Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 68 The correct way to use the machine (please read it!)

Chapter 68 The correct way to use the machine (please read~!)


Looking at Luffy who suddenly stepped forward to challenge, Hawkeye frowned for a moment.

"You must be this swordsman's partner, right?"

"After seeing my power, you still dare to challenge me. How brave you are!"


Hawkeye paused, looked at Zoro who was lying on the ground bleeding into a river, and reminded Luffy:

"Before challenging me, you should go see the swordsman first."

"He is a strong man in the future. I am looking forward to his growth, so I will not kill him!"

Like Red Hair, Hawkeye also hopes to see outstanding young swordsmen rushing to the sea.

The final slash he struck at Zoro was not so much a portrait of a victor as it was giving Zoro dignity as a swordsman.

However, his good intentions did not receive the response he deserved.

"Zoron doesn't need me to worry about it!"

Luffy grinned playfully, interrupting Hawkeye.

And as if to cooperate with his words, at this moment, Zoro, who was seriously injured, suddenly got up from the ground.

"Huh!?" Eagle Eyes looked stunned.

This was the first time he showed a surprised look since he came here.

"You were able to stand up after suffering that level of injury!?"

And the next second, he suddenly noticed that Sauron's wounds had completely healed before he knew it!

Only the tattered clothes stained red by blood proved that what just happened was not Hawkeye's hallucination.

"Ah~ I'm alive again!"

The awakened Zoro stretched his body, his eyes brighter than ever before.

He quickly looked around, and then immediately found two ordinary long knives nearby, forming the three-sword style again.

Then Sauron looked at Hawkeye again and said with his unique ventriloquism:

"In order to prevent my captain from being confused, let me explain it next, Mr. Mihawk!"

"We know very well...what a gulf-like gap there is between our current strength and the world's top level!"


"It's rare to meet a strong person like you. It would be a pity to waste this opportunity just because of fear!"

"So, I hope Mr. Mihawk can accept our challenge!"

“Let’s see the real world!!!”

"I always feel like I've been tricked by you."

Hawkeye's eyes suddenly condensed.

Although he didn't know why Zoro, who was seriously injured, suddenly recovered.

But anyway, he is very bored now, so he doesn’t mind training these new pirates!


Eagle Eye suddenly raised his head:

"The words just said don't seem like they would come out of your mouth..."

"So, who gave you this idea!?"

Just from the swordsmanship shown by Sauron, he knew very well that Sauron could not be a man who would give in!

Being able to say such gentle words not only flatters myself, but also makes me have to accept their challenge...

There must be an expert behind it.

Zoro grinned: "Oh, he didn't let me tell you."


Hawkeye lowered his head and smiled, but raised the black knife Ye again.

"I don't really want to know that much anyway!"


A heavy aura suddenly spurted out from Hawkeye's body, pressing down on Luffy and Zoro like a huge mountain, causing their expressions to suddenly become embarrassed.


Zoro made a muffled sound due to the sudden change, and he could only use all his strength to stand up straight.

Luffy on the other side, although his situation was slightly better, was obviously a little uncomfortable under the pressure of this momentum.

Hawkeye took a step forward instantly, and its terrifying pressure immediately became heavier.

A pair of sharp eyes were also staring hard at Luffy and Zoro.

He spoke again:

"Be careful."

"Even I can't be merciful every time!"


A dark flash suddenly cut through the void, and the blade was pointed directly at the heads of Luffy and Zoro.

Hawkeye raised his head and smiled with satisfaction at Luffy and Zoro who were able to maintain fighting status despite the pressure of his overlord color.


"I don't think you need me to release the water, right!?"


Luffy smiled deeply and stared straight into Hawkeye.

"Of course!!!"

"Have courage!"

Hawkeye raised the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know what gave you the courage."

"But since you are the captain recognized by Sauron...then let me see your capabilities!!!"


Without any warning, Hawkeye suddenly swung his knife forward.

In an instant, a mighty slash flew out from the sharp blade.

Zoro and Luffy were horrified.

But fortunately, both of them had heard Chihong explain Hawkeye's strength, so they reacted extremely quickly and rolled to the ground, mysteriously dodging Hawkeye's flying slashes.

The slash did not hit the target, but flew straight towards the distant sea.

A few seconds later...

boom! ! !

On the calm sea surface, a huge and smooth incision appeared.

Its shape is exactly the same as Hawkeye's slash!

The waves rolled violently in an instant, like howling after being injured!

"Are you... kidding!? Just a casual blow like that!?"

Sauron stood up in embarrassment and saw the scene on the sea in the distance, and his eyes flashed instantly.

He immediately realized...

The confrontation between Hawkeye and him just now was just a small fight.

"It's really sad~" He showed a self-deprecating smile again.

But the next second, lightning suddenly appeared on his body.

