Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 92 Usopp: Sit back and watch the clouds roll and relax! (310)

Chapter 92 Usopp: Sit back and watch the clouds roll and relax~suck! (310)

"Hey...why is it so good? Suddenly it started to rain!"

The port of Rogge Town, on the Merry.

Usopp complained as he moved the last supplies into the cabin.

Immediately, he was soaked and didn't care so much. He let the heavy rain beat and sat down on the bow of the boat to accompany Meili and wait for the return of his friends.

at this time……

A fist as huge as a giant appeared in the sky in the center of Rogge Town, and then suddenly struck Rogge Town! ! !

Rumble, rumble—! ! !

The violent sound was accompanied by the tremor of the earth, and spread from the inside of Rogge Town to the entire sea area in an instant.

The cascading waves, like relay runners, began to wash away the port of Rogge Town one after another.

The Meili also rose up and down under the power of the waves.


Usopp, who was sitting on the deck, calmly took out a pink thermos cup, used the lid to block the rain, and drank slowly.

There is quite a calm look like "not surprised by favor or disgrace, watching the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court, and watching the clouds rolling and relaxing in the sky".

"Sure enough, it's still like this~"

"Fortunately, I got on the boat early."

Usopp smiled calmly, as if he had seen through everything.

However, Usopp, who was sitting on the bow of the ship, did not notice...

Not far from the sea outside Rogge Town, naval warships one after another are constantly gathering towards the port of Rogge Town.

"Third gear!"

"Rubber Rubber~Giant Pistol!!!"

Boom~! ! !

In the center of Rogge Town, Luffy, who was surrounded by the navy, launched a third-level basic attack directly at the ground beneath his feet.

In an instant, the terrifying shock waves were like a sudden typhoon, suddenly blowing away the nearby navy.

Staggering and smashing into the buildings around the square.

"Then...what is that!?"

A marine who was not greatly affected by the attack was so frightened that he suddenly dropped the gun in his hand and pointed to the place where Luffy had just attacked with trembling lips.

I saw a huge fist mark suddenly appearing in the center of the originally flat Rogge Town Square.

The smooth and smooth traces were as if they had been there from the beginning.

Seeing this scene, the nerves of all the navy present suddenly trembled.

A large number of navies threw away their weapons unconsciously.

It’s impossible to beat him!

That kind of monster is simply not a player at their level that they can fight against!

Is this really something that a pirate with a bounty of 5000W Bailey can do?

For a moment, all the marines looked as if their world view had collapsed.

And Dasqi, who was hit head-on by the impact just now, collapsed in the ruins with blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

"How... how is it possible!?"

"This guy...is he a monster!?"

The corners of her mouth trembled and she made a sound of disbelief.

the other side.

Kabaji rode his unicycle and swayed to Bucky's side.

"Captain Bucky, it seems... we don't need to take action."

"It seems...it's no longer necessary."


Bucky suddenly gasped.

For some reason, at the moment when Luffy was shouting his oath on the execution platform, he seemed to see the figure of the captain in a trance!

Although the illusion in his mind was quickly replaced by Luffy's shocking blow in third gear...

But Bucky's heart suddenly surged.

"This time, maybe I really made the right bet!"

One minute later.

Luffy emerged from the ground, returning to his normal figure again.

The only dust on his body was quickly washed away by the rain.

But this time, when Luffy wanted to leave again, there was no one in front of him to stop him.

Wherever he passed along the way, whether it was the navy, pirates or the residents of Rogge Town, they all subconsciously opened a wide avenue for him.

no way!

Although the navy also wanted to work hard to apprehend the criminals in front of them, the gap in strength was really too great.

If you force yourself rashly, it will only increase casualties.

Besides, the little military pay they usually get is not even enough to install a house in Rogge Town.

Why are you working so hard to earn such a small amount of money?

Of course, not all navies are greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Pirate, stop!!!"

Just as Luffy was about to leave, a shout suddenly sounded.

It was unusually obvious in the Rogge Town Square where the only sound was the patter of raindrops.


Luffy stopped for a moment, pushed the straw hat back slightly, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Dasqi standing up in embarrassment, holding a long knife.

Although under the impact just now, the flying stones scratched bloody marks on her body and clothes, leaving her scarred.

But in the end, Dasqi overcame the fear in her heart, pointed the snow in her hand at Luffy, and said with determination:

"Don't even think about escaping, pirate!"

"The battle between us is not over yet!!!"

No one knows how much courage it took for Dasqi to dare to stand up and intercept Luffy after witnessing his third gear.

