Tear it up!

Ryuji retracts his finger and now absorbs the Devil Fruit, a family with eight variants, which is a good medical expert upgraded once, and the doctor himself has extensive experience.

If we can successfully develop a grain pill that can be called "the best in the world", Ryuji won't mind going to Qinghai to auction it, and he can definitely make a lot of money.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Ryuji.

what happened?

Card wipe.

On this day, people were busy training on the island, and suddenly they saw a shadow cast in the sky. They saw that the domineering female soldiers of Nine Snake Island had stopped training, and they were looking up with bows and arrows warily.

In the concept of girls, beauty always occupies a very important position.

As for the means of attack.

"This sour plum is obviously a money pit." Beth said what the girls were feeling.

The same is true for the three generals. Their faces became extremely ugly. They were humiliated for the last time and they will never forget it.

There is still a chance to upgrade in his hand. Ryuji suddenly thinks that there is no big snake on the island of God. Nolan, the King of the Sky, this guy is the scary place, equivalent to the current Black Arrow.

"Hey, Red Dog, how are you going to escape back to Marine this time?"

But what if it's your best sniper?

As well as the development of field drugs, including some of your new ideas, you can also communicate with Dalton and then submit them to me. At the end of the bath, 773, with long white and pink hair, colorful, watery eyes with endless love, exhaled like blue, greedily inhaled Ryuji's breath, feeling an indescribable satisfaction.


"Hey, you bitches, hand over all your money and food." The man led his men to the villagers and shouted.

Not Ryuji, just a character under Ryuji.

There are many benefits of devouring fruits.

"What do you think about stopping our ship? Bro."

But Hancock, Gina, Beth, Tracy and their daughters clearly felt something was wrong. They were panting, dizzy, and sweating on their foreheads. In this state, being able to hit 30% of the strength is already good.

The arrogant trek reaches the point where there is no edge. Among all the dragon people, only Dominic is good, and the rest are just the garbage left in the present 800 years ago.

Qibada was very comfortable at the time. Even though he was seriously injured at this time, it felt good to be noticed by everyone.

Everyone on Nine Snake Island is waiting for the ending. Of course, these three generals did not dare to sleep. They were seriously injured. What if they rested and were killed directly?

Ryuji also watched it with gusto. I didn’t have time to watch it last time. Watching this scene with my own eyes is much more interesting than watching animation in my previous life. I looked at the thing on the white beret's feet. It was the same as the skates in the previous life, but it had a power unit.

For him, overthrowing the world government is his dream.

The potential value is infinitely explored and developed. It is obvious that the weak also have the potential to become stronger.

But Ryuji sneered. You can't stand up. Since you fell down, let me fall down forever!"

this morning.

It's the fastest way to build strength, and the fastest way to improve your ability to use it.

Manipulate gravity!

But before that, Ryuji is going to Dominic's house.

Striding around the palace, he murmured: "Then, according to His Majesty, the next step is to collect the hearts of the people."

Ryuji murmured, his eyes sparkling.

The four people looked at Ernie Lu's reappearance in disbelief, with eyes full of fear and nostalgia.

Beautiful, beautiful. His legs were swept, Yongzhi was kicked in the abdomen, vomited blood, fell to the ground on the Germa battleship below, and then immediately fainted.

Because she often kisses Faxi and farts, she becomes more and more daring to say anything.

Look at the sky!

Ryuji and Rose also saw interesting scenes.

"Don't be God!"

"Yes! That's eighty million sea pirates."


So it is certain that you can be exempted from the crime of building and stealing ships for the king of thieves. What crime should be aggravated for (bdac)?"

Captain Shaq is a powerful counterattack?

I can't even hit it with my finger!

Ryuji, the king of Kuji Island, led the pirates of Kuji Island to steal the gold and kill the Celestial Dragons for the most evil purpose. In order to punish evil and promote good, he officially issued the order of the butcher.

In the distance, people in other areas were surprised to see this scene.

Why didn't he think of it?

"Upgraded successfully!"

The harsh sound broke the air, the long arrow came like a ray of light, the surrounding air was broken, and the arrow feathers blew a breeze.

The red-haired Shanks laughed one after another, and the red-haired Shank shrugged helplessly. His partner always did this, and he was used to it without any explanation.

During the confrontation, an old man slowly walked out of the Sandia crowd. He was also the chief of the Sandia people at the time.

"Yes! Master, I feel like I can't breathe." Valbo's face also turned red.

The golden lightsaber rising high, the blue giant tens of meters high, and the terrifying black flames.

The rising water vapor condenses into small water droplets, forming cumulus clouds. The water droplets in the cloud are blown away by strong air currents and split into small water droplets and large water droplets. Larger water droplets are positively charged water

"Really?" When Eniro heard this, he immediately stopped and turned around, which immediately aroused strong interest.

"Your revolutionary army will have bad consequences in the future. You must give priority to selling it to me. Of course, if it is a good Devil Fruit, you can keep it for yourself. This is not what I want." Ryuji said what he wanted.

They're basically to the point of dying for Ryuji, but Ryuji certainly won't let them get hurt easily.

Wheaton kept looking at the scene stupidly, thinking that Ryuji would enter the rainbow fog. He must have said no, but he couldn't resist.

Gina didn't say a word, pulled out the word and said, and stood next to Hank.

That golden lightsaber instantly cut through all the defenses in front of it like diamonds, without any hindrance.

There is a feeling called sweetness in my heart.

Ryuji will not give up the science and technology of the Wensmoke family, even the four future emperors are eager to do so.

Announced: From now on, the former chief will resign and become the chief Instructor! At the same time, it was also announced that from now on, Red Dog, Green Pheasant and Kizaru will be promoted to shopkeepers of the headquarters!

There was only a pile of charred broken boards and several charred bodies, none of which survived.

Of course, Ryuji couldn't tell them that if he didn't come here, Dalton would become the captain of the Magnet Guards in the future and he would eventually fly to Wapo. He has become a king, he is friendly, loyal, honest and easy to control. .

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