Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 58 Jiazhi? A lump! (Happy New Year!!!)

Chapter 58 Jiazhi? A lump! (Happy New Year~!!!)

"Wensmoke, is that the legendary family in Beihai?"

At the same time, in the uppermost room of Bharati, the bedroom of the boss Zhepu.

Just after Chihong revealed Sanji's life experience...

Zhepu, who sneaked back here, stood secretly by the window, looking at Sanji and the Straw Hats below with a complicated expression.

Especially when he saw Sanji's tears falling, his eyes couldn't help but become moist.

"I didn't expect you to still be hiding such pain, you brat!"

Zhepu murmured softly, a trace of regret flashing deep in his eyes.

He is not only blaming himself for not truly understanding Sanji's past, but also feeling guilty for not being able to resolve Sanji's knot in his heart.

After so many years, the relationship between him and Sanji was no longer that of father and son, but better than that of father and son.

But it wasn't until today that Zhepu discovered that there was less and less he could teach Sanji.

On the second floor deck.

Sanji turned around suddenly and quickly wiped away the tears on his face.

Crying in front of such a lovely lady like Nami and showing his weak side is not in line with the spirit of chivalry (lsp) he has always implemented.

After adjusting his condition, Sanji held his body like this and unexpectedly asked:

"You...why do you know this!?"

"Didn't I say that?"

"I have eyes that can see the past and the future!"

Chihong took a step forward, handed over a tissue she had prepared long ago, forced it into his hand, pointed at her eyes, and smiled confidently.

"I can clearly see your past!"

"Your future is also within my observation range."

"Otherwise, why do you think we would suddenly come to you!?"

Chi Hong said earnestly:

"Sanji, what I just said was not to comfort or move you..."

"In the future I see, the terrifying power hidden in your body will eventually awaken!"

"Your glory will become a peak that your father can never touch!"

Having said this, Chihong suddenly took a step forward and came to Sanji. Her eyes flashed with expectation and trust, and she met Sanji's eyes.


"Your future is enough to prove to Vinsmoke Gaji that his life's efforts have been a failure!"

"And your mother Sora is the greatest scientist in the world!!!"

"Because of her, I have the most perfect work like you!!!"


Red suddenly slapped her palm on Sanji's shoulder.

The sudden weight made Sanji shudder.

Inexplicably becoming nervous, he slowly stretched out his palm, took out a cigarette from his pocket again, put it in his mouth and lit it.

After exhaling a breath in the direction of the sea, he turned to look at Chi Hong and asked in a complex tone of expectation and suspicion:

"Can you really see the future?"

"Replace it if it's fake!"

"Of course, it's the future after you join us!"

Red smiled sincerely.

"Gaji's ideas have always been wrong!"

"In this world, technology can indeed create endless power!"

"But he doesn't know...the limitless thing is technology, not scientists!"

"Gaji, who can use bloodline factors, may be a genius, but that's all he is!"

"People like him will never understand that a strong person is not only strong in body, but also in spirit and will!!!"

"Come on! Join us, Sanji!"

"The East China Sea is too small, and the world is too big!"

"I want to become stronger and prove Sora's greatness to Gaji, Vinsmoke, and even the world..."

"You need a bigger stage!"

The method to invite Sanji on board is actually very simple.

As long as the plot doesn't change too much because of the red butterfly, after seeing that Sauron has to fight for his dream even if he sacrifices his life...

At that time, Sanji would definitely be infected by Sauron's spirit and yearn for a broader world.

But in Chihong's view, Sanji like that...

Too gentle.

He is so gentle that he is always thinking about others and always giving or sacrificing for others.

Just like what he said when he stopped Sauron when facing the bear in Moria territory:

"What happens to your ambition if you die?"


At that time, Sanji had never considered his own ambitions.

Even after entering the Grand Line, he rarely even mentioned the words ALL·BLUE.

Having lost all ties since childhood, he found new ties.

So he worked hard to maintain this bond from beginning to end!

All fighting is for Luffy, for our partners, and to fulfill everyone's dreams!

Gentleness is not a bad thing.

But in order to prevent those bad plots from happening again, Chihong must create the strongest Straw Hat crew in the shortest possible time!

Gentle Sanji is not conducive to the "involution" atmosphere he has cultivated with great difficulty!

Involution, not comparing with others!

Instead, fight against yourself from the previous second!

So here, Chihong wants to add ambition to Sanji who has not yet boarded the ship, so that he can also join this big family of Involvement!

If you don’t roll, there are people doing it! ! !

This is an ambition he cannot resist!

That is to prove to the world...

He is the most powerful reformer in the world!

And his mother Sora is the greatest scientist in this field! ! !

As for Vinsmoke Gaj?

