Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 17 Graduation Ceremony

"What the hell is he doing!?"

Cyborg Kong lowered his head and looked at his watch, his eyebrows tightened, and there was clearly a hint of anger in his tone.

The graduation ceremony will start in two or three minutes. Everyone is already present, and the staff on site are in their places.

But at this time, that brat Darren is still nowhere to be seen!

It doesn't matter if it's someone else. As long as it doesn't affect the normal progress of the graduation ceremony, there's no problem if the honors can be awarded afterwards if the person is absent.

But not Darren!

He is the protagonist of this training camp graduation ceremony!

He annihilated the Golden Lion's flying pirate fleet with just one person!

The well-deserved chief of the training camp!

The new generation of "monsters" in the navy are geniuses who are about to enter the core decision-making level of the navy!

There is also the core figure who played the most important role in the defense of Marinefando!

With all the titles and auras, it is no exaggeration to say that most of the highlights of this graduation ceremony were Darren alone.

Most of the representatives of news organizations and reporters from all over the world came here to get interviews and reports on him.

If this graduation ceremony didn't have him, it would be overshadowed!

The Navy Headquarters has done a lot of preliminary work for this graduation ceremony, and even invited news media from all walks of life to attend, hoping that through the graduation ceremony and Darren's speech, it would give a boost to the sluggish navy morale. Boost the flagging military morale.

Watching the time pass by minute by second, Seng Guo also unconsciously shed a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Marshal Kong, I have sent someone over to urge him. Darren is quite reliable in his work, so there shouldn't be any accidents."

Cyborg Kong took a deep breath after hearing this, and managed to suppress his inner emotions.

The trip to the Holy Land Marie Joa was not an easy task. It was just physical fatigue. What consumed the most energy was humbly asking the World Government for money.

Especially under the sarcasm and ridicule of the Five Old Stars, Cyborg Kong felt that his dignity as a naval marshal was trampled under his feet.

This feeling is naturally unpleasant, but as a naval marshal, this is his responsibility.

"Then just wait."

Cyborg Kong said in a deep voice.

A minute passed.

Three minutes passed.

Five minutes passed.

ten minutes……

A full fifteen minutes passed. Looking at Marshal Kong whose face was getting darker and darker, Seng Guo's back was wet with cold sweat.

"Marshal Kong, how about we start directly?"

He gritted his teeth and asked cautiously:

"Anyway, Darren's schedule is scheduled for the end of the ceremony."

A blue vein bulged on Cyborg Kong's forehead.


he said coldly.

Warring States was granted amnesty and immediately raised his hand to signal to the messenger.

Soon a distant and majestic bugle sound gradually sounded from the distance.

The sound of the bugle sounded in the distance, and a solemn atmosphere suddenly enveloped the entire venue.

The originally boisterous cheers gradually subsided as the bugle sounded, but the eager and noisy eyes of the audience were still fervent, and the crowds of people were like a strong wind and huge waves.

A tall and imposing figure slowly stood up from the front row.

The most dazzling thing is his short purple hair, wearing sunglasses, and the wide navy cape behind him swaying gently with his steps, giving people a solemn and calm aura.

Everyone held their breath, and the reporters couldn't wait to raise their cameras and press the shutter button.

Under the attention of countless people and the flashing lights, Zefa stepped up the stairs step by step and reached the high platform.

Turning around, facing the rows of seats below that stretched almost to the end of the field of vision, as well as countless people and naval soldiers, a smile slowly appeared on Zefa's serious face.

He solemnly saluted a military salute and said loudly:

"I am Zefa, the chief instructor of the naval officer training camp."

"Now I officially announce that the graduation ceremony of the third elite officer training camp... has officially begun!!"

As soon as the words fell, thundering cheers and shouts suddenly sounded like a tide.

All the sailors at the table stood up and saluted suddenly.

The people surrounding the square and watching the ceremony through the live broadcast of the video phone bug were even more desperate to push forward. The excitement and excitement on their faces were clearly visible - cheering, shouting, standing on tiptoes and waving desperately.

This is a celebration of justice!

Zefa opened his arms, made a welcoming gesture, and laughed:

"Now we have invited the outstanding students from this training camp to come in!"

Upon hearing this, everyone in the venue turned their heads in unison and looked at the end of the huge red carpet.

At the entrance of the venue, one after another young figures walked into the venue with serious expressions.

They were wearing brand new military uniforms, walking solidly, and their snow-white cloaks fluttering in the wind behind them.

The sunlight scattered down and shone on their energetic, vigorous and determined faces, as if it could give people a convincing hope.

In an instant, a wave of cheers swept the entire square.


"That's Lieutenant Colonel Gion! Our headquarters' 'Navy Flower'!! She's so beautiful!!"

"Also! That's Colonel Kuzan!! The young man who won the title of "Monster" successfully used his powerful Devil Fruit ability to restrain the Golden Lion during the Battle of Marinevando!"

"Colonel Huo Shaoshan!! It's just like the rumors, he looks very gentle!!"

"That's Colonel Dauberman... good at swordsmanship and powerful! This aura is truly amazing!"

"Hey, who is that? Why are you here wearing shorts?"

"You don't know this, right? That very wretched-looking guy is our headquarters' genius Lieutenant Colonel Kaji. According to rumors, he has strength close to that of monsters... Well, of course this is just a rumor."


Looking at the young faces, everyone in the venue started whispering excitedly.

Gion, who is tall and tall with a high ponytail;

a yawning, bleary-eyed Kuzan;

Jiaji, wearing flip-flops and shorts, holding a toothpick in his mouth, waving to the crowd with excitement on his face;

Huo Shaoshan, who has a simple and somewhat embarrassed expression;

Dauberman, who looks calm but is actually so nervous that his palms are sweating;

Dalmecia in a Dalmatian hat;

The ghost spider with a cold expression and dull eyes...

These names, which are destined to be famous in the future, form the "golden generation" of the navy's booming development! !

The people kept cheering, the navy looked at him with envy and admiration, and the reporters took photos frantically.

"It's great to be young..."

Warring States clapped his hands softly and looked at the group of young people walking slowly with blank eyes, his expression filled with emotion.

Once upon a time, he was just like them, young, ambitious, enthusiastic, energetic... full of energy and enthusiasm for a just cause.

So many years have passed in the blink of an eye, and everyone has changed.

Most of the comrades who stood beside and fought side by side in the past are no longer there, sleeping in the sea, their stiff bodies covered with red seagull flags.

Having gone through countless trials and pains, they have also achieved brilliance and glory. Pirates emerge in endlessly. Their opponents have changed from Rocks to Whitebeard, Kaido, Golden Lion, Big Mom...

Warring States suddenly felt that many things had indeed changed.

Just when he was filled with emotions,

Click click click...

A sudden crisp sound came from the side.

Sengoku's mood was interrupted. He twitched the corner of his mouth, turned his head suddenly, and yelled viciously at Garp who was sitting there eating senbei:

"Garp, you bastard! Can't you stop eating for a while!?"

Garp chuckled disapprovingly.

Warring States Period:…

Well, the guy hasn't changed at all.





Ask for everything and be grateful.

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