Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 226 Meili’s power (seeking for subscription)

Chapter 226 Meili’s power (please subscribe~)

"Boss Luffy!!! Boss Red!!!"

Not long after the containment of Zefa and Kizaru was successful, Bucky and Bartolomeo each held a box and hurriedly ran over from a distance.

Arriving next to Chi Hong and others, Ba Tuo took the lead and immediately claimed the credit:

"Boss, look what good things we found in the ruins!!!"

As he spoke, he opened the wooden box in his hand.

Although Bucky on the side was a step slower, he quickly kept up with the rhythm and opened the wooden box in his hand.

In an instant, two Devil Fruits appeared in front of the Straw Hats.

One is as long as a cantaloupe, but its skin is a mysterious blue-purple color, with spiral patterns like fishnet stockings.

The other one has a similar problem, but looks like a bunch of red bananas.

Just based on their appearance, it's impossible to guess what abilities these two Devil Fruits will have.

But Chihong, who had watched the anime, said in one breath: "It's the superman-type Bubble Fruit and the animal-type Cow-Niu Fruit-Giraffe form!"

"Ah, do you know these two fruits, Red?"

Although he could no longer eat other fruits, Luffy's face suddenly showed a look of great interest when he saw new things appearing.

Chihong smiled mysteriously and explained to everyone the abilities that these two fruits could bring.

But after listening, the faces of the Straw Hats, who were still looking forward to it, suddenly showed expressions of disgust.

"What~ After working on it for a long time, it turned out to be two not-so-powerful Devil Fruits!"

Usopp, who has a current navy admiral and a former navy admiral in his body, made a sound of disdain:

"Why is it that one of the three major agencies under the command of the World Government doesn't even have any good stuff?"

"You can't say that~" Robin's eyes flashed and he smiled and said:

"At least with the ability to bubble fruit, we no longer have to worry about our clothes not being clean!"

"And with this fruit ability, you will definitely be a good hand at cleaning cabins and decks!"

Good sister Nami immediately nodded in agreement: "If you just look at its auxiliary functions, it sounds like it is very suitable for Chi Hong!"

"Hello!? You two?!"

Chihong rolled her eyes at Nami and Robin speechlessly: "With this fruit ability, can you even save money on shower gel in the future?"

"Do you still want me to guard the door for you when you take a bath in the future?"

"That's a good relationship~!" When Nami heard the word "saving money", her eyes suddenly glowed with golden light, and she raised her hands in agreement.

But when Sanji heard this, he suddenly knelt on the ground and beat the opponent on the ground, and said angrily: "Damn it! Why should I eat the Susu Fruit! There are obviously abilities in this world that are more suitable for me!!!"

"Okay, okay!"

After seeing the battle, the friends immediately entered a state of playing tricks, and Chi Hong immediately interrupted them with a wave of his hand.

"We're not here for a spring outing."

"Hurry up and grab all the valuable things here, so you're ready to leave."

"Never underestimate the power of the Navy and the World Government."

"What they hide has not been revealed yet!"

As he spoke, Chihong turned his attention to Usopp again: "By the way, Usopp, what happened to the two giants before?"

"You mean Oyimo and Casey?"

Usopp was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile:

"Don't worry, I have told them about Brockie and Dongli according to what you said!"

"They are in the storage space inside my body now!"

Because they had the plot in the anime as a guide, the two giants believed Usopp's words without much doubt.

"Well, that's good!" Chi Hong nodded with satisfaction, but his eyes lightly swept over the giraffe fruit.

If we can make those two giants become members of the Straw Hat Fleet, and then give them some suitable fruit abilities, there may be unexpected surprises!

After all, the giants themselves have more unique talents and abilities than ordinary humans!

But those are things for the future.

Under the command of Red, the Straw Hats, together with the members of the Twin Pirates, quickly searched the ruins and major naval battleships, and stored all valuable items in Usopp's storage space.

As a political system that has existed for 800 years, the degree of internal corruption has already exceeded ordinary people's imagination.

In addition, Spandam himself is an extreme second-generation official who is greedy for enjoyment.

An hour later, Usopp subconsciously avoided Nami's abnormal eyes and returned to the Merry with billions of beli's in cash and jewelry.

Unable to adapt, in order to escape as soon as possible, he proactively suggested:

"Hey, Luffy, Red, should we get out of here!?"

"If you stay any longer, the navy's pursuers will come over!"

As if reflecting Usopp's words, the moment his words fell...

At the end of the collapsed Bridge of Hesitation, a huge wave suddenly surged.

