Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 174 Fujitora smiles, why don’t you smile? (please follow up on order)

"Damn it!"

"From today on, I am the King of Clowns!!!"

In Carnival City, in front of a hotel covered with gold coating and glittering.

Bucky the Clown wears a clown mask that covers his face, but still reveals his iconic big red nose.

His legs were trembling, he looked at the door in front of him and said what he just said.

Next to him was a cult man wearing the same black eyepatch as Batman, but with a green comb hair.

It was Bartolomeo who officially joined the Straw Hat Pirates with the permission of Luffy and Red.

Ever since I saw Luffy and the three of them destroy dozens of naval battleships on their own in Rogge Town...

He fully realized the vastness and vastness of the world, and was deeply attracted by the Straw Hat Pirates.

With the help of Arrita, a veteran pirate, he quickly organized a pirate group among the gangs and then entered the Grand Line.

Relying on the powerful ability of the Barrier Fruit and Bato's own considerable strength, although they experienced many dangers, they all passed smoothly.

In the end, he successfully met Bucky, who he had met in Rogue Town, in the waters near Carnival City.

After helping the Bucky Pirates defeat a naval battleship that was chasing them, Bator took the opportunity to ask Bucky to introduce him to the Straw Hats.

And yesterday, Chi Hong proposed to Bucky that he wanted to kidnap a Celestial Dragon and needed their help to keep an eye on the Celestial Dragons' movements...

Ba Tuo even volunteered and took the job!


This is the scene now!

"That's awesome!!! Boss Luffy and the others are worthy of doing great things!"

"He actually targets the Celestial Dragons! This is the man I want to follow!"

"I'm so lucky to be a part of the Straw Hat Crew!"

"Are you right, Bucky-senpai!?"

Bato's eyes flashed with excitement, and then he turned to look at the trembling Bucky.


Although he chose to join the Straw Hats for greater ambitions, Bucky never thought that this day would come so soon, and he even started it by himself...

But under the shouts of seniors like Ba Tuo, a little fanboy, he could only force a smile, and then put his hands on his chest pretending to be calm.

"Hum hum!"

"Of course!"

"As a newcomer, all you have to do is study hard and look good!"

"Yes! Senior Bucky!"

As the saying goes, Bucky already has a clear Straw Hat filter in Bator's eyes.

Mr. 3 and Arrita, who were behind them, couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this conversation.

After seeing the helplessness and fear that they felt in each other, they both sighed and shook their heads.

What kind of evil did they do? ?

Kidnapping the Celestial Dragons! ?

This is really something that little people like them can do! ?

For a moment, both of them couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​escape from their respective pirate groups.


The two looked at the two men in front of them again.

Mr. 3 recalled the days when he was rescued by Bucky, then sang and danced all the way, and just let the flow take its course and became a member of the Bucky Pirates.

If he leaves now, he won't be the agent killer who always has to be careful about being assassinated if he fails to complete his mission, right?

Looking at Bator's back, Arrita thought of the powerful enemies and dangers she had encountered along the way...

If she quits the Bator Pirates now, it might be difficult for her to return to the East China Sea alive! ?


They both sighed in unison.

In the end, they still moved forward with their respective captains.

Maybe they are just lucky.

Just yesterday, not long after Bucky put down the phone, they saw a Draco riding on a slave swaggering past one end of the street.

He stopped a circus team that was performing nearby on the street and ordered them to perform for him at the hotel where he lives tomorrow.

In this way, they attacked the circus overnight, stole their professional props, and came here disguised as a circus.

After all, the prototype of the Bucky Pirates is originally a circus, and the Bator Pirates are a group of colorful killers...

Let them play the role of the circus, they are simply acting in their true colors!

When they walked into the hotel lobby, they were directly led into the hotel by the Tianlong bodyguards without any investigation.

At this moment, the right time, right place, right people and people gathered around Bucky and his group.

It's like God is helping them.

at the same time.

