to breathe, and woke up abruptly.

Only then did I realize that there were several people around me, Robin on the left, Reiju on the right, Perona sleeping on the bedside, and what's more, Anna curled up on Yake's chest like a cat group, the real culprit was found...

It is not surprising that I am still alive. Whitebeard cherishes talents. Even if Lao Sha fails the challenge, he will save his life and give him a chance to be his son. Unfortunately, Lao Sha refused.

Wait, will it be me next, Jacques has already imagined what it will be like to meet Whitebeard when that time comes.

Such a strong sense of picture, Yake felt that he couldn't fall asleep.

Looking at the sleeping girls around him, each of them is a stunning beauty, and after taking the beauty pill, he is even more charming. Yake quietly looked at his lovely crew.

It is enough to tell them to guard the ship peacefully, but they still came to the Moby Dick, Robin's words also touched the softness of Yake's heart, maybe this is the real big secret treasure.

"Captain, you're awake, ahhh!" Perona had already woken up and screamed excitedly.

"Perona, don't make noise, let me sleep for a while~" Robin was still a little dazed, and shrank his head into Yake's arms.

"Yake, you're awake!!" Reiju opened his eyes and saw that Yake's complexion was fine, so he couldn't help laughing happily, and his eyebrows seemed to be more curved.

"Ah, Yaxama, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

"Then hurry up and get down for me! I'm almost overwhelmed by you!"


After a while of jumping around, the tranquility was restored.

Anna made a hearty breakfast, and after eating and drinking, Yake took Robin and others to meet Whitebeard.

"Gu la la la, kid, I thought you would just run away!" Whitebeard was still a little happy to see Yake's arrival.

"Failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is to avoid failure, so here I come." Yake looked up at Whitebeard, surrounded by melon-eating captains, all smiling, as if welcoming new members, Including the "honest and honest" Teach.

"Gu la la la, well said!"

Whitebeard stood up and held out his hand like a world-famous painting.

"Be my son!"

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