Yake released a total of four people, and the others should be honest and squatting.

These vicious criminals are not the same as Yake at all, and they will only continue to do evil when they are released, but there is one person Yake has to care about.

Yake walked to Douglas Bullet's cell and asked lightly.

"Hehe, no, I don't want to join some bullshit pirate group. My strength exists only for me to win!" Bullet said disdainfully, Bullet only believed in his own strength.

Yake silently opened his cell and released Bullet.

"Good momentum, come on, come to the sea and beat me! I'm Yake, I hope you don't die!" Yake uncuffed Bullet.

"Yake? Huh~ You really impress me!" Bullet took a deep look at Yake and left without looking back.

Bullet's goal is to become the strongest in the world, but isn't Yake? How boring it would be without an opponent. Bullet is definitely the most amazing monster Yake has ever seen. It is no worse than Kaido. Conqueror's Haki belongs to the top level of the sea. It is interesting to fight against such a person!

Bullet has just joined Roger's pirate group and can tie with his father, so he won't be too weak, and he has the whereabouts of Raftel's eternal pointer in his hand. If he can get it, he can save a lot of trouble.

In the desperate eyes of other prisoners, Yake and his party left Eternal Hell in this way.

Yake and his party left the sixth floor with six people. Katrin Diemei and Byrnndi Waldo were both in handcuffs. Jinbei and Lao Sha became the left and right guardians standing on both sides of Yake and Reiju.

At the same time, the Blackbeard Pirates that Yake has been thinking about finally came to Impel down, but the situation seems to be different from what they thought.

"Captain, it seems that someone has already been here..." Laffitte felt something was wrong, and reminded Blackbeard aloud.

"Thief hahaha, isn't that just convenient for us? Let's go!"

"Deputy Director Hannyabal, Seven Warlords of the Sea Blackbeard invaded Impel down, Director Magellan has been defeated, what should we do!"

Hannyabal had just returned from delivering Ace, but he didn't expect the situation to be so bad. Now the scale of the prisoner's turmoil is so large that even the deputy director is to blame. Although he is weak, he also has a heart for the people, the prisoner His escape will cause chaos in the world, and he must come forward.

"The director is not here, I, Hannyabal is the director, listen to me, order, close the elevator, and guard all the exits with heavy troops to prevent the prisoners from escaping!"


The elevator was fine when Yake came, but he couldn’t use the elevator when he went back. Yake had to find the exit and go up layer by layer. He had never been to the fifth floor before. This is Freezing Hell. A large number of army wolves, they are stronger than the animal strength of the second tier of Wild Beast Hell, and they like to move in groups.

But these were not big troubles for Yake, and they were easily solved by Lao Sha and Jinbei without even making a move.

"Hey! Yake boy, I finally found you, huh!" Ivankov was shivering from the cold, but insisted on giving Yake a death wink, and Yake felt how cold the climate here was.

"Straw hat Luffy, Ace has been transferred by Marine. If you want to save him, go to Marineford, you guys run away!" Jinbei heard Ace tell about his younger brother. Although he saw it with his own eyes, he still recognized Luffy through his appearance. kindly reminded.

"Ah~ how come!"

Luffy, who was shivering from the cold, took out Ace's life card, and sure enough, it had changed direction and was still burning.


Daz Bonis, who was rescued by Luffy, went straight to Lao Sha's side and was loyal.

"Now I'm not the boss, he is!"

Lao Sha pointed at Yake, and Dazbonis glanced at Yake without speaking.

"Everyone, hurry up and escape! Let's save Ace!" Knowing that Ace was transferred, Luffy immediately changed his target and ran away in a hurry. The rest of the people seemed to be centered on Luffy and the others, and followed , they can't wait to leave early.

"Okay, let's go too! It's too cold here." Yake raised his hand to finish off a few army wolves, and beckoned everyone to leave.

Blackbeard's group was very fast, and basically did not encounter strong resistance, except that there were more people at the gate of each floor, it took a little time, and soon broke through to the fourth floor, Blazing Hell.

As soon as Luffy saw that it was Blackbeard, he fought against him without hesitation. Although Blackbeard was injured a little, he was basically fine. Ivankov held Luffy and stopped him from giving away the head.

"Yo, brother Teach, I didn't expect you to be here too!" Yake's eyes lit up as soon as he came to the fourth floor, and Blackbeard Teach's ugly face became cute, and now Yake's mood can be summed up in a single lyric.

I finally waited for you...Fortunately, I didn't give up...

"Thief hahaha, Brother Yake, why are you here? What a coincidence!" Teach had an urge to turn around and run away. Yake's strength is far above him now. He is not Yake who only has Dark Fruit now. opponent.

"Well, I have something else to do, brother Yake, I'm leaving first..." Teach was determined to leave, he and Yake were definitely not in the same line, although he didn't know why his plan was copied by Yake, he No idea, he only knew that if Yake did something, he would surely die.

"Don't rush away, Teach, you haven't left your Dark Fruit yet!" Yake said with a half-smile.

"Ark Pirates, attack!"

Reiju, Lao Sha, and Jinbei faced Blackbeard's crew respectively.

Reiju vs Lafitte.

Crocodile vs Poison Q.

Jinbei vs Gizas Badgers.

Yake is facing Teach across the air.

"Yake, what do you mean!" Teach was so angry that his face was twisted, black gas had covered his hands, and there was darkness behind him, like an abyss.

"Teach, your Dark Fruit experience card has expired, and now it belongs to me!"

Yake made no secret of his intentions. In his eyes, Blackbeard is a fat meat ready to be slaughtered. Although Dark Fruit is very restrained, Yake can beat Blackbeard to death with physical skills alone.

Despise the enemy tactically, and attach importance to the enemy strategically.

Yake left the ground to avoid being pulled into the dark space by the dark blood road, so as not to overturn the car. Blackbeard's Dark Fruit can attract the ability person to himself. Can only absorb small range attacks. How to deal with Blackbeard Yark already has a solution.

"Thunderstorm! Thunder Dragon!"

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