Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 200 The Disappeared Meili (please subscribe)

Chapter 200 The disappeared Meili (please subscribe~)

Kizaru's escape marked the end of the entire Sky Island Battle.

When the Straw Hat Pirates walked out of the extra-dimensional cave and arrived near the battlefield between Luffy and Scar Man...

This strong man who originally relied on his animal awakening ability to fight Luffy back and forth finally lost the strong energy in his heart.

Under Luffy's thunderous battle ax that resounded through the sky, he was completely smashed into the hard island clouds, lost consciousness, and became one of the many prisoners of the Merry.

A moment later, on the deck of the Mellie.

Because the cabin was already filled with prisoners at this time, the only area where the Straw Hats could move was the deck.

“Time is tight and the task is heavy, so I’ll keep my story short!”

The red eyes that gathered the crowd flashed with light, and he said in a cautious tone:

"Everyone! Although this live broadcast went very beautifully, we not only completed the beheading of the Tianlong people under the eyes of the whole world, but also defeated all the guys who came to stop us!"

"But what I have to remind you is..."

"Now is not the time to let down your guard, the real battle has just begun!"

Red's words successfully pulled the Straw Hats out of the joy of the victor.

The excited Usopp was suddenly stunned.

Before his brain could start thinking, Sauron answered with a deep voice:

"makes sense."

He shook the three long knives on his body and whispered softly: "The escaped admiral has too much information about us..."

"The enemy in the future will most likely use the intelligence he possesses to carry out targeted attacks on us!"

The battle in the pirate world is not just about fighting and killing!

Just like the Rust Fruit user who was easily killed by Usopp, but it was fatal to Zoro...

In battle, intelligence is also one of the most important weapons!


Sanji lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, frowned and said:

"Others are fine..."

"But if Kizaru can recognize the name of Green Algae Head Blade, it will indeed be a very disadvantageous thing for us."

"Even if the possibility is not very high."

"But..." Luffy put his hands behind his head and asked Chihong doubtfully: "We didn't intend to completely hide our identity, right?"

"Yeah." Chihong nodded, "It's impossible to completely hide your identity unless we don't use any fruit abilities."

"It's just that now it seems that our original plan to completely separate ourselves from the incident and portray the Whitebeard Pirates as the mastermind behind everything can no longer be completed smoothly."

"This also means that we will encounter various dangers in our future adventures."

"I have to say that although Kizaru's escape seemed a bit embarrassing, it was unexpectedly a headache!"

Chihong sighed softly.

But Luffy grinned indifferently:

"What does it matter?"

"When he finds us again, we will become stronger!"

"As long as we become stronger than the enemies before they find us!"

"makes sense."

Looking at Luffy's heartlessness, Chi Hong finally stopped emphasizing the horror of the World Government.

Infected by Luffy's smile, he suddenly raised the corners of his mouth:

"It's just a world government that even the Yonko Pirates can't solve..."

"I'm just a little too anxious."

"Hey! I can't pretend I didn't hear this!"

Upon hearing this, Ace on the side immediately bumped into Chi Hong and interjected jokingly.

But at the same time, deep down in his heart, he was deeply shocked by the potential of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Perhaps it won't be long before Chihong's disdain for the world government turns from a joke into an established fact.

On the deck of the Melly, joyous laughter rang out again, and the atmosphere became relaxed.

And just when Little Meili turned the bow of the boat and prepared to move towards the shallower white sea...

A phone bug that was kept on the deck of the Melly and was about to be forgotten by everyone suddenly started ringing.


Everyone's expressions were suddenly startled.

Luffy even shouted in surprise:

"Ace, that seems to be your phone bug!?"

I saw a phone bug with an orange sun hat on his head and a tendon exposed on his chest, shouting eagerly.

"Could it be that……"

Ace's face turned from surprise to joy, and he ran over quickly in a few steps and picked up the phone.

"Hello!? Is that Ace!?"

An anxious expression with small eyes immediately appeared on the phone bug's face.

"This voice..." Ace's expression paused for a moment, and then immediately showed a look of great surprise.

"It's Marco! Marco!!!"

"Yes, it's me!"

"Thank God you answered the phone."

The phone bug showed a long sigh of relief on his face, and then asked anxiously:

"Ace, how is the situation over there? Are you still on Sky Island now!?"

"You managed to create such a huge battle without making a sound. I really underestimated you before!"

"But we're not bad either! We had a quarrel with my dad in Marineland, and now we're being hunted by the Navy!"

"As soon as we get rid of the navy's pursuit, we will find a way to rescue you!"