But Luffy really felt her determination!

"So you didn't fall down!"

Luffy exclaimed slightly.

But the next moment, a dark armed domineering force suddenly appeared on his fist.

He grinned and began to move his hand bones, making a crisp clicking sound.

"Since you haven't fought enough yet, keep going!"

In an instant, a group of marines who did not dare to step forward immediately shouted in worry, trying to dissuade Dasqi from continuing to fight.

"Give up, Chief Dasqi!"

"This battle has no meaning at all!"

"That is to say, the difference in strength is too huge, there is no way we can beat him!"



A group of marines shouted noisily, not wanting to see Dasqi take the initiative to die.

But listening to their useless shouts, Dasqi took a deep breath and yelled angrily:

"Idiot! Shut up!!!"

Dasqi, who had always been gentle and quiet, now burst out with a not-so-harsh curse word.

Immediately, she saw crystal tears welling up in her eyes behind her lenses, but she still criticized the navy severely:

"Give up!? How did you say this!?"

"Look at the fearful eyes of the people around you..."

"If at this time, even we as soldiers choose to give up..."

"Then who should protect them?!"

"What are you talking about?!"

A hoarse roar suddenly sounded over the square.

Dasqi clenched the snow in her hand, followed by example, and rushed towards Luffy.

The cold sword light drew a beautiful arc in the air.

Even if she can't catch the pirate, she will fight until the last moment!

At least……

The pirates must also be kept in Rogue Town until Colonel Smoker returns.

"Chang Dasqi Cao..."

The girl's deafening roar resounded in the hearts of all the navy.

The next second, the sound of guns being loaded suddenly sounded from all directions in the square.

I saw that the marines who had originally chosen to retreat due to the power of Luffy's punch actually organized a siege network again and surrounded Luffy with renewed vigor.

They shouted in shame: "Captain Dasqi Cao, we are here to help you!"

"Ah, I seem to have met a very interesting navy!"

Feeling Duski's fiery determination, Luffy immediately grinned.

But even if he thinks Daschi is a good person...

But with different identities and different positions, he would not hesitate at all during the battle.


"Rubber rubber..."

Luffy immediately opened his stance and aimed his sharp eyes at Dusky, who was charging towards him with a knife.


Just when Luffy was about to give Dusky the final blow with his fist, a voice suddenly stopped his movement.

"Wait a minute, Luffy!"

Tap tap tap tap! ! !

A burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came.

And the next second...

Clang! ! !

A crisp sound of jingo clashing suddenly resounded throughout the audience.

Zoro, who had stopped Yuki away, raised his head and complained to Luffy with a grin:

"It's true, Luffy."

"Since the enemy is a swordsman, he should have called me over earlier!"


Luffy was surprised for a moment, then grinned again: "Definitely next time."

He then turned to look at Chihong who had fallen from the sky and asked, "Chihong, have you finished handling your matters?"

"It's early~" Chihong glanced at him angrily, as if she was blaming Luffy, the captain, for not doing anything.

Luffy smiled.

The sudden appearance of Red and Zoro surprised many people.

The first person to bear the brunt was of course Dasqi, who was closest to them.

"It's you!!!"

Seeing the familiar figure in front of him, Dasqi's eyes suddenly widened, and then angry flames spurted out.

"So you are pirates from the Straw Hat Pirates!?"

she questioned sharply.

Zoro, on the other hand, smiled slightly, and his three gold earrings swayed slightly under the beating of the rain.

"We never said we were not pirates, right?"

Zoro asked rhetorically.

"Damn it!"

A look of shame and anger suddenly flashed across Dasqi's face.

"Since you are pirates, why did you ask the boss to give Yukizao to me?"

"Ah?" Zoro looked at her confused, "Of course it's because you are the only one in this city worthy of this knife!"

"Asshole! I don't need your approval!!!"

After learning that Sauron and Red were pirates, Dusky became furious.

She suddenly raised the sharp knife and slashed at Zoro's neutral position.


The sharp sword light flashed quickly!

I saw the words Xue Zou and He Dao suddenly rubbing against each other in the air, causing them to burst into blazing fire.

How can Kodasiqi be Sauron's opponent?

The next moment, her hands suddenly softened, and the Ryō Kuai Sword Snow was knocked away by Zoro.

With a loud bang, it plunged into the ground.

The outcome was decided in an instant.

Thank you for your monthly and recommended support! ! !

I'm too sleepy, so I'll go to sleep first, and I'll continue updating when I wake up.

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