Did Vegapunk develop the experimental product of the laser cannon carried by the Pacifist so quickly?

Seeing the back of Porusalino walking out of the ward door with his head bent, Darren thought to himself.

It seems that Vegapunk has unlocked the secret of the Devil Fruit's ability.

This was an unexpected surprise.

At this time, the Shichibukai system was far from being established, and the prototype pacifist "tyrant" Bartholomew Bear, who was equipped with a laser cannon, probably had not yet gone to sea.

This also means that the pacifists who appeared in the Shampoo Islands incident in the original plot probably did not even have the most basic concepts.

If a certain number of laser cannons can be mounted on the North Sea Fleet...

Rows of invincible fleets broke through the clouds and descended from the sky, using the most advanced laser cannons on the sea to wipe out all enemies within the target range.

That picture makes Darren feel excited just thinking about it.

The crushing of technology...

If this plan can really succeed, Darren will let the so-called big pirates on this sea see the power of technology.


At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"come in."

Darren responded.

The door to the ward was gently pushed open, and a tall black-haired figure walked in heroically on high heels.

"What a rare visitor..."

Darren looked at the pleasing "Navy Flower" in front of him and couldn't help but make a joke.

Gion glanced at Darren indifferently, put a bouquet of flowers on the table beside the bed, and said calmly:

"You're not dead yet. Villains can indeed live for a long time."

Darren shrugged.

A face swollen like a pig's head poked out from behind Gion, grinning and saying:

"Isn't this very energetic..."

Looking at Jiaji's bruised and swollen face, which looked increasingly scrawled, Darren suddenly became happy:

"Jiaji, what are you doing? Were you beaten while visiting a custom shop?"

Kake's face suddenly turned red. He glanced at Gion fearfully and hesitated.

I guessed it right...

The corners of Darren's eyes twitched, and a few black lines appeared on his forehead.

He shook his head,

"What's the matter with you?"

Gion said slowly:

"The officer training camp is about to start. Major Jiaji and I are also members of this training camp. We will go to the headquarters with you for training."

Darren nodded and said:

"Well, I know this. I've seen the list."

With the strength and status of Gion and Kake, it is normal for them to get places in two officer training camps.

Although it is indeed too early for them.

However, considering that their strength and experience have increased significantly during their time in Beihai, it is understandable that the Warring States General put them into the training camp in advance.

Of course, this does not rule out that the old fox from the Warring States Period wanted to continue being the "nanny" of these two guys.


Gion nodded, turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly took back his step.

She was silent for a moment,

"Colonel Darren, no, Brigadier Darren...I think I owe you an apology."


Darren laughed with interest,


Gion whispered:

"I take back my previous evaluation of you."

"Although you smoke, drink, are greedy for money, lustful, like to kill people, and have a strong desire for power..."

She bit her lower lip with her teeth,

"But you are indeed a good marine."

"Well, that's fair."

Darren narrowed his eyes with laughter,

"It seems like you discovered something."

Gion said nothing.

On her way out to sea to catch Jiaji, she saw a pair of familiar figures.

It was a small and cozy flower shop.

The father and daughter in the flower shop changed their clothes, hairstyle and color, as if they were completely different people.

But she still recognized the innocent little girl at a glance.

Darren suddenly grinned:

"However, I still prefer your unruly look before."

Gion's face darkened, and he quickly walked out of the ward on high heels, with the commodore's cheerful laughter coming from behind.

In the ward, Jiaji shook his head and looked at this scene, his face full of sadness.

"It's really yours...I've never seen Gion apologize to a person."

Darren smiled: "It has never happened, but that doesn't mean it never will happen."

"Tch!" Jiaji snorted, "You know how to be cool!"

He thought for a moment, then suddenly put an arm around Darren's shoulder and said dissatisfiedly:

"But you are so unkind... You accomplished such a great feat by killing Bundy Waldo, but you didn't take me with you!"

He waved his clenched fist, his eyes bursting with hot light:

"You know I stood on the warship in the sky and watched you fighting on the island. The boiling fighting spirit in my heart made me tremble all over..."

"Really? I heard from Flying Squirrel that you were so frightened that your face turned pale, and your hands were shaking so much that the railing was almost crushed by you."

"I'm...afraid of heights!"

Jiaji's face turned red and he said:

"Do you understand that you are afraid of heights?"

"If you let me go, I can fight side by side with you. Maybe Porusalino won't be needed. The two of us can join forces and kill Bundy Waldo directly!"

His tone was filled with resentment.

"What a perfect story that would be... A genius naval aggressor from our headquarters fights against the legendary big pirate!! If this spreads out, how many ladies and ladies will I gain! Oh no, how much will I gain? Public support!?”

"I will be the new star of the Navy, the hope of justice!!"

Darren glanced at him.

"But I heard that this is how you brag to others..."

Jiaji's tone was choked.


His expression changed, and finally he sat down hard, picked up the fruit basket next to him, and started to eat it angrily.

Darren laughed and shook his head.

He stood up, put on his military uniform, and pulled off a brand new cloak of justice from the coat rack.

"I'm going out."

"Where are you going?"

Jiaji, who was holding a watermelon and munching it wildly, asked vaguely.

"Go to a custom shop."

"Hey hey hey, take me with you!"

"Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death by Gion?"

"Well, you know, I'm just testing you... A gentleman like me would never go to a place like that."

"Well, originally I was thinking that among the gifts others gave me, there were still a lot of membership cards that I couldn't use up..."

"Commodore Darren! Please leave it to me to destroy such a thing that harms the ethos of the navy! I promise to complete the mission!!"






Ask for everything, thank you very much.

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