Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 97 The goal is the Grand Route (15)

Chapter 97 The goal is—the Grand Route (15)


The clouds above the port suddenly lit up with a dim flash, followed by a thunderous roar that sounded over the entire Rogge Town.

In the port, everyone's eyes widened, as if they had forgotten everything, and looked in disbelief at the three Straw Hats falling from the sky to the Merry.

His eyes finally rested on the light sailing ship, which was obviously cute but made people feel deeply frightened.

The Bator Group, which was originally planning to seek revenge on Sanji and Nami, was stunned on the spot. No one dared to take a step forward.


These two words became extremely ridiculous for some reason at this moment.

Looking at the boiling sea and the destroyed naval fleet, Bato, who originally needed help from his younger brother, pushed away the two non-mainstream delinquents beside him and ran forward tremblingly, with a strong look of shock in his eyes. color.

"Is this... is this a pirate!?" He muttered to himself in a vague voice from his crooked mouth.

Bucky's group at the back of the port were also shocked beyond words by the scene just now.

Bucky was floating in the air, covering his pounding heart, unable to let go for a long time.

"It's been a long time... I haven't seen such a big scene!"

At this moment, there were not only pirates and gangsters who also rushed to the port.

Although most of the troops were defeated by Luffy and Zoro, Dusky finally assembled a small team and hurried to the port.


They saw the naval fleet completely defeated!

"How...how could this happen!?"

Finally unable to hold on any longer, Dasqi collapsed and collapsed on the ground, staring blankly at the sea in the distance.

The next second, she suddenly clenched her hands on the ground, lowered her head and cried to the subordinates beside her:

"Quick...quickly organize a rescue team!!!"

This time in the battle to pursue the Straw Hats, both the naval base in Rogue Town and the naval bases involved in this encirclement and suppression campaign could be said to have suffered heavy losses.

More importantly...

The efforts and dedication of their navy will not have any effect other than making the Straw Hats more famous.


It's like a joke!

at the same time.

"You guys are messing around again while I'm away~"

A red, teasing voice suddenly came from the sky above the Meili.

I saw weak arc light waves bursting out from under his feet, slowly falling onto the grass field.

But in front of him were three Straw Hats who looked as if they had been hungry all day and were weak!

Who would have thought…

In the eyes of outsiders, the three guys were as powerful as gods and demons, but now they were so weak that they were so virtuous.

And this is also the main reason why Chihong blocked the destruction death ray and prevented them from using it indiscriminately!

He had already tested the power of the death ray with three people in the game world.

It's just different from the negative effects in the game that will last for one round after being used. In the real world, the negative effects of destruction and death are even more terrifying!

Because it will wipe out all the Pokémon energy in the user's body in an instant, leaving the user in a weak and depleted state.

So far, Chihong doesn’t know what causes this situation...

Is it because Luffy and the others are not very proficient in destroying the Death Ray, or the Pokémon energy in their bodies is not enough to unleash a complete move.

However, because every time it is used, it will immediately lose its combat ability, which is too time-consuming. Therefore, even if Chihong equips them with this powerful move, it rarely lets them use it in the game world.

"Chihong, you are finally back!"

Seeing the red landing, Usopp and Nami immediately ran over excitedly.

The three people who fell on the ground also raised their heads weakly.

"Chihong, you're back." Luffy stuck out his tongue, not forgetting to say hello to Chihong.


Seeing this scene, Chihong suddenly smiled helplessly and shook her head slightly.

The next second, he flipped his wrist and used some power to extract 3 bottles of PP supplements from the game backpack.

Items that can restore the number of moves used in the game can directly restore the Pokémon energy lost by the user in the real world.

As soon as a small bottle of supplement was taken down, Luffy and the three of them instantly came back to life on the spot!

Although I haven't fully recovered yet, at least I no longer feel weak due to the lack of energy!

For the rest, they just need to let the effects of the grass field slowly recover for them!

After Usopp's explanation, Chihong also learned what happened at the port during his absence.

"I didn't expect that the navy would spend so much money to arrest us."

Chihong was a little stunned, but then he looked at Luffy and smiled.

"It seems that Donghai really can't stay here any longer."

"Luffy, it's almost time, should we get ready to go!"

In an instant, everyone in the Straw Hats looked at Luffy because of Red's words!

Because at this time, they were already standing at the last stop before the intersection of the Grand Route!

And if they set sail again, their goal will be...

What countless people yearn for - the great route! ! !

"Hee hee hee!!!"

Luffy suddenly lowered the straw hat on his head, stepped on the ship's railing and jumped onto the bow of the Merry's sheep's head.


In the sight of the Straw Hats and thousands of spectators in Rogge Town, Luffy slowly opened his arms, took a deep breath, and shouted at the sea in front of him as if he had exhausted all his strength:

"Little ones!!! Set sail!!! Set sail!!!"

