After releasing Akuma from the lie detector, Caesar sat on the sofa and thought about something.

He was thinking about how to distribute the more than 10,000 people who had just joined. Let’s divide them into several squads like the Whitebeard Pirates.

“The Caesar Pirates will set up various squads.”

“Duke, you will be in charge of the first squad. You will select 2,000 people to form the first squad.”

“Donli and Broki will be the captains of the second squad. You will also select 2,000 people to form your own squad.”

“Claire, you will be in charge of the third squad. You can also select 2,000 people.”

“Kaixiu, you will be in charge of the fourth squad. You will also select 2,000 people to form your own squad.”

“Crocodile will be in charge of the fifth squad. You can select 2,000 people to form your own fifth squad.”

“Luke, you will be in charge of the sixth squad. You will also select 2,000 people to form your own squad.” ”

“As for the remaining 1,000 people, you can divide them among yourselves.”

“Of course, you can also join the six major squads.”

“As for what you are going to do, I will arrange it for you next. What you have to do now is to select your own squad members.”

“Next, I will transport the ships purchased on the black market to Dressrosa, and we will build a large fleet.”

“But this may take a long time. I hope you can organize your squad before the ship arrives.”

“Do you have anything else to say?”

The cadres looked at each other, and no one spoke in the end.

“Then this meeting ends here. Gurewa, you and Gouki stay for a while, and the others go down to select their own squad members.”

The others left the meeting room, leaving only the three of them in the meeting room.

Caesar gave Gouki a look, and Gouki immediately understood and came to the door and closed it.

“Gu Leva, I will deal with John’s matter as soon as possible. Don’t worry, I will never forget what I promised you.”

“But even if I meet Captain John, he may not believe me, so you have to write a letter or take out some tokens to make John believe me.”

Gu Leva nodded and replied.

“Don’t worry, I will write a letter in a while. I believe that John will come in person after seeing my letter.”

“That’s good.”

“Then let’s stop here for your business. When you go out, call Gouki in. I have something to talk to him about.”

As Gu Leva left, Gouki also entered the meeting room.

“How do you want to contact the Five Elders, Gouki?”

“You should be able to guess the reason why I called you in.”

Gouki nodded to show that he knew.

“Your Excellency probably wants me to be a double agent.”

Caesar nodded.

“You are very smart. Yes, I want you to be a double agent. This is the best way to make use of your identity at present.”

“No problem, Captain, I agree. What do you need me to do?”

“Just say this in a moment…”

“Then there is another important question now. What exactly does your devil fruit have?”

Auki no longer concealed his devil fruit ability at this time and revealed all of his devil fruit abilities.

“Captain, my devil fruit has a powerful mental attack, and can achieve an effect similar to the domineering color domineering through roaring.”

“And it also has the ability to turn the souls of creatures killed by me into ghosts to help fight.”

“But it can only control ten souls, but these souls can be directly integrated into my body.”

“If the owner of the soul was very powerful when he was alive, I will also get a great increase.”

“And there will be some abilities of the soul’s creatures before his death. If this soul was a powerful observation color master before his death, then my observation color will also be greatly increased.”

“If it is a strong person in the physical aspect, then my physical body will also be strengthened a lot.”

After listening to the other party’s story, Caesar felt that this ability was somewhat familiar.

Why is it similar to Moria’s Shadow Collection?

Just like Moria’s zombies made by stuffing shadows into those corpses, they have some of the abilities of the shadow owner.

With this comparison, Caesar has a clear understanding of the other party’s ability, but this ability feels a little weak and not as strong as Moria’s Shadow Collection.

“Is that it? I feel that your devil fruit is not that strong.”

“Captain, I have another ability, but this ability has great limitations.”

“Oh, tell me.”

“This ability is………….”

Caesar’s opponent’sAbility, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

“Yes, it seems that your devil fruit is worthy of the name of the mythical beast species, and it actually has such a powerful ability.”

“But this ability does come at a great price, so don’t use it if it’s not necessary.”

“I understand, Captain.”

“By the way, how do you contact the Five Elders?”

“Just use this.”

Gouki took out a pocket-sized Den Den Mushi from his body and showed it to Caesar.

“Then use this Den Den Mushi to contact the Five Elders now.”

“You should know what to say.”

Gouki nodded, knowing that this was a test from Caesar, and without hesitation Gouki called the Den Den Mushi directly.

“Bruce, Bruce, Bruce.”

“Hey, Black Cat, how are you doing?”

When Caesar heard this voice, he knew that the other party was the Five Elders who had fought with him before.

“Master Five Elders, I have now successfully become a member of the Caesar Pirates, and have passed the assessment to become a candidate cadre of the Caesar Pirates with my own small fleet.”

“Not bad, well done.”

“As long as you can complete the mission perfectly this time, I will promote you to the captain of CP0 when you come back.”

“It just so happens that one of our CP0 captains was killed by Caesar. When you complete the mission and come back, you can directly replace him.”

“Thank you for the cultivation of Master Five Elders, I will definitely complete my mission.”

“By the way, is there any big move on the Caesar Pirates now?”

“Sorry, Five Elders. Mr. Elder Star, I have just become a candidate cadre, and I don’t know what big moves are happening inside the Caesar Pirates. ”

“But according to my observation, they have not made any moves, and they are still repairing the buildings damaged by the Golden Lion. It is estimated that they will not go out to make trouble in the short term.”

“Okay, I understand. If you have any important information, please inform me immediately. Remember not to reveal your identity.”

“If you reveal your identity, you should know what to do.”

“Yes, Mr. Five Elder Stars, we are willing to sacrifice our lives for the Celestial Dragons for the World Government.”

Hearing the compliment from Gouki, the Five Elder Stars nodded with satisfaction.

“Okay, pay attention to your own safety.”

After that, the Five Elder Stars hung up the Den Den Mushi.”

Caesar stared at the Den Den Mushi and said:

“You did a good job, but your double agent identity is not useful now. If the Five Elder Stars ask you for information, you can pick some information that will not cause losses to the Caesar Pirates.”

“I will give you some important information every once in a while. ”

“We will pay some losses at that time to make the Five Elders believe that you have not betrayed the World Government.”

“I believe your identity will play a big role in the future.”

“And what you need to do now is to quickly improve your strength, so that when I launch a war against the World Government in the future, you will play a bigger role, instead of being just a disposable prop.”

“I understand, Captain Caesar, I will work hard.”

“If you perform well, I will catch a few powerful creatures for you to kill.”

“Thank you for your cultivation, Captain Caesar.”

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