He is just a piece of XX! ! !

Obviously, Sanji has been persuaded by Red at this moment.

Even though at this moment he discovered that Chihong didn't have the ability to see through the future, this seed had been planted in his heart forever and began to take root.

"I think... I need to calm down and think carefully..."

After smoking a cigarette, Sanji neither refused nor directly accepted the Straw Hats' invitation.

But when he decided to think about it, the answer was actually obvious.

"It doesn't matter, we will stay here for a while until you make a decision!"

Chihong smiled slightly, and did not continue to press. She just patted Sanji's shoulder gently like a friend, and then returned to her partner.

Secretly, he made an "OK" gesture to Luffy and the others, and instantly received happy smiles from his companions.

And after the business was done, Chi Hong no longer gave Luffy a chance to continue eating.

Although Bharati's food is indeed delicious, it should not delay daily practice.

After a while.

Red, Luffy and Zoro returned to the Merry to continue their training.

Nami and Usopp took some of their money and ran to the merchant ship near Barati to see if they could buy some useful supplies.

After all, Usopp is still confused about Nami's weather stick.

He needs to see more new things to broaden his horizons.

In addition to having a big meal at Barati during dinner to replenish their energy during the day, they had been working hard for the next adventure throughout the afternoon!

And the other side.

Sanji, who returned to the kitchen, also went back to his dormitory to rest because he felt unwell.

Zhepu, who saw everything, said nothing.

He was also waiting for Sanji to make the final decision.

But no matter what choice Sanji finally makes, for Zhepu, there is only one choice...

Get Sanji out of here!

In the blink of an eye, three days passed slowly with Sanji's hesitation and the Straw Hats' waiting.

The night of the third day.

Night falls.

The twinkling stars dotted the night sky like a curtain, setting off a bright full moon in the center of the sky.

As a white light shone, a red figure instantly descended into the Pokémon world.

Only this time, the one who came with him was no longer the sweet girl Nami.

But Roronoa Zoro with short green hair! ! !

"It's a feeling I haven't seen in a long time~!"

Coming to the Pokémon world again, Zoro instantly grinned and looked around quickly.

Through the bright windows, he could see the vast sky and sea outside.

At this time, they seemed to be on a huge ship.

In front of them was an old man with a white beard wearing a sailor uniform.

A look of expectation flashed across Sauron's eyes instantly.

"So...is this the man Chihong you mentioned who can teach me the mysterious sword skills?"

"That's right."

Chihong smiled and nodded, her eyes also looking forward to it.

"Although I don't know if this sword skill will help your swordsmanship, but you have more skills than you can handle!"

"Among us, you are the most suitable to learn this move!"

After the words fell, Chihong no longer hesitated and took a step forward, triggering a conversation with the captain of the Santiano!

The Santiano is a huge cruise ship located in the south of Dry Leaf City.

There are a large number of trainers above, and each trainer's Pokémon level is around level 20!

During these two days of game time, Chihong and Nami did nothing else but kept fighting against the trainers on the cruise ship.

As the levels of Pokémon encountered became higher and higher, Nami's battle became more and more difficult.

It took them two days of playing the game to successfully get through the cruise ship and reach the captain who could teach the secret skill "Kasaya Slash".

And high-intensity enemies naturally bring high-intensity rewards to Nami.

Even after the level was increased and the number of experience bars increased, she still successfully reached level 22 at a rate of at least one level a day!

With this strength, coupled with the Pokémon's moves, Chihong felt that even if she were to challenge Aaron now, she might not be at a disadvantage.

And today, he brought Zoro to the Pokémon world just to let Zoro learn the secret skill "Kasaya Slash".

As his training gradually intensified, he was just one step away from breaking through to the realm of cutting iron.

Chihong wants to take a look...

By learning this unique secret technique in the Pokémon world, can it help Zoro further his training in swordsmanship?

Thanks to book friends Ai Tui Wan and Yong for their generous support! ! !

Many thanks! ! !

Thanks to Sishi Young, book friends Ai Tui Wan, and Shu Hua for their monthly support! ! !

Thanks to book friend 20201213232942738, The Eternal Moon Emperor, Last Year, The Storyteller Walking Thousand Miles, Idiot Weak Bug, MoYuge, Long Xuehan, A Long Song Never Returned, lok·tar, Steam Turbine Power Generation, Book Friend 20190609091312571, Ani Ya's Smile, Counting Ants in the Corner, Omega, Book Friends 20230611917_Bd, Book Friends 20200424012350885, Akarin's My Neighbor Totoro, Open the Door and Retract the Blades. Recommended votes support! ! !

Although the additional updates have not been completed, both of them are 3000+~!

New year, new atmosphere~!

Go! ! !

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