A deafening collision sound came from the open space. In Crocodile’s eyes, Luke stood in front of him and blocked Caesar’s punch with both fists.

But then Luke’s arm retreated violently, and Caesar’s fist directly hit Luke’s fist and attacked his body.

Luke’s body hit Crocodile hard, blasting the two of them into a building thousands of meters away and smashing more than a dozen houses before stopping.

Lying in the ruins, Luke looked at his twisted arms, and blood mixed with internal organs kept gushing out of his mouth.

A ball of sand kept surging behind Luke, and Crocodile appeared beside Luke unscathed.

Fortunately, he used elementalization when he was hit just now, otherwise others would have been seriously injured by Luke.

And he also used sand to form a buffer behind Luke so that Luke would not be injured so badly.

“Hey, gorilla, are you okay?”

“Don’t call me gorilla, I’m Luke the Evil Ape.”

“Okay, okay, so how are you now?”

After all, the other party just saved him, so Crocodile was quite nice to him.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to die yet.”

And at the moment when Caesar threw this punch, Kaixiu held the black knife tightly with one arm, and at the moment when Caesar was shielded by the sand, he took this opportunity to cut Caesar’s chest.

“One knife flow, blood demon.”

The sound of metal and iron clashing came, and at the last moment when Kaixiu’s knife was about to cut Caesar, Caesar reached out and pinched the sharp blade.

At this time, Caesar’s hand was wrapped in armed color domineering and did not suffer any damage.

But suddenly Caesar felt a strange energy in his palm that actually cut his skin.

A few drops of blood dripped from the blade along the blade of the opponent’s blood knife.

“What kind of power is this?”

Caesar asked the pale Kaixiu with a curious look on his face.

But before he could answer, Kaixiu closed his eyes and fainted, but his one arm was still holding his sword tightly.

“Yes, a qualified swordsman would not let go of the sword in his hand even until his death.”

Flames came out of Caesar’s hands and burned all the blood on the blade and the blood dripping on the ground, and then threw Kaixiu directly to the ground.

“Crocodile hurried to the other side, tried the other’s breath, and was relieved when he found that he was still breathing.”

“Just consider that you three have passed, I hope you are worthy of my cadre position.”

“You rest for a while, and I will have someone take you to the palace for a cadre meeting later.”

Then, Caesar clapped his hands and returned to the palace.

Caesar stood at the highest point of the palace and watched Duke, who had turned into a demon, using compression power to continuously pile up huge island fragments on the periphery of Dressrosa.

Donglibroki and Keril were also constantly gathering the island fragments together.

Looking at Dressrosa, which had grown a lot bigger, Caesar nodded with satisfaction.

Golden Lion really did a good thing. I must be gentler next time I see him.

After sensing that Duke and his friends had almost dealt with the island fragments, Caesar took out the Den Den Mushi and notified Duke and his friends to return to the palace for a meeting.

Who is the most leisurely person on the entire island at this time? It must be Gureva.

During this period, Gureva has been discussing medical skills with the doctors of the dwarfs.

This was also the first time she met these dwarfs, and she found that these dwarfs actually knew a lot.

Whether it was the magical uses of various plants or some medical skills from ancient times, these dwarfs knew a little bit.

Speaking of Gureva, Caesar has never forgotten the conditions he agreed to. He plans to contact Captain John after Dressrosa is on the right track.

However, the cadres still need to be present at this meeting.

It happened that Gureva did not leave just now, which was convenient.

“The main purpose of this meeting is to let the cadres know each other, and arrange the formation of the next large fleet and their respective responsibilities.”

After a while, Caesar came to the meeting room in the palace and sat on the leather sofa at the first seat, looking at the cadres below.

And the candidate cadres can also attend this meeting.

At present, there are eight cadres in the Caesar Pirates, and five alternate cadres.

First of all, there are eight cadres, Duke, Donli, Broki, Claire and Gureva, as well as Luke, Kaishu, and Crocodile who have just become cadres.

As for the alternate cadres, they are Jinbei, the two brothers Kuhn and Kuler, and there is a doubtGouki and Black Mambacock who looked like spies.

Caesar first scanned the conference room with his observation Haki and found no prying eyes. After checking the things, he also started this formal meeting.

“The main purpose of this meeting is to let the cadres know each other, and arrange the formation of the next large fleet and their respective responsibilities.”

“First of all, this meeting is the first cadre meeting of our Caesar Pirates. First of all, welcome the three new official cadres and two alternate cadres.”

“But can you explain now why you came to our Caesar Pirates? It’s best not to hide it.”

Caesar’s eyes were fixed on the five people below, and a strong oppressive force emanated from him.

“Let the three of you official cadres come first.”

The three looked at each other, and Luke spoke first.

“I know that you are powerful, Lord Caesar, and I was killed by a powerful pirate in the New World. All my partners were killed. For this reason, I want to rely on you to kill the other party with your power.”

At this point, Luke’s eyes flashed with a hint of hatred.

“Oh, I don’t know which pirate group it is.”

Caesar really didn’t know this, after all, they had just arrived in the New World not long ago.

“Lord Caesar, the other party is Tyrannosaurus Cassie, whose bounty is 1.13 billion berries.”

Caesar had some impression of the name of Tyrannosaurus Cassie, as Caesar had seen the bounty order of the other party in the past.

Tyrannosaurus Cassie was a big pirate in Rocks’ era, and he had been entrenched on Maple Leaf Island in the middle and late part of the New World for many years.

He was a physical master in the form of the ancient species of the Animal Fruit Tyrannosaurus.

Twenty years ago, he fought with the young Sengoku for three days and three nights without a clear winner.

However, Tyrannosaurus Cassie is now 60 years old, and he is definitely not as powerful as he was back then, but he still has no problem dealing with Luke.

“Do you want to use my hand to avenge your companions? Unfortunately, I refuse.”

After hearing what Caesar said, Luke showed frustration on his face.

But I can make you stronger, and then you can take revenge yourself.

After hearing what Caesar said, Luke’s face was filled with hope again.

“What about you, Crocodile?”

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