Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 194 Fairy Lock Diagnosis (please subscribe)

Chapter 194 Fairy System Locking + Diagnosis (please subscribe~)

Rumble, rumble~! ! !

A meteor fell from the sky and hit the ground below, instantly creating a large deep crater on the island of God, which was extremely precious to the Sky Islanders.

Dozens of trees that had survived for who knows how many years also died in this collision.

Countless birds and beasts fled, making chaotic sounds.

"Damn it! What kind of ability is this!?"

Feeling the strange thing in his body that was constantly sucking his energy, Stierres got up from the ground with a look of astonishment on his face.

He quickly activated the armed domineering energy in his body and rushed towards the obvious weird point, trying to destroy its impact on his body.

But the next second...

Behind him, a dark space wormhole suddenly appeared.

And Chopper's body miraculously flew out of the hole, and with the speed accumulated when falling from the air, it attacked Stiers' back.

"Strengthened wrists·Carved hoofs·Sakura Fukiyuki!"

"Damn it! The haunting guy!!!"

Fortunately, this time Stierres was well prepared. He turned his body in the air and slashed with the sharp long knife in the rear where the strong wind struck.

Clang! ! !

A sound of metal and heavy objects colliding was like a storm, sweeping in all directions, rustling the ancient woods.

"Hmm, hooves!?"

Looking at the hooves holding his long knife, Stierres's eyes flashed slightly.

"Is he a user with animal-type fruit abilities!?"

He raised his head, his serious face became darker due to his exertion, and then he said:

"You bastards who are trying to cause chaos, you are about to die!"

"The navy has already surrounded the sea area below, and it is guarded by General Aoki Pheasant..."

"Be prepared for justice!"

Stirres tried to put psychological pressure on Chopper through trash talk.

Unfortunately, his idea was destined to fail.


Under the whirlpool mask, Chopper gave a disdainful laugh, but he did not respond to Stiers' intention at all.

And the next moment, a cold breath suddenly spurted out from its hooves, falling on Stierres like a hurricane.

It’s a Pokémon move—Frozen Wind! ! !

Click... click!

Under the cold breath, Stierres' palm holding the long knife was suddenly covered with a layer of frost, and it quickly spread towards his body.

"What kind of ability is this!?"

Stiers's expression changed, and his body suddenly exerted force, shattering the ice on his body, and then stepped back, keeping a distance from Qiao Bala.

Feeling his legs that had become inexplicably stiff, his eyes revealed a look of shock that was difficult to conceal.

Although the Frozen Wind only has a power of 55, it is difficult to cause substantial damage to Stierres in a cross-level battle...

But it has a powerful additional effect...

That is to reduce the speed of the target being hit!

"If this happens, your shaving will be greatly compromised, right?"

Under the mask, Chopper murmured to himself.

He has not mastered the domineering power of seeing and hearing, so he is not very good at grasping the high-speed moving moves like shaving.

So the best solution is to prevent the opponent from using it and completely shave it!

While talking, Chopper suddenly took out the second blue wave ball from his pocket!

Blue Wave Ball, a magical potion developed by Chopper during the Drum Kingdom!

He can change the life wavelength of the animal-type Devil Fruit abilities, allowing animal-type ability users to develop more ability forms besides humans, beasts, and human-beasts!

So far, Chopper has developed seven combat forms using the blue wave ball.

It can be said that just by relying on the achievement of Blue Wave Ball, Chopper's name is enough to be recorded in the history of the pirate world and become one of the world's famous medical scientists!

If only Kaido knew that there were secret medicines like Blue Wave Balls in the world that greatly increased the combat power of animal-type ability users with almost no side effects...

He would definitely turn into a dragon immediately and invite Chopper to join his team.

"Brain Power Up!"

“Lock Diagnosis!!!”


The changed form of little Chopper suddenly shrank, causing the red cloud cloak to drag directly to the ground.

And in front of Stierres, he directly piled two hooves together, forming a shape like a focuser, covering Stierres's body.

A mysterious and mysterious aura suddenly bloomed from Chopper's body.

Under the characteristics of the fairy skin, the normal locking moves are instantly transformed into fairy moves with quirky characteristics.

This is a lock to strengthen observation, coupled with the diagnostic ability brought about by Chopper's enhanced brain power...

It made him discover the abnormality in Stierres almost instantly.

"What are you doing again!?"

I originally thought that after Chopper changed his form, he would use some strange moves like before.

But after discovering that Chopper was just standing still, Stiers's face suddenly darkened, and then he realized that he had unknowingly become inexplicably afraid of the guy in front of him.

This immediately made him feel that his justice was insulted, and he instantly became angry.

"Damn it!"

Stirres roared in a low voice, the long knife in his hand was attached by a heavy jet-black domineering energy, and his footsteps flew continuously on the ground.

Although affected by the effect of the freezing wind, his speed was greatly reduced.

But as a vice admiral, he still burst out with a speed that ordinary strong men could not reach, and rushed towards Chopper quickly.

The heavy long knife was raised high by him, and his arms became as indestructible as steel at this moment!

"Iron Block·Steel Slash!"

boom! ! !

A vast aura like the weight of Mount Tai spewed out from the long sword, shaking the surrounding air.

However, in the face of such a heavy blow, little Chopper did not dodge, his eyes still flashing purple-pink light.

Despite the locked blessing, the other party has gone through the navy's saturation training and enjoys the navy's powerful medical system...

Its body has few weaknesses, so it will naturally take longer.


Just before the whistling slash was about to fall on Chopper, the glimmer of light in his eyes suddenly condensed, and then flashed away like starlight.

"found it!"

Little Qiaoba raised his lips.

Looking at the slash above his head, he did not retreat but advanced.

I saw his body suddenly expand, holding up the uniform of the Akatsuki organization again, and then suddenly rushed forward!

