Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 182 Kongdao, here I come! (please follow up on order)

Chapter 182 Kongdao, here I come! (Please subscribe~)

Near Gaya Island.

The turbulent waves roared in waves on the sea, like a man-eating beast calling for food.

The cloudy sky made this sea area look like the end of the world, making it impossible for ordinary people to approach.


Even on such a cruel sea, a light sailing boat moved forward resolutely in the terrifying waves as if it were in a deserted place.

"Wuhu~Take off!!!"

"Going to Sky Island!!!"

Luffy's hands were wrapped around the bow of the Mellie like ropes, and he laughed and cheered excitedly, regardless of his mouth being blown like a bag by the hurricane.

And as if in response to Luffy's call, a bright golden light suddenly bloomed from the bow of the Merry.

In order to commemorate the first flight of the Merry shipmate, and the first mythical beast that Luffy defeated...

At this time, the Meili had already been dressed up as a Lightning Bird by the Straw Hat Crew.

He wears a golden bird crown with a thunderbolt on his head, and also has a pair of artificial lightning bird wings on his body.

Different from the big wings that almost made up the numbers in the original timeline~

This time, the wings of Lightning Bird are special wings made by Usopp using special Wabol Alloy 23 light metal material.

When the Meili utilizes the effects of the AR system's characteristics to acquire lightning properties, it can even control the wings on both sides of the ship through current, allowing them to be freely adjusted to obtain simple air gliding capabilities.

But now it seems that Usopp's design is more or less useless.

After all, in addition to Ace and the unlucky Celestial Dragon, those who followed the Straw Hats to the Sky Island this time were also Yixiao, an esper with many fruits, and his apprentice Kebi.

Because there were so many things going on in the past few days, and in such a hurry, Chihong even forgot to introduce Yixiao's information in detail to everyone in the Straw Hats.

Until now, they had only unilaterally thought that Chihong had found an executioner who dared to kill the Tianlong people.

After all, this matter is in the plan set by Red, and the Straw Hat Pirates do not intend to attract too much attention and attention.

Chihong's original intention was to have the Straw Hat Pirates escape intact after resolving the crisis of the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World.

But this idea is somewhat too idealistic.

"Empty Island~"

Looking at Luffy who was cheering in the special seat, Ace felt extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he is worried about his father and friends in the new world.

According to the information sent by Doflamingo, although the disappearance of the Celestial Dragons did not cause too much trouble in the world, the navy's actions in the new world were indeed affected a lot.

Under the pressure of the World Government, many naval vice-admirals deployed in the New World have withdrawn from the New World and returned to Paradise to investigate the disappearance of the Celestial Dragons.

The Whitebeard Pirates, who had been kept in the dark, also learned about what the navy had done to them on an island.

Whitebeard, who originally thought it was a minor quarrel, finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

According to intelligence, Whitebeard's anger penetrated the dome that day, and the sea near the entire island felt like the end of the world was coming, and the waves were shaken by Whitebeard's momentum.

But on the other hand, Ace felt inexplicably happy when he saw that his brother had such a strong group of partners and was able to enjoy such joy and wonderful adventures.

And he had a hunch that maybe it wouldn't be long before he could see these guys turning the world upside down!

"Don't think so much, Luffy and the others have done enough for me!"

Ace silently clenched his fists and made a decision in his heart...

If something unexpected happened, he was ready to sacrifice at any time.

Whether it's for Luffy or Whitebeard, this is the realization he should have.

at the same time.

Everyone else on board the Meili was also smiling.

Chopper and Usopp stood shoulder to shoulder and cheered.

Because Usopp has been asking Chopper for help recently, and Usopp enjoys showing off, and Chopper is easily deceived, so the relationship between the two of them is better than others.

Sanji silently lit a cigarette, while Zoro leaned against the railing of the boat, smiling and saying nothing.

In recent times, in order to improve their strength, although the two of them have not reached the level of Luffy who works day and night, they can still be regarded as doing their best and doing everything they can.

The two of them stood on the left and right of the Meili. Although they didn't say a word, their eyes were extremely firm and calm, like two volcanoes ready to go, hiding all their energy inside their bodies, waiting. The critical moment has arrived.

Relatively speaking, the atmosphere here among the girls is very simple.

Nami wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and kept writing and drawing with a pen and notebook, recording the scene before the arrival of the legendary monster Hailiu.

So far, the entire Straw Hat Pirates' voyage diary has been completed by Nami alone.

Robin, on the other hand, used the fruit's ability to help Nami, making it easier for her to write records.

The entire Straw Hat Pirates perform their duties and prepare to face the rising sea current that is coming soon.

