It landed lightly on the ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

The ship did not shake or even break at all because of the stronger force caused by falling from the sky.

This was due to Ekano's exquisite control, and there were related treasures in the King's Treasure to help him relieve the force.

At this time, Ekano looked at the people on the ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone in the Nine Snakes Pirates seemed to have added beauty filters, and everyone's eyes were wide open to express their shock.

Afterwards, several people couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"Hey! You you you..."


"No...this...Isn't that right?"

It's not their fault.

In fact, this matter was too shocking to them.

How could it be possible?

They were still muttering in their hearts before, a monster more powerful than the King of Pride appeared.

After all, it slaughtered tens of thousands of sea kings and attacked in an unprecedented way.

It was indeed very rare, and people could not think that it was done by Ikanor.

They would only think that there was a new master in the sea.

As a result, it was Ikanor who did it.

The appearance of an unimaginable person made the shock even stronger.

It's like you know a person whose specialty is running, and he runs very fast and has won many awards.

But one day you saw this person on TV and won the Go championship?

Who won?

You certainly wouldn't think of the person whose specialty is running, or even anyone else. You would only think that some new powerful person appeared or some long-standing Go player won the award.

But when you see that buddy who is good at running go on stage to receive the award, the impact is far greater than some new mysterious person or a long-standing famous Go player. The contestants were shocked to receive the prize.

Someone totally unexpected appeared.

The performance of the Empress was even worse. She was more stunned than the other members of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

The appearance of Ekano made her face flush instantly.

Suddenly seeing Ekano, the Empress who had wanted to see Ekano for a long time suddenly didn't know what to say.

Her hands were also nervous and she didn't know where to put them.

The fully armed members of the Nine Snakes Pirates didn't know whether to move or not. The two sisters of the Empress coughed wildly, suggesting that the Empress ordered at least to tell them whether to fight or not.

After all, it seemed that Ekano was also coming with bad intentions.

Generally, no one would take action directly without the order of the Empress.

After all, Amazon Lily is not a primitive society that does not need to contact the outside world. There are many things to consider.

But the Empress did not react at all. Now her brain is thinking at full speed about what to say in the first sentence.

Ekano stayed quietly where she was, looking at the Nine Snakes Pirates who had not responded for a long time, and a hint of doubt was revealed in her calm eyes.

"So, I'm standing here, now you should tell me your purpose, or are you planning to or have you already contacted the navy? Although I admire you for being able to find my trace, I can guarantee that the admiral of the navy is here just because I need to get rid of one more person today."

Icanor said these words calmly with a calm expression, which made the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates mutter the same words in their hearts.

That is, they felt that the rumors outside were not wrong.

What a powerful and arrogant guy.

But at this time, when Icanor took a few steps forward, the empress blushed to the extreme, and steam immediately came out of her head.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the empress fainted on the ground with a flushed face.


""Lady Snake!"

A group of people hurriedly came forward to help the empress up.

Ekano was a little confused.

"Could it be that my pressure was too strong and she fainted? That makes sense."...

On the other side, the ship of Sabo and others was speeding up in the direction pointed by Sabo.

CP0 also accelerated at the maximum speed and kept close to the ship of Sabo and others, and the distance between them was not pulled away at all.

And Sabo also stood at the stern and confronted CP0 at the bow behind him with a serious face.

The several attacks kicked by the ace CP0 Lan were all broken by him.

Even the ace CP0 felt it was a bit tricky.

Unless the warship runs out of fuel, it would be really difficult to catch Sabo and his group. While confronting, Sabo also remembered a piece of news revealed by Long.

Long wanted to invite the arrogant king who became famous on the sea to join the revolutionary army.

He looked at CP0, and he couldn't help but ridicule him in anger.

"Hehe, your World Government has really suffered a big loss recently."

He had a sneer of contempt.

Sabo was already very unhappy that CP0 was clinging to him like a dog-skin plaster, so now he would say whatever he could to anger CP0. He would be happy if he could make CP0 furious. He was happy if CP0 was unhappy.

"You suffered such a big loss at the hands of Mr. Arrogant King, so you are afraid of being beaten by the Arrogant King and come to trouble our Revolutionary Army."

He gave the middle finger to the CP0 on the opposite side.

""A guy who only bullies the weak and fears the strong."

The CP0s on the opposite side instantly became furious like a cat whose tail was stepped on. Only the admiral-level CP0 managed to remain calm, but his expression also turned cold.

Although the admiral-level CP0 on the opposite side managed to remain calm, he could already hear the anger when he spoke.

"The sharp-tongued brat's words are really annoying. The King of Arrogance is just a criminal. He will be eliminated sooner or later in the face of the powerful World Government."

Sabo laughed and patted the railing a few times and spoke to CP0

"I didn't expect that you, the running dogs of the World Government, are so talented at telling jokes. Really? Will you destroy the King of Pride? Mr. King of Pride blew up your headquarters, why don't you go and destroy the criminals you call them? Don't you want to?"

The other CP0s on the opposite side couldn't help it and were furious.

"Damn the Revolutionary Army! Shut up!"

The admiral-level CP0 couldn't help it and spoke with gritted teeth.

"You criminals are just as annoying. I know what you mean."

Ekanor wasn't here anyway, so he wouldn't be heard by Ekanor even if he said anything.

The admiral-level CP0's subconscious fear was suppressed at this moment.

In the shocked eyes of the CP0 opposite, the admiral-level CP0 spoke wildly.

"As long as the King of Pride dares to appear here, I will kill him!"

If Icanor was here, I'm afraid CP0 wouldn't dare to say this.

But the King of Pride couldn't possibly be in the Calm Belt.

CP0 was not afraid at all!

But at this time they were very close to where Icanor was.

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