Not long after Bucky and others entered the hotel, a blind swordsman wearing wooden clogs and wearing simple ronin clothes suddenly walked out of a casino far away from the hotel.

This person is the future admiral Fujitora Isho who chose to close his eyes because he did not want to see the evil in the world.

Of course, now he is just a slightly stronger gambler.

It has nothing to do with the Navy.

"...The target is the Celestial Dragon?"

Standing at the entrance of the casino, Yixiao whispered softly.

Although he can't see the world, he has developed powerful knowledge and Haki far beyond ordinary people, and he can observe the world in another way.

And unfortunately...

Just now, Bucky and Bato thought they were whispering, but they were heard clearly by Yixiao without reservation.

"The Straw Hat Pirates, if I remember correctly..."

"They should be the new pirates who received over 100 million bounties as soon as they entered the Grand Line, right?"

"Why do you want to attack the Tianlong people? Do you want to get ahead?"

Suddenly, countless curious thoughts arose in Yixiao's heart.

Although he didn't like pirates, the fact that the Celestial Dragons treated civilians as tools and consumables made him even more intolerable.

The clogs collided on the ground, making a "tapping" sound.

He subconsciously walked towards the hotel where Tianlong was staying.

However, before he could reach the door of the hotel, a loud noise suddenly came from the street in the distance.

In Yixiao's domineering perception, people on both sides of the road were kneeling on both sides of the street in fear.

At the end of the street, a gorgeous-looking sedan slowly came from a distance.

Under the sedan, there were four women with blurred eyes and disheveled clothes.

Their hands and knees were a blur of blood, but they still instinctively carried the sedan and continued to move forward.

Because the person sitting on the sedan chair is the most noble being in the world... the Celestial Dragon who is known as the descendant of the Creator!

In front of the Tianlong people, whether they are mortals or slaves, they are nothing more than playthings for them to play with.


Feeling all this, Yixiao suddenly clenched his fists.

But in the end, he could only slowly let go, and then knelt down on the roadside like everyone else.

There are too many suffering people in this world...

When he was young, he was also a high-spirited and righteous young man.

But after discovering that no matter how many sufferings he saved, no matter how many villains he killed...

The evil in this world will never end, and these painful things will eventually happen again...

He went to extremes and self-mutilated his eyes.

Because he knows that the world itself is an abyss, and it has begun to rot from the roots.

He alone cannot cure the world.

So he decided not to look at this world full of suffering in order to escape his inner self-blame.

But it turns out that blindly escaping only results in more guilt.

So after decades, Yixiao has hidden the justice in his heart and shifted all his attention to gambling and fun.

Although he occasionally does some good deeds and kills some villains, he no longer feels that it is a shackles in his life.


Is this really going to be the case? ?

Is human character really so easy to change? ?

A Celestial Dragon wearing a white space suit-like decoration stepped down from the human sedan.

And then without warning!

He suddenly took out a pistol made of gold and fired several shots at the four people carrying the sedan.

"What a useless slave, he came back so slowly!"

"I spent so many Baileys to buy you!"

"Bring me a new batch of mounts tomorrow!"

The Tianlong man cursed and shot all four carriages, and then ordered the subordinates around him nonchalantly.

And the subordinate seemed to have been accustomed to the habits of the Tianlong people, and he nodded and agreed.

The Celestial Dragon turned and left.

At the same time, the gorgeous sedan collapsed, crushing the bodies of the four women under the heavy sedan.

Bright red blood flowed out from the bottom of the sedan like a stream.

The blood of the same race made the faces of the civilians kneeling on the ground around him instantly change.

But at this moment, they could only turn their heads to prevent their eyes from falling on that sad place.

At the same time, I prayed in my heart that the Tianlong people could leave quickly and not cause any trouble again.

I don’t know if their inner prayers played a role.

At this moment, a Celestial Dragon bodyguard wearing a black suit suddenly walked over, and then said something in the Celestial Dragon's ear.