I saw the closed door of justice slowly opening again, as if it was connected to another world. The mighty sea current surged along the crack of the door, carrying a huge naval warship and descended here.

Garp, the naval hero wearing a navy cape, stood on the top of the battleship, majestic and solemn.

Although he is not very interested in the departments of the World Government and has heard about what Judicial Island is doing for a long time, since Xiaohe knows this, he still finds himself to support Judicial Island...

It can only be said that the situation here may be worse than the headquarters imagined.

In fact, that’s exactly what it is!

When Garp majestically led the battleship to the waters of Judiciary Island, what he saw was not the long-hidden fierce battle between the legendary pirate group and the navy as he had imagined.

But a land full of messy ruins!

The broken Bridge of Hesitation, the slowly sinking damaged battleship, and the collapsed Tower of Justice...

Seeing this scene, the look on Garp's face suddenly became uncertain.

As for the identity of the attacker, it had been teleported back to the headquarters by the rest of the navy when Luffy and others were fighting Kizaru.

Of course, the only person who can really guess that Luffy is Garp's grandson is Crane in all of Marineland.

That's why she hesitated for a long time when she sent Garp to come for support.

After all, they have been friends for many years.

Even He, who served as the temporary marshal, couldn't bear to have Garp take action against his own grandson.

But looking at the mess on Judiciary Island at this time, the remaining hesitation in Garp's heart disappeared in an instant.

"Luffy, what on earth did your bastard grandson do behind my back!?"

Although the soldiers on Judiciary Island cannot be compared with the elite soldiers of the Navy Headquarters due to their years of pampering, the number of troops on Judiciary Island cannot be faked.

not to mention……

There is also support from the fleets led by Zefa and Kizaru.

But in this current situation, one can still see the glorious appearance of Judiciary Island! ?

"Lieutenant General Garp! There are wounded here!"

At this moment, the shout of a naval soldier suddenly attracted Garp's attention.

With the skilled movements of the navy, several naval soldiers floating on the sea holding broken wooden boards were immediately rescued.

And there are many naval soldiers like them in this sea area.

"Hu~...Hu~...Lieutenant General Garp!"

After a wet navy soldier was rescued, he ran directly in front of Garp panting without much rest, and then said with a look of fear:

"No...it's not good!"

"Admiral Kizaru was sunk into the sea by the Straw Hats, and he has not appeared yet!!!"

"Admiral Zefa... was also defeated by the Straw Hats!!!"

"Wait wait...what did you say!?"

When Capton heard this, his eyes widened in shock, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Are you sure... that the people who attacked Justice Island were the Straw Hat Pirates and not someone else?"

Although he hasn't returned to Windmill Village for a while, he still knows a lot about Luffy's weight.

How could that boy have the power to defeat Kizaru in such a short period of time?

But the naval soldier who was rescued said with certainty:

"It's definitely the Straw Hats, Lieutenant General Garp!"

"Admiral Kizaru was driven into the sea by Straw Hat Luffy and his two crew members, Roronoa Zoro and Blackfoot Sanji."

"Oh, it turns out there are three people?"

Although the incident was still very outrageous, after all, it was not Luffy who defeated the Admiral alone...

After experiencing the shock just now, Garp suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and accepted it.

Then he quickly asked: "What about Zefa!?"

"Is he just watching Kizaru being besieged!?"

"And there are so many lieutenant generals and brigadiers, how could they be defeated so completely!?"

"It's the vice-captain of the Straw Hats!"

Curious, Garp continued to ask questions, and the navy soldiers responded immediately.

"Vice Captain!?" Garp frowned again in confusion, "Are you talking about the red one!?"

"That brat...didn't he look like he was tired of practicing last year and wandered around Maginot every day!?"

"How could it be...that it could be him!?"

At this moment, Garp suddenly felt that this news shocked him more than knowing that his grandson had defeated the admiral.

Although he didn't know how much Zefa's current strength was compared to his heyday, it was impossible... to be defeated by a kid who was defenseless a year ago! ?

Countless questions swirled in Garp's mind, which was not very bright.

But just when he wanted to continue asking, he saw the navy in front of him suddenly showed a look of astonishment and pointed his hand behind him.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Garp turned and looked curiously.

Immediately he saw a warship with a sheep's head flying in the air, and it was still flying in a higher direction.

"It's...it's them!"

"They haven't left yet!!!"

When the rescued navy soldier saw this, he immediately shouted in panic.

"What?" Garp looked back at him.

But the naval soldier shouted loudly:

"That's the Straw Hat Pirate Ship!"

"Look, Lieutenant General Garp! There is their pirate flag flying up there!!!"

