"This, how is it possible!" Beckman speculated that the Devil Fruit Yake ate might not be Thunder Fruit, but he never expected that he could eat two Devil Fruits.

A person can only eat one Devil Fruit. This is common sense in this sea, and it is also a lesson learned by countless greedy people.

"Yake, is what you said true? But...it's too..." Shanks felt that the whole person was not good, two Devil Fruits or something, it was too exaggerated.

"That's right, my physique is a bit special. I am indeed a Thunder Fruit user, but at the same time I am also a Zoan fruit user."

"Oh~ that's it, so-so..." Jacques had no special disgust expression on his face, and Versailles was true for him to understand.

"What is your Zoan fruit ability? Please tell me!" Shanks said angrily. It seems that Yake is still holding back. If he has the vitality of Zoan, the last knife inserted into his heart may not be possible. die.

"Haha, you'll know later, Uncle Shanks, I'm leaving first, my purpose has been accomplished, and I'm going back to my kingdom." Yake smiled mysteriously, and didn't tell Shanks directly, it would be boring to say it directly, It's fun to see it with your own eyes.

"Going away, Yark Kid." Beckman lit a cigarette.

"Well, I have to go back and have a look."

"Wait, Yake, Usopp has come to your country, give him this." Yasopp took out a beautiful pistol and handed it to Yake, wiping the tears from his eyes and said with a smile.

He wasn't a good dad, and couldn't even hand him the gift of adulthood.

Yake accepted it silently and turned to look at Shanks.

"Uncle Shanks, if you meet Luffy, is there anything I can tell you?"

"Hahahaha, if you meet him, tell him, I'll be waiting for him in New World!"

Yake turned around with a smile, put Yasopp's gun into the storage bar, rushed into the sky and turned into a dragon form, spit dragon phlegm in the direction of Shanks, the kind that can catch fire, and flew away flauntingly.


"I knew he had something to do with Kaido's designation!" Shanks said angrily as he chopped Yake's fireball into pieces with a sword.

"The dragon I saw two years ago is indeed him." Beckman took a deep breath and spat out slowly.

"What? Two years ago? How come I don't remember?" Shanks was in a daze, not sure what Beckman was talking about.

"With Thunder Fruit's mobility and Kaido's perverted vitality, he is already invincible in the sea." Laqilu was as calm as ever, and even the meat on his hands was no longer fragrant.

"Hahaha, whatever, it's not an enemy anyway, let's continue with the banquet!" Shanks said indifferently, and soon the boat was full of joy again.

It was very exciting for Yake to run after pretending to be aggressive, but for the sake of speed, he still turned into a human form, and the dragon form was still too slow to go. I have to go back to the paradise from New World, and the journey is still a bit long. In human form, you can also eat something to supplement the physical strength consumed in the battle.

"Well, there is an island here. It looks pretty good. I want to take a rest here tonight." Yake vaguely saw the brightly lit city in the distance, and it was already night. After fighting for seven days, Yake K is very sleepy now.

After landing on the island, Yake found a hotel at random, and went to bed and fell asleep. He was not sleepy after fighting, and it was true that Yake was sleepy on the way.

the next day.

Only then did Yake know that he had come to Butch, the gourmet city, an island located in the first half of the Grand Line, which is a world-renowned gourmet city.

Yake looked at the dazzling array of delicacies in the city, which made people's index fingers move. Yake started the shopping mode, so he had to bring some local products to Sky Island.

But what Yake didn't expect was that he would meet acquaintances here.

In front of the food street, a big white bear in orange clothes was drooling looking at the food in front of him, but his expression was extremely tangled.

"Hey, I still want to eat, but I've run out of pocket money..." Big Pyrenees took out his trouser pocket and found that his face was cleaner than his own.

"Hey, are you going to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, then leave quickly, don't delay my business!" said the mean boss with disgust.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I'm leaving right away." The big white bear immediately bowed his head and apologized, his body was full of low pressure, and he walked away step by step.

"Boss, it's all packed for me!" Yake said arrogantly, and the Bailey in his hand rattled.

"Hey! Guest, take it."

Yake stood in front of the big white bear with a large bag of food.

"Do you want to eat this? Here you are!" Yake said with a smile on his face. The big white bear is the cutest. This is a cute creature with a bounty of 500 Baileys. Island, Yake will not let go of such a potential subordinate.

"Ah, did you give it to me? Thank you, woo woo, I never expected to meet kind-hearted people here!" The big white bear was so moved that he cried, and ate three big bowls with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, Bebo, what are you doing there! Hurry up and leave!" Xia Qi and Pei Jin shouted in unison.

"Oh, come right away, by the way, thank you again! I have to leave beforehand." Beibo quickly finished his food, turned around and thanked Yake again, and left in a hurry.

"Hum ha ha, we'll meet again later." Yake looked at the back of Bepo leaving and said to himself.

"Beibo, don't you have no money? What are you doing there!" Pei Jin said speechlessly.

"That's right, that's right, the head of the house obviously gave you so much pocket money, but in the end you spent all of it on snacks." Xia Qi quickly picked up Pei Jin's words.


"But just now a kind person treated me to a lot of snacks, so I..."

Luo, who was wearing a Madara hat, rested his sword on his shoulder, walked slowly to Bebo, glanced at him lightly, and said, "Stop talking about meaningless things, let's go."

Several people followed Luo to the coast and jumped on a submarine.

"Bepo, go and confirm the heading, we're off."

"Don't worry, why don't you stay and sit for a while?" Yake sat on the top of the submarine and looked down at the people below.

Luo pulled out the demon knife vigilantly and cried. Due to the direct sunlight, Yake's face could not be seen clearly, and the crew of the Heart Pirates also entered the battle preparation.

"Who is it? There seems to be no conflict between us!" Luo said calmly, looking up at the figure above.

"Trafalgar Law, is it?"

"Who the hell are you? From the Donquixote Family!"

"Hahaha, Joker? He doesn't deserve to be compared to me at all."

Yake smiled contemptuously, and jumped onto the deck, wearing slippers and naked beach shorts. He looked like a big boss at first glance.

Luo was dumbfounded. He had read his report two years ago, because he killed Celestial Dragons, and his enemy happened to be Celestial Dragons, so he has been paying attention to his news, but he has disappeared for two years. Meet him directly.

"God Yake! Why are you here!" Luo said with difficulty.

"Captain, it's the snack he invited me to eat." Bepo also recognized that Yake was the kind person who invited him to dinner.

"Shut up, Beppo."


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