In the New World, a warship sails in the dark night in the sea with churning waves, and the sky is whistling with hurricanes that make it difficult for the warship to move in the sea.

“Abominable!” Sengoku looked at Wind Disaster Quinn, who was constantly whipping up a fierce wind in the sky, facing the rolling wind, with a worried look on his face.

You must know that he has been trapped here for 7 hours, and the distance that originally took only one hour was restricted by the other party, and the other party’s purpose was very clear that he would not let himself and others go to support. If you don’t fight with you at Quinn’s speed, the Warring States can’t catch up at all, so they can only delay here. Now I can only hope that the red dog can arrive all the way smoothly. As for Karp and Kuzan, they also have to guard against whether the other party is a trick to lure the enemy.

“Marshal of the Warring States! You look over there. The adjutant on the side suddenly pointed ahead.

“That is?”

Sengoku looked in the direction of his finger, and saw that the two warships had approached him through the night.

“Everyone prepare, now it is not known whether it is a friend or foe on the warship, let them be ready to fight at any time.”

Sengoku ordered to the adjutant next to him.

If the warship in front of them is really Dewey and them, then Kaido must be striking, and then Karp and Kuzan will be in danger.

“Boom! Boom… ”

I saw a black shadow appear on the warship on the opposite side, stepping on the moon in the sky and jumping onto the warship of the Warring States.

“Squirrel?” Sengoku saw clearly the figure wearing the cloak of justice in front of him, and shouted loudly without any hesitation:

“Immediately contact me to the people guarding the other branches of the town to see where Kaido went to attack.”

You must know that for Kaido, who has repeatedly broken into the naval headquarters, the Warring States have fought with him several times, and this time the strength of the troops is not enough to defeat Kaido due to the dispersion, let alone the G5 branch, which is the weakest in the eyes of the Warring States. Although Dewey defeated the yellow ape, the Warring States also carefully understood the battle, but the yellow ape was miserable by Dewey, if the two knew the roots, Dewey would not have won the yellow ape. What’s more, the opponent is that Four Emperors Kaido, which is an opponent that requires at least two generals to compete with.

“Marshal of the Warring States, there is no need to contact in such a hurry.” The squirrel hurriedly stopped the Warring States.

“Squirrel! What are you doing! The Warring States stared at the squirrel who blocked him with dissatisfaction, and said sharply:

“You must know that since Kaido feigned an attack on the G5 branch and sent Wind Storm Quinn to stop us, it must have his purpose, maybe there are people who are now trapped and are resisting Kaido’s attack.” Now every second counts, and you waste my time. ”

After speaking, he turned around and shouted angrily at the adjutant:

“Why are you still watching, hurry up!”

“No, Marshal of the Warring States, you misunderstood me.” Waving his hand explains:

“Kaido has already shown up in the G5 branch to attack the other branches.”

“What? Kaido went to the G5 department! Sengoku looked at the squirrel in surprise, seemed to have thought of something, and asked anxiously:

“What about the others, Dewey, what about the Burning Mountains?”

“Major General Dewey fought Kaido alone in the G5 branch, shattering the entire island of the G5 branch, and finally Kai was injured and disappeared.” The squirrel quickly explained to the Warring States.

“Kaido was hit hard by Dewey?” Sengoku looked at the squirrel in disbelief, if he didn’t know that the squirrel would never joke with himself about this matter, Sengoku even thought he was lying to himself.

The squirrel looked at the unbelievable eyes of the Warring States and said:

“Yes, Kaido had no way to resist in the face of Major General Dewey’s terrifying sun fire, and eventually fell into the sea.”

The squirrel understood Sengoku’s thoughts very well, and if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe that Kaido, the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts who could deter the sea, was known as the strongest person to single out, and would actually lose at the hands of a 20-year-old boy. However, after seeing the earth-destroying power with his own eyes, he felt that Kaido’s defeat was normal, and if Kaido could be undefeated in the face of such an attack, he really couldn’t think of how to defeat Kaido.

“Dewey defeated Kaido! What about Dewey? Warring States couldn’t hide the excited light in his eyes, and quickly asked.

It is very clear what the Warring States that can defeat the Four Emperors Kaido represents, not only can it boost the prestige of the Navy, but also means that the top combat power of the Navy has one more person, and with his age, at least the next 30 years Warring States do not have to worry.

“Major General Dewey didn’t take any injuries, but he was a little tired, he should be sleeping now!” The squirrel said with relief.

“Okay, in that case, let’s go back together.” Sengoku put down the heavy pressure and said to the adjutant:

“You contact the others, just say that Kaido’s affairs are over for the time being, let’s go back to the branch first!”

“What’s going on?” Quinn kept circling in the sky, watching suspiciously as the two warships that suddenly appeared converged with the warships of the Warring States and went back in the direction of the G1 branch.

“Where did those two warships come from? Could it be from the G5 branch? It is impossible for the G5 branch to go to Kaido himself, and even with the strength of that villain, it is impossible to win. Quinn said secretly as she saw that the warship seemed to have actually returned.

“No matter, since they left, I’ll hurry up and see what happened?” Thinking of this, Quinn flared his wings and flew towards the G5 branch.

“Hah!” Dewey got up from the bed, rubbed his eyes to look at the harsh eyes outside, and said to himself:

“I didn’t expect it to be noon, it seems that yesterday’s battle still had a little impact on me.”

Kaido is arguably the strongest opponent Dewey has ever met, using almost all of his skills, losing two meteorites, and finally using new skills to defeat the opponent.

“Master, now there is a lottery opportunity, whether to draw or not.” Just as Dewey was about to wash up, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

“Raffle opportunities?” Dewey blinked his eyes and asked in confusion:

“Is Kaido dead? It shouldn’t be! With his resilience, since he did not die on the spot, it is impossible to die! ”

“The master’s current position is lieutenant general, and after being promoted from major general to lieutenant general, there will be a chance to draw a lottery.”

“I’m a lieutenant general!” Dewey shouted in surprise, and after a little thought, he understood the thoughts of the Warring States, and couldn’t help but laugh and scold:

“I used to be afraid of my promotion, and every time I had to block him to give me a promotion, but this time I finally don’t doubt me!”

Warring States promoted Dewey so quickly this time, firstly, because the news that Kaido was defeated by Dewey alone has been transmitted, and the strong man who can defeat the four emperors is only a rear admiral position in the navy, and such an obvious suppression of newcomers is too unfavorable to the reputation of the navy. Second, because the Warring States are already more at ease with Dewey, anyway, the Warring States can’t think of that organization that can send such a strong person to be an internal traitor, and how can this kind of strong person obey others. _

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