He had just experienced a fierce battle, and when he saw the cute sheep head of the Meili, he seemed to have seen some abyss demon. His eyes instantly became vacant, and his whole person trembled with fear.

"I really scared you!" Garp murmured softly, and then his eyes suddenly focused on the Meili flying in the air.

at the same time.

On the deck of the Merry, Usopp, who had just recovered all the bugs, wiped the non-existent sweat on his face, then grinned and said:

"In this case, there will be no problem, right!?"

"No problem." Red grinned, "Thank you so much, Usopp."

The next moment, he also set his sights directly on the main island of Judiciary Island below.

In this area, the sea forms a magical natural wonder comparable to Upside Down Mountain.

The entire sea surface sank straight inward in a perfect circle, like a huge hole poked out of the flat snow by a cylinder.

The roaring waves are surging and pouring into the sea below.

The main island of Judiciary Island, which is almost twice the size of the former island, is connected to the former island through a narrow channel.

"So... is this caused by the magnetic field, or is it the so-called blow from the King of Heaven?"

Looking at such a magical landscape in front of him, Chihong couldn't help but recall the scene in the comics he saw on Earth when Im activated the Virgin Flame to destroy the Kingdom of Lucia.

The situation in the sea area where the Kingdom of Lulucia disappeared at that time was exactly the same as that of Judiciary Island at that time.

But compared to the ruins of the Kingdom of Lucia, Judiciary Island has another special situation...

That is, this is a city that never sleeps.

And this also proves that the location of Judiciary Island will not change the position of the sun due to the movement of the planet.

It's a pity that Chihong is only a science student and doesn't know much about geography, so he can't use the knowledge on earth to analyze this bizarre pirate world.

But fortunately, in this world, even if you don't have brains and culture, you can still make your way through brute force.

The corner of the red mouth raised.

At least judging from the current situation, his "brute strength" is still very useful!

Red's eyes turned and looked at Xiao Meili who was ready.

Meili, who had transformed into a ship spirit, seemed to have a telepathic connection and forgot to look over.

For a moment, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Only Meili knows...

How important is everything Chihong has done.

If it weren't for Chihong's existence, she might still be crying in the old dock of the Seven Waters Capital at this moment, and then completely disappear in this sea area.

Thinking of this, Xiao Meili suddenly spoke and said silently:

"Thank you, Red."

Chihong also smiled and responded silently:

"You're welcome."

"Hey, hey, Chihong, the navy on the island has been withdrawn. Can we test the new strength of the Meili?!"

Luffy, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly interrupted the eye contact between Red and Merry, and said with some worry:

"If we don't test it, my grandpa will catch up soon!"

Because he had developed the Haki of seeing and hearing very early on, Luffy was extremely sensitive to Garp's aura.

Almost the moment the Door of Justice opened, he felt a familiar scent that made the back of his neck shiver.

So much so that he had to urge now.

"That's right~"

And Chi Hong, who knew Garp was powerful, nodded immediately.

"Then Xiao Meili, I'll leave the rest to you!"

"Let the world see...your amazing abilities!!!"


Little Meili saluted seriously like a soldier following orders.

And the next second, amid laughter, her figure disappeared in an instant and transformed into a boat form.

A violent buzz suddenly came from under everyone's feet, and the entire hull began to tremble.

As the founder of the New Meili, Franky heard the buzzing sound coming from the machine, and an expectant smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The other friends of the Straw Hats also showed similar expressions.

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, a mysterious energy wave suddenly gathered at the bow of the Meili.

In an instant, the whole place seemed to be quiet, and the waves surged and boiled inexplicably, as if they had received some mysterious influence.

And just when everyone was concentrating...

A figure suddenly appeared from high in the distance.

It was the naval hero Garp who came to chase Luffy and others after seeing the Merry!

"Luffy! Stop fooling around!"

Feeling the terrifying fluctuations condensed on the Meili, although Garp didn't know what it was, he had a premonition...

If that bombardment is allowed to fall, the Straw Hat Pirates may not be less harmful in the eyes of the World Government than the revolutionary army formed by his son.

But now the arrow is on the string and must be fired!

What's more, Luffy has never listened to his grandfather since he was a child, so he certainly won't do it now!

Boom! ! !

Before Garp could get closer, an energy beam filled with a heavy aura suddenly launched...

"What a bastard!"

Seeing this scene, not even Garp dared to get any closer, so he could only retreat at full speed, watching the terrifying impact that was many times bigger than the Meili...

Cover the entire Judiciary Island!

Time is stopped at this moment.

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