"Save me!?" Ace was stunned, turned around and looked at the navy rice dumplings that were squeezed out of the cabin, and suddenly muttered in his heart:

Are you sure you are here to rescue me, not to attract all the navy's troops?

"Wait...wait a minute, Marco."

Ace quickly interrupted: "Marco, you must not come to me!"

Chihong said that there was still a large navy fleet ambushing in the sea below the empty island.

If you come here at this time, you are throwing yourself into a trap.

"Let me tell you!"

At this moment, Chihong suddenly reached out and snatched the phone bug from Ace's hand, and then asked directly into the phone:

"Senior Marco, you said you just attacked the Navy Headquarters!? How is the battle going?"

"And... who is hunting you now?"

"With Senior Whitebeard's strength, the navy dares to chase you on the sea!?"

"Who else!?" Marco immediately replied: "Of course it's Garp and Sengoku!"

"In anger, my father split the entire Marinefando in half, but he was also attacked by those two bastards and suffered some injuries."

"That's right." Chihong nodded clearly, understanding what happened on the sea during this period.

Immediately he said again: "Senior Marco, you can rest assured that Ace is with us."

"What you have to do now is to focus on getting rid of the navy behind you."

"When you are safe, come to us based on Ace's life card!"

"We will wait for you in a safe place."

"Ah?" Marco blinked in shock: "By the way...who are you?"

However, Marco's response was a busy signal from a phone bug.

Marco:? ? ?

"Hey! Marco, have you contacted Ace!?"

At this moment, Bista, who had intercepted a cannonball, fell from the sky and landed next to Marco.

He shouted to Marco while shaking his arms that were numb from the shells.

The name Garp, a naval hero, is really not a joke.

Without Marco's help, these captain-level beings would have had such difficulty intercepting the cannonballs thrown by the opponent.

"I see!"

After hanging up the phone, Marco didn't have time to think too much. He immediately transformed into the form of a phoenix, flew into the air and fired light blue flames at the cannonballs in the sky, intercepting them one by one!

Although what he said on the phone was an understatement, in fact, in order to prevent the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates from causing casualties as much as possible, Whitebeard can be said to be one man in charge and no one can open it...

With his own strength, he drove back all the navy's formations and used the fruit's power to destroy Malinvando.

But this also greatly reduced Whitebeard's physical strength, which was already tortured by the disease, and he was seriously injured under the combined attack of Sengoku and Garp.

As for this, Chi Hong, who was far above 10,000 meters in the sky, also guessed the truth of the matter from Marco's words.

"I didn't expect that Malinfando would be destroyed in the end? Is this destined?"

"But it seems that the situation on Whitebeard's side is not too good, otherwise the navy would not dare to send people to pursue them."

"Fortunately, judging from Marco's tone, they should have been prepared, and escaping shouldn't be a problem."

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind.

Then Chi Hong suddenly raised his head, first showed a "reassuring" smile to Ace, and then said to Luffy:

"Then Captain, the Sky Island matter has come to an end, can we issue an order now!?"

"Hehe! That's right~!"

After the battle, Luffy, whose strength improved again, laughed and jumped on the bow of the Merry.

Standing on the captain's exclusive seat, he raised his hands, bent his body backwards, and laughed brightly:

"Little ones! The adventure on Sky Island is over!"

“Raise the sails and set sail!!!”

"It's time to find new adventures!"


Everyone in the Straw Hats responded in unison.

After experiencing a big battle, everyone's fighting spirit is extremely high and they are looking forward to the next adventure!

Little Meili transformed into the most perfect helmsman and sailor, controlled the ship and began to gallop quickly towards the end of the White Sea.

At the same time, above the sea below the empty island.

Aboard a huge naval battleship, Aokiji looked at Kizaru, who was already sitting on a sun lounger and drinking black tea, with a complex look of shock and relief on his face.

He first helplessly rubbed the tight wrinkles on his forehead, and then sighed and asked:

"You mean..."

"On the entire battleship, thousands of naval generals, CP agents, and three CP0 agents were all defeated by the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division and his men!?"

"You were the only one who escaped in the end!?"


"It's Ace and the mysterious Akatsuki organization! They are the two guys who killed the Celestial Dragons with their own hands..."

"I know I know."

Qingzhi, who was appointed as the overall person in charge of this mission, said with indescribable eyes:

"But no matter what, this is too outrageous."

"In short, I will report this matter to the Warring States Marshal truthfully. I don't know what he will say."

"You should have done this a long time ago!"