At this moment, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in front of the Meili, as if it was about to sweep the entire sea into the depths of the sea.


Seeing this scene, Nami immediately shouted while writing: "That's it!"

"Meili, Chihong, I leave it to you!"


"Leave it to us~!"

Chi Hong, who was on the ship's mast, and Little Meili, the ship elf who suddenly appeared, both responded.

The next moment, the unmanned sails suddenly opened, and the wings on both sides of the Meili's hull also continuously adjusted their angles, allowing the Meili to successfully enter the orbit of the vortex, and violently followed the sea currents. It spun.

However, before everyone on the Meili could feel the terror of the sea, several magical waves suddenly appeared from the vortex, like a huge palm, slightly lifting the Meili.

It neither escaped the orbit of the vortex, nor did everyone on the ship feel too much danger.

Despite this, the immature Kerby, who had eaten the slippery fruit and lost his baby fat, was still frightened half to death by such a scene. He firmly grasped the railing of the boat as if he was welding himself to the boat.

In the end, Usopp couldn't stand it anymore, so he fired another plant seed, wrapped it like a safety belt, and fixed it on the deck.

The eddy on the sea surface did not last long.

After just hovering for two or three minutes, a bulge bigger than Rab suddenly appeared on the sea surface.

The next moment...

The terrifying sea water seemed to have broken through some boundary and stood up straight in an instant.

One pillar supports the sky! ! !

"Wow yeah yeah~!!!"

Although they had already been mentally prepared, the sudden feeling of weightlessness still changed everyone's expressions.

Luffy wrapped his hands around the neck of the bow, his whole body hanging in the air, an excited smile on his face.

"Sky Island!!! Here we come!!!"

Hearty laughter resounded throughout the sky.

Sky Island is real!

Everyone in the Straw Hats, as well as Ace and Yixiao who were traveling with the ship, all believed in this.

It's just that not everyone is eligible to visit this island that exists in ordinary people's dreams.

Under Nami's command, the Meili quickly entered the clouds under the impact of the rising current.

As a burst of white mist completely enveloped everyone's sight, the Meili riding the rising current suddenly broke through the clouds.

In the blink of an eye, they were at an altitude of seven thousand meters above sea level, above the White Sea.

The impact of the rising current also slowly dissipated and disappeared after arriving here.

When everything settled, the Straw Hats, who had been hit everywhere by the inertia, also came to the bow of the ship.

Even though he had never doubted Sky Island, he was still stunned by the magical scene in front of him.

Looking at the boundless white sea all around, even Zoro, who has always been calm, couldn't help but exclaimed:

"We...actually reached the top of the clouds!?"

"Yah! That's great! We actually arrived at Sky Island!!!"

Luffy immediately let out a cheer as he retracted his arm.

But his smile didn't last long before he started coughing violently due to lack of oxygen.


Above the White Sea, due to the extremely high altitude, oxygen is extremely thin.

And everyone in the Straw Hats arrived here from a high-density oxygen zone in a very short period of time, so even if their strength has exceeded the original timeline by a lot, their bodies will still have special reactions unconsciously and become weak. stand up.

"Idiot, didn't Chihong tell you that you must remember to take oxygen when you reach high altitudes!?"

Seeing this scene, Nami took out the weather stick from her waist and pressed a switch.

In an instant, a huge bubble suddenly appeared from the hole of the weather stick, just like the bubble mask often worn by Tianlong people.

As Nami placed the bubble on Luffy's head, Luffy, who was still coughing violently, immediately improved.

Then Nami created several oxygen bubbles one after another and gave them to everyone on the ship.

After learning about the characteristics of Sky Island, they must of course make preparations in advance.

"Phew~ It feels much better!"

Red groaned as she took a breath of oxygen.

Then he reminded Nami again:

"Oh, right."

"Don't forget the guy in the cage."

"He is the protagonist of the next big event. It would be bad if he died accidentally."

"Don't worry~" Nami waved her hand and said nonchalantly: "Usopp has already done many experiments on that Celestial Dragon. That guy's physical endurance is terrifyingly high."

"So much so that Usopp already wants to use his blood to cultivate bugs."

"Maybe he can adapt to the environment here more easily than us~"

"makes sense."

Chihong nodded understandingly.

In the anime, the idiot Charles Saint, who received an angry punch from Luffy, was unscathed two years later and continued to be arrogant...

It is enough to see that the body structure of the Celestial Dragons indeed has higher potential than ordinary people.

"That's right, Red."

At this moment, Luffy, who had sucked all the oxygen out of the bubbles, suddenly said to Chihong:

"There is a strong aura in that direction~"

"It seems to be the unlimited energy and universal power bank you mentioned..."

"Should we go find him now!?"

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