Yake walked into Reiju's room.

Handed the pink capsule to Reiju, and Reiju caught it subconsciously.

"Battle suit?"

"That's right, with the shape memory metal made by Wapol, Judge has upgraded your battle suit. Now you don't have to wear the battle suit every day. When you need to fight, use this capsule and you will automatically put on the battle suit. .”

Yake looked forward, as if he really wanted to see the scene where Reiju transformed after putting on the battle suit. It is said that the benefits are full...

"Since it's a gift from the captain, I'll accept it, thank you Yake." Reiju accepted the pink capsule generously. If it can become Yake's power, it doesn't matter who does it.

"Reiju, Gudong...how about...you try..."

"Captain, you suddenly became so strange!" Reiju covered his mouth and smiled, Yake's appearance is really interesting.

"Okay, Captain, then... I'll try?"

Reiju pressed the button on the capsule, and the pink light instantly covered the whole body, tightly wrapping Reiju's graceful figure with bumps and convexities.


Yake looked disappointed, but at least he didn't have to worry about getting lost in the battle, Yake felt much better.

The light dissipated, and Reiju turned into the familiar appearance of Yake.

The pink one-piece miniskirt and tube top, all the elements are complete, and Reiju, who is wearing a white priest robe, instantly becomes a lustful big sister.

"Captain, how is it?" Reiju stood there with a smile, and had to wrap his hands around his waist, squeezing out an unfathomable gully. The powerful will of "D" almost crushed Yake's will, no, already Far more than a "D"!

"Hiss..." Yake gasped, and quickly took a deep breath to calm down his mood. He was almost seduced by Reiju, or Reiju didn't seduce Yake at all, but exuded a powerful charm all the time.

"Reiju, come outside and see your strength." Yake calmed down. If it was a strange woman, Yake wouldn't even bother to look at it. It was only because she was too familiar that her psychological defense was penetrated at once. The main purpose now is to test the strength of Reiju in the battle suit.

"Captain, are you going to Nine Snakes Island?" Reiju asked disappointedly, unexpectedly, Yake held back, and the shape of the white concave for so long.

Yake nodded and left the room.

Jiu Snake Island, the training base, heard that Reiju was going to fight Yake, Robin and the others all came over, Luo and Fan Oka also stopped practicing, and turned their attention to the two people in the training ground.

"Come on, Reiju, use all your means to try to defeat me!" Yake said coldly. Fighting is a serious matter. Although he will not use his full strength, he will definitely use the same strength to fight Reiju.

"Well, Captain, I'm going!"

Reiju knew what Yake meant, and launched an attack without saying a word.


"Six Styles Instant Kill!"

Reiju flew into the sky, using Moonwalk, stepped on the sonic boom directly, rushed to Yake in the blink of an eye, and kicked Yake's right chest with the boots wrapped in purple venom, Yake's chest was directly dented, But it quickly returned to its original state, and the purple venom squeaked on Yake's skin.

"The speed is good, but the strength is a bit weak, why don't you just kick my heart, I told you not to hold back!!"

Yake appeared behind Reiju, grabbed Reiju's wrist and threw her flying.


Reiju clenched his teeth, although he knew he was no match for the captain, but the gap between himself and the captain was hopeless.

"Six Styles...."

Reiju moved to the sky above Yake through Moonwalk, raised his dark right foot high, and it was a battle-axe strike!

"Sakura falls!!"

The one-by-one tomahawk-style splitting technique did not hold back, and directly hit Yake's Tianling Gai. Yake was directly pressed into the soil by a strong force, and the surrounding ground was full of cracks.

"That woman is so strong!" Luo raised his hand to cover the smoke, which was blown up by the shock wave caused by Reiju...

"Huh~ Sister Reiju is the strongest, and Sister Robin can't beat her cat!" Anna said proudly, as if she was the strongest.

Beipo repeatedly compared his legs with Reiju's, and it was obvious that his legs were stronger, so why couldn't even Anna win? Even though the bounty was 500 Baileys, but he was beaten up by Anna, the little sister from the same village, Beibo fell into deep self-doubt.

"Captain, my attack is not over yet!" The corners of Reiju's mouth curled up, as if he was satisfied with the effect of his attack.

"Tempest Kick·Luo Ying Zhan!"

A series of kicks released intensive slashes, kicking Yake, who was just about to get up, into doubting his life.

"Did I put a little too much water?" Yake asked himself, and then disappeared in the same place in an instant, without using the ability. Like Reiju, he used the Marine Six Styles technique.

"Don't get carried away!"

"Dragon Fist!"


Yake appeared behind Reiju and punched Reiju, who couldn't dodge, into the soil.

"Ahem~ Don't think you can defeat me like this, Captain, I have become stronger!" Reiju wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Yake without fear.

"Let me see how strong you are!"

Yake said lightly, the warm-up match is over.

Reiju rushed in front of Yake, all kinds of kicks, elbows...all aimed at the fatal parts.

Yake took all of Reiju's attacks in an orderly manner, and Reiju dodged the counterattack from time to time. Some of them were the reason for Yake's release of water, and some were really foreseen by Reiju. It seems that Yake already knew that Yake would do this...

"The color of knowledge can predict the future? No, it's not there yet, it's only a little bit close, then I'll help her!" Yake thought to himself, and immediately launched a counterattack, hitting Reiju with his fists like raindrops, But the strength is not heavy, and it didn't hit the face...

Reiju fell into a disadvantage for a while, struggling to avoid Yake's stormy attack.

Reiju simply closed his eyes, feeling Yake's attack trajectory with all his heart, and dodged Yake's fists continuously. Gradually, Reiju found some coming punches, but Yake didn't hit this punch.

"Is it going to happen in the future?"

"Then I won't be polite!"

"Six Styles Black Moon!"

Reiju took advantage of Yake's momentary gap in the future, charged up and launched his strongest attack, and his pitch-black fist swung out a crescent-like trajectory, hitting Yake's heart.

Yake retreated a dozen steps in a row before stabilizing his body.

Yake then smiled.

"Reiju, good job!"

Reiju's progress is simply amazing, and it seems that it's time to prepare a powerful fruit for her.

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