The next second, a cruel and excited smile appeared on Tianlongren's lips. He nodded and quickly walked into the hotel under the guidance of the bodyguard.

Only then did the people on the ground dare to get up slowly and quickly leave this dangerous place.

Only a blind swordsman was left standing in the middle of the road, as if waiting for a kind person to help him cross the road...

Waiting helplessly and angrily.

"Why dose this world become like this."

This was not the first time that Yixiao clenched his fists when he encountered the atrocities of the Tianlong people, but in the end he could only put them down silently.

But then, he turned his attention to the interior of the hotel.

With his powerful knowledge and domineering power, he clearly heard the conversation between Tianlong and the bodyguard just now!

That Tianlong man didn't come to the circus simply to enjoy the circus.

"So...what exactly are you going to do!"

It was just a curious smile at first, but now I magically want to take a closer look...

How far can those pirates go?

He stepped forward, pushed away the abandoned sedan chair of the Tianlong people, and then picked up the bodies of the four women one by one from the pool of blood, using the fruit's ability to take them to the suburbs outside the city.

After finding a clean place, Yixiao used the fruit's ability to create a simple tomb for each of them.

Then he knelt down in front of the tomb and said apologetically:

"I'm really sorry, my abilities are limited."

"That's all I can do."

After a slight pause, he continued:

"However, there must be others in this world who can do what I can't do!"

"If there is anyone in this world who can let me see the light of hope..."

"Even just a trace!!!"

"I will definitely do my best to protect the only glimmer of light!"

After taking care of a few poor people, Yixiao did not immediately leave this place that made him sad and angry.

Instead, he looked in the direction of Carnival City again.

For some reason, there is always a throbbing in his heart...

The group of pirates this afternoon might show him a different world.

Yixiao was sure that this was not his imagination.

But his powerful domineering energy of knowledge and knowledge is constantly hinting and advising him!

Time goes back half an hour.

When Bucky, Bator and others were led into the back door of the hotel, they unexpectedly discovered...

It turns out that this hotel is something special!

Who would have thought…

On this island, which is world-famous for happiness and joy, there is actually a huge underground colosseum hidden! ! !

When Bucky and others were led into the Colosseum, enthusiastic cheers instantly erupted around the entire venue.

The people in the stands were dressed gorgeously, and they looked like high-ranking officials or business aristocrats. They were definitely respectable people outside.

However, in this dimly lit underground world, these decent people outside are now wearing various masks, cheering for the blood and death that is about to happen.

"Uh oh~ It seems like we... blocked the knife for others!"


Looking at the huge stone door that suddenly closed behind him, Mr. 3, who was originally from the underground world, suddenly hissed.

At this moment, he still didn't understand that they... no... it should be said that the circus group was tricked by the Tianlong people.

If Mr. 3 guessed correctly, this underground arena should be the work of that Tianlong man.

He may often use this method to trick people who don't know why they come here, and then torture them to death in various ways, so that the audience or himself can appreciate the shock on the faces of innocent people when they die...

and their final death throes.

After hearing Mr. 3’s explanation, everyone’s expressions changed instantly.

Bucky, who was well-informed and already knew the characteristics of the Celestial Dragons, did not show too many abnormalities.

Just two eyeballs rolling round and round, thinking about how to complete the task given by Hong Hong.

But for other people who had just arrived at the Grand Route from the East China Sea, they were shocked by this incident.

The Grand Line is indeed the graveyard of pirates.

Darkness and death are really everywhere!

Of course, as pirates and gangsters, they themselves are not good birds, so they don't have much emotional fluctuations about this matter.

There was just a pink-haired boy in the crowd who had hidden himself in a stuffed bear coat. When he heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat.

The innocent Kerby immediately raised his bear head and asked Mr. 3:

"Isn't this a crime!?"

"Don't the navy and the others... stop the Tianlong people!?"

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