Kizaru nodded indifferently, drank hot tea, and read the gossip tabloids.

As for the injuries on his body, they had already disappeared under the effect of Six Styles: Life Return.

Even the scars may heal later.

However, Kizaru had already asked the navy soldiers to take pictures of the tragic scene when he just fell from the sky island, and used it as report material.

It’s not like he just wants to fish…

Because he has already seen it, even if he continues to entangle with the other party, he will not gain anything.

Kizaru has not forgotten that the guy who has been playing the support position has always retained his strength except for the first few matches.

The natural fruit ability itself consumes a lot of physical energy, and Zoro and others caused various injuries to him one after another.

If you delay any longer, once your strength is affected, you will be caught by that mysterious strong man, and then the boat will capsize...

That would be really embarrassing!

So after realizing that nothing could be done, Kizaru did not hesitate and chose to escape without any hesitation!

There is only so much Pele in a year, why should he go to all lengths!

Anyway, the first blame for the World Government will definitely fall on CP0!

As an intelligence organization and an important organization to protect the Tianlong people, not only did the Tianlong people be publicly executed, but they also failed to investigate the enemy's intelligence clearly, resulting in the annihilation of the entire army...

Now, the president of CP0 will definitely be scolded by Wulaoxing!

As for Kizaru himself?

One person resisted many powerful enemies, including two serious criminals who executed the Celestial Dragons.

The battle is in full swing, and we are about to capture the enemy...

In the end, due to the unfavorable blocking of the CP0 agents, he was surrounded by the enemy's high-end combat power.

Even in such difficult circumstances, he still maintained the combat effectiveness of a general for the World Government.

Kizaru really didn't know what he was doing was wrong! ?

deserter! ?


If Wulao Xing doesn't give him some praise, it would be considered a pity for him!

Aokiji, who knew Kizaru's style, didn't say anything in the end.

After all, they have been old partners for so many years, and he really understands each other's personalities very well.

Anyway, if the sky is falling, Marshal of the Warring States Period is holding it up, what does it have to do with him, a small naval admiral?

Just as Qingzhi was thinking about how to report to the superiors, a loud noise suddenly came from the other end of the battleship.


He and Kizaru put down the reports and newspapers in their hands at the same time, followed the noisy voices of the navy, and immediately looked up to the sky.

Only a tiny black dot was seen, falling violently from the sky downwards.

The landing point seemed to be right in the center of their battleship!

"That is……"

Feeling the reappearance of several familiar auras, Kizaru's doubtful eyes suddenly appeared behind his brown lenses.

"Hey, hey, can't you? Why is this time!?"

He immediately stood up.

Although he didn't know why the opponent chose this time to land from the empty island, since the enemy appeared again, he had no choice but to work overtime again and continue fighting with the opponent.

It's just that he can't figure it out anyway, why would the other party choose such a self-destructive method?

In an instant, Aokiji and Kizaru looked at each other.

Immediately, the two of them stood up from the ground in an instant, one turned into a swift beam of light, and a slender ice cone rose from under the other's feet, and they simultaneously attacked the Meili in the air.

However, the navy, whose energy was completely absorbed by the Meili in the sky, did not notice at all...

In the deep sea beneath their feet, a huge creature was slowly coming closer to the surface.

"This distance..."

"about there!!!"

At the same time, after Red in the air sensed the super marks of Bucky and others on the sea, he immediately grinned at the person next to him and said:

"I'll leave the rest to you, Uncle Yixiao!"

"no problem!"

Yixiao suddenly drew his sword, and a wave of gravity flew out from his long sword in an instant, wrapping up the entire Meili.

Just like that, the speed of the Meili, which was still in free fall, began to decrease rapidly.

At this time, Kizaru and Aokiji also discovered the huge sea beast that suddenly appeared under the battleship.

It's just that they, who have already risen to high altitude to pursue the Meili, can no longer care about the abnormality below them.

He could only continue to attack the Meili with a hard frown.

Immediately afterwards...

They saw a huge space wormhole suddenly appear between the Melly and them.

Before Kizaru and Aokiji could react, the Meili was still descending at a speed and fell directly into the space wormhole, completely disappearing under the eyes of the two admirals!

The huge monster that suddenly appeared in the deep sea also completed its mission of picking up the plane and wandered towards the depths of the sea again.

In this way, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was attacked by two navy admirals in full view of the public...

Completely disappeared, as if everything was just an illusion and had never happened.

Only Kizaru and Aoki were left standing thousands of meters in the sky.

The two stared at each other and fell into silence.



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