One hundred thousand volts of electrical energy attached to the long knife again under its control.

And when he turned around, he also saw Luffy's legs surging like air pumps.

The next moment, his body suddenly seemed to be boiling, spewing out a large amount of steam.

"Second gear!"

Luffy looked up suddenly.

The battle officially begins at this moment! ! !

Uh-huh! ! !

After entering second gear, Luffy's speed became even more terrifying, and his figure suddenly appeared behind Hawkeye as if teleporting.

"Rubber Jet Pistol!!!"

With a whoosh, a blazing fist flew towards Hawkeye's back, with a layer of armed domineering attached to it.

And Sauron was not far behind. Even though he knew the gap was huge, he still wielded the long sword.

In addition to the power of one hundred thousand volts, he also made extra use of the dragon energy in his body, transforming it into raging flames.

"Three-sword style, Thunder Flame Dragon, Thunderous Explosion!"



The two attacks landed on Hawkeye almost at the same time.


Luffy and Zoro raised their heads excitedly.

But the next second, the green sword energy of the netherworld was like a roaring hurricane, raging towards the surroundings. The terrifying impact instantly sent the two of them flying out, smashing into the ruins of the battleship, raising a puff of smoke and dust.

I saw Hawkeye holding a black knife, and the clothes on his body didn't even show a wrinkle.

"Hit me?!"

"I really don't know what kind of mentality you have to say such things!"

A slight sarcastic smile appeared on Hawkeye's face:

"If I were hit by such an attack, I don't think I would have the face to return to the new world."


Luffy climbed up from the ruins, raised his arm and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were still bright:

"Don't underestimate me, you bastard!!!"

"I am... the man who wants to become the Pirate King!!!"

With a whooshing sound, Luffy stepped forward suddenly, and his body flew out like a sharp arrow again, attacking Hawkeye.

Zoro, who also climbed up on the other side, said nothing, but made the same move as Luffy.

Eagle Eyes smiled:

"What an arrogant junior! But in the face of absolute power, your actions are as funny as sluggish ants!"

I don’t know if living alone all year round gave Hawkeye any mental illness...

From the moment he pulled out the knife, he seemed to enjoy this condescending feeling.

Looking at the two attacking people, the powerful sword intention suddenly appeared on the black knife.

This time, he planned to shoot down the young pair and let them see the vastness of the sea.

Hawkeye first aimed at Luffy, waved his arms, and a huge green slash flew out!

But just when he thought Luffy would be injured by this slash that far exceeded his level of strength, he saw Luffy in mid-air panicked and roared:

"Reflective wall!"


A transparent energy barrier suddenly appeared in front of Luffy out of thin air.

When Hawkeye's slash landed on the barrier, a magical scene happened!

His slashes seemed to be absorbed into another dimension and disappeared instantly.


Hawkeye rarely showed a look of shock.

At this moment, Sauron's slash fell suddenly.

However, faced with the huge gap in strength, Hawkeye would naturally not be hit by an attack of this level.

He just turned sideways slightly and stepped hard, easily dodging Sauron's attack.

Zoro, who lost his target, had no choice but to dissipate the energy on the blade and came to Luffy's side.

"How's it going, Luffy?!"

Although he was holding a long knife in his mouth, he asked Luffy without affecting his voice at all.

"not too good!"

Luffy said truthfully, and then wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hand, a look of reluctance in his eyes.

"The difference in strength is too big. Just blocking one of his attacks has already consumed more than half of my physical energy!"

"If I hadn't dodged in time just now, I might not have been able to stop that slashing attack!"

"What!? Not even you!?"

Sauron's eyes flashed, and he turned to look at the hawk's eyes on the deck far away, and then said immediately:

"You go and recover first, I'll help you drag it here!"

"Okay!" Luffy didn't hesitate, directly raised his arm and made a strange gesture towards the sky.

The next second, his body suddenly fell backward.

at the same time.

On board the Meili near the battlefield, the red eyes closed again after seeing such a gesture.

The white light flashed, but he had already brought Luffy to the Elf Center at the entrance of the Rock Mountain Tunnel.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Red directly triggered Miss Joy's dialogue.

Luffy was put into the healing machine.

The light path flashes.

Ten seconds later, a brand new Luffy returned to Red.

"Come on, Luffy!!!"

Seeing that Luffy's experience points increased by 100 points just after fighting Hawkeye for one or two rounds, Chihong immediately encouraged him excitedly.

Suddenly, he and Luffy exited the game world.

Due to distance and other limitations, this method obviously cannot be used in real battles.

Hawkeye is not an idiot. After a long time, he will naturally find anomalies on the Meili not far away.

However, even if it cannot be used in official combat, this invincible recovery ability is enough to make the Straw Hats’ training speed astonishing!

in the real world.

Watching Luffy fall to the ground, a look of confusion suddenly flashed in Hawkeye's eyes.