"Strengthen the legs! Laughter point!"


With the help of his powerful leg strength, Chopper's body suddenly turned into a sharp arrow and suddenly came under Stierres.

He put his arms together, lightly touched Stierres's body, and then suddenly stepped to the side, flying out of Stierres's attack range.

"What!?" The Vice Admiral's expression froze, he didn't expect that Chopper would dodge his attack in this way.

More importantly...

At this moment, there was an energy in his body again, which began to guide his body continuously, causing his steel-like arms to return to normal.

boom! ! !

The weakened slash struck the ground, immediately creating a huge crack on the land of the Island of Gods.

And the next second...




The sharp sword suddenly penetrated into the ground, supporting Stierres's body like a crutch.

I saw that for some reason, he hunched up inexplicably, leaning on the sword with one hand, and burst out laughing.


Chopper rolled out and ignored his red and swollen arm due to excessive exertion. Instead, he immediately raised his head and looked at Stierrez, who had been hit in the smile point and was unable to fight!

The fairy-type locking + brain strengthening and diagnostic moves successfully allowed Little Chopper to develop an alternative fighting method.

It is different from the original diagnosis that can see the opponent's hidden injuries or weaknesses.

After adding the weird fairy energy, little Chopper's [diagnosis] ability has been fully sublimated!

He will no longer be satisfied with only being able to see the existing weaknesses and flaws of the enemy, but will be able to use the energy of the fairy system to open up new weaknesses or flaws on the enemy!

For example, the [Laughter Point] can make people laugh non-stop, the [Removal Ring] can make people dislocate their arms, the [Pain] can make people feel numb, and the [Calmness] can make people's heart stop for a moment...

Because he is endowed with fairy-type characteristics, the results Chopper can get every time he uses diagnosis are also random.

Even until now, he doesn't know if his [Diagnosis] technique has other effects that have not yet been discovered.

Some of these effects are powerful, while others are useless.

Obviously, Lady Luck is on Chopper's side today.

Although the Laughing Point will not make the enemy lose their combat ability immediately, it is enough to drastically reduce the enemy's combat ability.

And it is different from the pain that can go away after a while, and the ring removal that can heal itself...

Unless the Pokémon energy that Chopper injected into Stiers is completely exhausted, he can only maintain such laughter until he becomes comatose or dies!

"There is no more suspense."

Chopper and Steeles fight in the sky.

Because he was a little worried, after repelling the flying squirrel and Dauberman, Chihong also took the opportunity to come here and take a look.

However, looking at Chopper who is still full of fighting power after releasing a few moves and consuming some physical and energy, but under the effect of Pokémon's moves, Stierrez's heart is completely red. Put it down.

"Can't even force Chopper's third blue wave ball. It seems that the strength of this Vice Admiral is no more than that~"

After sighing softly, the red figure stepped back and entered the different-dimensional cave again.

However, he did not return to the two vice-admirals who were extremely vigilant in the air because they could not find Red.

Outside the Island of Gods, above a sea of ​​white clouds, a red figure suddenly appeared from the cave of another dimension, immediately making the four figures fighting in the air freeze on the spot.

"Huh? Chi..."

Robin, who had huge wings floating in the air behind his back, was about to speak, but suddenly remembered that he couldn't call him by his real name at this time.

She spoke immediately and returned to the previous title:

"Mr. Vice Captain, why are you here?"

After seeing the madness and magic of the Straw Hat Pirates, Robin's sense of belonging to the Straw Hats is getting stronger day by day.

After all, compared with what the Straw Hat Pirates are doing now, it is not a serious matter to just cover up a sinner like her.

In this way, no one noticed from which day, Robin's way of addressing everyone changed.

Of course.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if Robin really called out Red's name.

What Akatsuki organization, what vortex mask, are things that can only protect gentlemen but not villains.

If the World Government is determined to investigate, it will find them sooner or later.

These costumes are just to delay the World Government's time a little, so that the world's attention will not focus on the Straw Hat Pirates so quickly.

"How, can you handle it!?"

Red smiled slightly, and then asked directly.

And Robin also smiled immediately: "Of course."

As she spoke, her beautiful eyes swept, and her eyes instantly fell on the three vice admirals opposite.

Under Robin's gaze, the faces of the three vice admirals suddenly tightened and became extremely alert.

"It seems... I came a little unnecessary~!"

Seeing this scene, Red also smiled in amazement.

Although the strength of these three vice admirals may not be as strong as that of Styrex that Chopper dealt with, it is enough to prove that after obtaining the power of Pokémon, Robin's strength has been infinitely close to the level of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.


She has now surpassed her old boss Crocodile.

"Since you have nothing to do here, I will go and do mine."

"I can't let you wait too long."

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Vice Captain."

With Robin's respectful farewell, Red entered the extra-dimensional cave again and disappeared above the sea of ​​clouds.

The next moment, Robin suddenly turned her head, and a pair of eyes emitting a strange pink light focused on the three vice admirals.

She stretched out her slender jade hand through the thick robe and lightly touched her rosy lips.


"Let's continue the game!"

"Witch... Witch!!!"

A vice admiral shuddered when he heard Robin's voice.

When he thought about how he had just gone crazy and pointed his sword at his colleagues because of this woman, his face flushed with shame and guilt!

The two vice admirals next to him also had fear in their eyes.

More importantly...

Until now, they didn't know how to break the charm of the witch in front of them!



At the same time.

Just as the battle on Sky Island was in full swing...

The waters near Gaya Island in the sea below.

Aokiji, who was taking a nap on the sun lounger on the deck of a navy battleship, was suddenly stunned. He slowly pulled up the eye mask on his face, and then looked at the four black spots falling from the sky with a puzzled expression.

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