Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 312 The Worst Person! Highest Reward! (Monthly Ticket Request)

Chapter 312 The worst person! The highest reward! (Please give me a monthly ticket~)

Under the influence of Crimson, the Straw Hats acted vigorously and helped the Straw Hats quickly build a temporary residence in the open space of the Sea Forest.

And this group of guys who hate the World Government did not disappoint Chi Hong.

Almost as soon as the residence was set up, the disbanded Straw Hat Legion ran directly to the legion training area and began to practice according to the two secret techniques provided by Chi Hong, the "Two-Color Haki Training Manual" and "Six Styles: From Beginner to Mastery".

"What a group of guys with lots of firepower."

On the deck of the Meili, Zoro, after dinner, walked out of the cabin with a toothpick in his mouth and his hands folded across his chest.

Looking at the lively scene in the training ground, he suddenly sighed softly.

At this moment, a slight smell of tobacco suddenly came from next to him.

Sanji, who appeared out of nowhere, lit a cigarette and also came to the boat rail, his face as calm as water.

"Hate is indeed the ladder for progress!"

"Hey, Green Algae Head..."

"Speaking of which, it seems like we haven't practiced quietly alone like them for a long time, right?!"


Zoro chuckled.

"Chihong has been arranging for me to fight with you, and as a result, your bastard's strength continues to increase..."

"Now that I think about it, I'm really unlucky. I became your whetstone for no reason!"

"Hmph~" Sanji hummed softly: "I should say this!"

"So..." Then he turned to look at Sauron: "In the next period of time, we will practice separately!"

"When this is all over, let's see which bastard is holding us back!"

"Okay!" Zoro agreed happily.

It was obviously already evening, but the two of them suddenly became interested in practicing. One by one, they jumped off the Meili and walked towards the depths of the Forest of the Sea.

"Zoro and Sanji are talking like they're having an argument?"

On the other side of the deck, Chopper, who was analyzing the formula for Murloc Island's poisonous drug ES, turned his head curiously, looked at the backs of Zoro and Sanji as they left, and asked incomprehensible questions.

But opposite him, Usopp, who was getting the ingredients for the poison from the body warehouse, was grinning.

"Isn't this normal?!"

"If one day the two of them get along in harmony, then the world will really collapse!"

"Okay..." Usopp, after taking the last medicinal plant, patted the dirt on his hands and said to Chopper, "All the medicinal materials needed for the evil medicine have been taken out..."

"Fortunately, Chihong has a reputation for foresight and raided the supply mall in the Shampoo Islands in advance. Otherwise, some of the medicinal materials that are only found in the deep sea would not be so easy to find."

"Thank you, Usopp!" Little Chopper cutely picked up the medicinal herbs on the ground and thanked him politely.

Compared to the other men in the Straw Hat gang, little Chopper's unusually polite behavior was so normal that it started to feel abnormal.

"Why are you so polite~"

Usopp chuckled in response.

"Next, you are going to study the possibility of combining the poison with the blue wave ball, right?!"

"It's time for me to find a place to continue researching my [Four Heavenly Kings Plan]."

"Speaking of which... um~" Usopp stretched and continued: "In order to let Nami master her fruit ability as soon as possible, we seem to have no chance to enter the Pokémon world in a short time. ”

"It seems like we really need to plan carefully."

After that, Usopp and Chopper, who each had something to do, said goodbye to each other.

But at this moment...

"Wait a minute, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates!!!"

A hearty yet urgent voice suddenly came from the air outside the Forest of the Sea.


Usopp and Chopper looked up curiously.

Immediately they saw the eldest prince of Fish-Man Island, Shark-Mloc, riding his own sea beast, quickly heading towards the direction of the Mellie.

In his hand, he was holding a bunch of brand new...

Reward order! ! !

"Is this...is this a joke!?"

Time goes back to twelve hours ago.

The world above Fishman Island is on the sea surface of the new world that can be exposed to direct sunlight.

A deafening scream suddenly came from the bow of a ship flying a horse-shaped pirate flag.

In an instant, all the pirates who were busy on the deck immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at the captain at the bow of the ship - Cavendish.

They were already accustomed to such roars.

You don't need to think about it to know which guy must have stolen the headlines from their captain again.

Their captain is good at everything.

Handsome, loyal, caring about his companions...

But it just so happens that she has a narcissistic problem of loving stinky beauty.

Needless to say, their captain will draw the rapier from his waist and cut into pieces the newspaper that did not make the headlines.

Nothing new.

After a moment of eye contact, the pirates immediately resumed their work, as if they had not heard Cavendish's roar.

However, just when they thought the script would develop as they thought...

Cavendish's trembling voice suddenly came from the bow of the ship.

The voice was weak and trembling, which made people feel a hint of unconfidence and shock.

The most important thing is...

When they looked at Cavendish on the bow of the ship, they suddenly saw a little fear in the eyes of this fearless captain.


As the vice-captain of the Handsome Pirates, he immediately noticed something unusual.

He stepped forward and came to Cavendish's side.

Just when he was about to ask Cavendish what happened, a reward order smelling of ink suddenly slipped from Cavendish's hand and fell to the ground.

In an instant, after seeing the contents of the reward order, Slyman's expression slowly changed from calm at first to confusion, then to surprise, and finally to a look of shock with his eyes widened.

The next moment, he immediately let out the same shocked shout as Cavendish:

"Is this...is this a joke!?"

"One...ten...hundreds...thousands...ten thousand..."

"One hundred thousand...millions...tens of millions...billions..."


In the new world, an island is being transformed.

Bucky and Bator each stretched out two fingers, fixed a reward order in the center of their eyes like a sacred object, and then counted the numbers above one by one.

And when they counted to the last one, the two captains Bucky and Bator, as well as the pirate group cadres who were following them to watch the bounty order, choked up in unison.

Bucky and Bator looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

But they didn't think it was strange.

Just because of the reward order in their hands...

It's really too amazing.

"No, I feel a little dizzy..."

"Gardino, you make the final announcement!"

"Ah!? Me!?" The third brother Galdino was stunned for a moment.

Seeing the reward order brought over by Bucky's white gloves, he became inexplicably nervous.

After choking softly, he took the reward order from Bucky. After coughing twice, he began to read the contents of the reward order word by word:

"Reward order..."

"Monchid Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, colluded with the pirate gang to attack Mariejoia, the Holy Land of the World Government."

"He committed a heinous crime, and now a reward is being offered..."

"Fifty-five billion beli!!!"

"Life or death!!!!!!!"



After Galdino's voice fell behind, the entire island fell into a terrifying silence as if the awakened Silence Fruit user had activated his abilities.


A breeze blew by, swaying the leaves and making a natural sound.

The next second...


"5.5 billion Baileys!? This name is wrong. Did the World Government make a mistake and put the reward in the wrong place?!"

"What are you talking about!? This photo is of the Straw Hat boss we are following!!! How could we get it wrong!?"

"That's right! That's a man who can make Captain Bucky follow him. Even if there is a bounty of 10 billion beli, that's normal, okay!?"

"That's right! Speaking of which, the one with the highest bounty now should be the Yonko Whitebeard, right!? What's the amount of his bounty!?"

"I remember, it seemed to be a little over 5.1 billion Baileys..."

"Eh?! Doesn't that mean that Straw Hat's bounty has surpassed Whitebeard's and has become the world's largest!?"

"Number one in the world!? Hahaha, those straw hat bosses are just gay! Everyone, sit down and stop!"

"Hahahaha, kids, let's have a party!!!!"

"Let us celebrate the birth of the world's most evil man..."

"The man we follow!!!"

"Monkey D. Luffy!!!"

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