But because Sauron had already attacked, he didn't think much about it, thinking that his attack just now had caused damage to him.

Instead, he began to concentrate on dealing with Sauron.

"The lower body is unstable, the upper body is weak, and there are too many unnecessary movements... Your swordsmanship is too immature!"

Hawkeye easily responded to Sauron's attack while training him:

"With your current strength, you may be able to dominate the East China Sea, but if you continue to be so arrogant and challenge the strong..."

"Sooner or later you will die on this road!"

"But..." Zoro grinned, and because of the excessive force, his smile even looked a little ferocious.

"When did I say... we will be scared to death!?"

As if to reflect his words, Sauron suddenly slashed with the Thunder Flame Sword in his hand.

In order to make his slash hit, he even used his own body to block Hawkeye's black knife.

Wow——! ! !

The black knife slashed across, and blood suddenly spurted out like a torrent.

Hawkeye's eyes widened in shock, completely unexpected that Sauron would suddenly be so desperate.

And because he couldn't dodge, the corner of his clothes was scratched by Zoro's slash.

The blazing thunder flames spread instantly.

Although it didn't hurt its owner, it still made Hawkeye no longer as free and easy as before.


Looking at Zoro whose body was almost cut off and who was infinitely close to death, Hawkeye made a confused sound.

"Hey, you wouldn't understand!"

It was clear that his vitality was rapidly depleting, but at this moment, Zoro still showed a confident smile to Hawkeye.

this moment!

Sauron's ferocious smile was completely reflected in Hawkeye's mind.

But before he could react, a roar came from not far away.

"Rubber Jet Head Hammer!!!"

A steaming head flew from a short distance instantly.

Surprisingly, it was Luffy who returned to the battlefield again.


Hawkeye, who had seen the attack, immediately raised his sword and easily blocked Luffy's head attack.

Hawkeye was puzzled: "Didn't you fall down just now!?"

"Huh?" Luffy looked up with a laugh and retorted: "Who told you that?!"


Under the elasticity of the rubber, Luffy's head returned to its original shape again.

But at this moment, Sauron, who was already close to death at Hawkeye's feet, stood up surprisingly, and the long knife in his hand made a sneak attack towards Hawkeye's feet.


His attack was still a step too slow.

Hawkeye's leather boots, filled with armor and domineering, suddenly stepped on Sauron's long sword.

His frown eased slightly:

"I see."

"I don't know what kind of fruit power it is, but it seems like you can't kill it, right?"


The corners of Hawkeye's mouth rose.

"Is this how you dare to challenge me?"

“It’s interesting, let’s give it a try!!!”

boom! ! !

An arrogant aura suddenly spurted out from Hawkeye's body.

A huge crack opened in the sky above his head, as if someone had cut it off.

Hawkeye raised the black knife again, with an unprecedented dangerous look in his eyes.

This time, he finally got a little serious!

In fact, he had already recognized the straw hat on Luffy...

That's Shanks' straw hat!

Recalling what Shanks had said to him, Hawkeye's mouth suddenly cracked.

"He is indeed a very interesting young man~"

The next battlefield seems to have become Hawkeye's personal training ground!

And Luffy and Zoro have become training sandbags!

Hawkeye kept swinging the black knife, causing shocking injuries one after another on the two people.

Fortunately, Luffy has a reflective wall move that is immune to physical attacks...

Relying on the effect of this move, he and Sauron also alternated, enough to buy time for recovery by the Elf Center.

The three of them seemed to be having fun, constantly erupting into various collisions on the wreckage of the Klick Pirates' warship.

And the blood of Luffy and Zoro dyed the entire huge platform red, and even flowed into the sea, making the nearby seawater...

Extraordinarily penetrating!

the other side.

Pushed by Usopp, Chihong, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was also observing the battlefield.

Once you detect a hand signal or feel something unexpected, immediately enter the game world and help Luffy and Zoro recover.

The machine at the Elf Center can restore them completely in 10 seconds!

Counting the remaining half an hour of game time last night, plus the hour and a half I saved this morning...

Red has a total of two hours, 120 minutes, and 720 10-second game times! ! !

That is to say...

As long as Luffy and Zoro are not killed by Hawkeye in one blow, each of them has at least more than 300 lives to fight against Hawkeye!

What Zoro said was not wrong.

From the beginning, they were not afraid of death at all.

Of course, Chihong didn't think that Luffy and Zoro's current strength could cause any harm to Hawkeye, who might be a Yonko level.

Their goal was never Hawkeye from the beginning to the end!

It's the experience points that increase after fighting against strong players! ! !

This is much faster than bullying Pokémon in the game world!

after all……

Not every world-class strong man can be as easy to talk to as Hawkeye.

It would be a pity not to take advantage of such a rare opportunity!

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