"Grand Line, here we come——!!!!"


The port of Rogge Town, which had finally calmed down, once again set off a wave of turbulent waves without any warning!

And just when everyone at the port looked frightened, thinking that the waves were about to hit the coast...

The wave magically split into two, quickly came behind the Meili, pushed the hull, and held it up steadily.

All of a sudden!

People seem to see an excellent surfer riding the waves, avoiding the wreckage of the naval warship in front and all obstacles, and heading towards the vast world.

A bright beam of sunlight suddenly broke through the clouds and shone on the sail of the Mellie.

The look of the pirate with the straw hat was firmly engraved in everyone's hearts.

The strong wind and heavy rain stopped at this moment.

The bright sunshine appears again, as if it heralds a new day for people...

here we go! ! !

"The Straw Hat Boys are leaving."

At the port, people's consciousness still lingered on the moment when Luffy and the others destroyed the naval fleet.

Looking at the figure disappearing on the horizon, Bartolomeo's eyes flashed as he came to the edge of the port, and he suddenly asked Arrita beside him:

"Arrita, do you know what preparations you need to make to go to sea!?"

The rescue fleet organized by the navy quickly set sail and launched a rescue operation against the distressed sailors.

Merchant ships at the port also joined the rescue team.

Bucky and his group put on their hoods and hid in Rogge Town again, preparing for the follow-up actions.

After all, not long after, they will follow in the footsteps of the Straw Hats and enter the long-lost Grand Route.

this moment.

Silence belongs to Rogge Town, and the noise also belongs to Rogge Town.

The leader of the revolutionaries, Drago, who originally wanted to escort Luffy, mysteriously appeared on a clock tower in Rogge Town.

Looking at Luffy and others leaving on the big wave, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Has the wind of time already reached you, Luffy!?"

"It seems that I have to speed up my pace too!"

The hurricane roared.

Dorag's figure suddenly disappeared into the hurricane.

"Look at that light!!!"

"That should be the guiding light at the entrance to the Grand Route!"

After sailing out of the Mellie on the waves for a while, Nami suddenly pointed forward and introduced to everyone.

"In other words, we will soon enter the Grand Line, right!?"

Zoro showed an excited smile, holding one hand on the long knife, full of fighting spirit.

"The great route of strong men like clouds!"

He has not forgotten what Red said to him before he joined the Straw Hats.

At Nami's signal, everyone's eyes subconsciously looked towards the light in the distance.

At this moment, Sanji suddenly remembered something and moved a huge wine barrel out of the cabin and placed it on the deck.

He grinned, holding a cigarette in his mouth that seemed to never go out at any moment, and suggested:

“To celebrate our upcoming entry into the Grand Line, let’s have a launching ceremony!!!”


Luffy instantly raised his arms in support.

The other friends of the Straw Hats also came over one after another.

Sanji, who made this suggestion, was the first to put his feet on the barrel.

This is a common ritual practice during sea voyages.

It's not very formal, but for the Straw Hats at this moment, it actually becomes more interesting because of its randomness.

He said seriously:

"In order to find [ALL·BLUE] and become stronger!!!"

Luffy laughed and immediately stepped on the barrel.

"To become the Pirate King!!!"

"Interesting!" Sauron followed closely and raised his lips: "I want to defeat that man and become the world's greatest swordsman!"

"Then what I say..." Nami hesitated for a moment. After she put her feet on the barrel, she said:

"To draw the best nautical chart in the world! Let us go to every corner of the world without fear of any weather!!!"


The nervous Usopp stuttered twice, but he didn't think of what to say as he put his legs up.

After choking, although he had no confidence, he still spoke:

"To become a brave sea warrior..."

Then Usopp paused, but suddenly increased his volume:

"Become the world's top sniper!!!"


The next second, everyone's eyes turned to Chi Hong, who was standing aside with a smile on his face, as if expecting him to tell him his dream.

"What a dream..."

Looking at the wonderful scenes in the anime before him, his red eyes instantly showed a touch of emotion.

Recalling that he thought something was wrong with Goldfinger, he followed Luffy out to sea in a hurry and without any preparation.

But now, having understood the correct use of the machine, he no longer had those worries, but he could not leave the ship.


Chihong followed everyone else's example and put his feet on the barrel. Then he suddenly laughed and said:

"To be able to make up for those regrets with my own hands!"

"In order to be able to see the ending of the story with my own eyes..."

Pity! ? ending! ?

Chihong's words immediately attracted the attention of several other people.

But at this time, no one would ask too much.

Luffy grinned widely and suddenly raised his legs.

"Set off!!!"

"The goal is..."

"The Grand Line!!!"

Peng! ! !

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the barrel shattered.

At this moment, everyone's faces were filled with sincere and expectant smiles.

The fire of dreams turned into the most beautiful fireworks at this moment, blooming in the sky above the Meili!

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