Plane Universe

Chapter 1029: Agree to meet

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Fei Si was very satisfied with lei's response.

She didn't understand the killing, but she knew in her heart that the happiness of her children was the most important thing. The rare thing was that her daughter found a young and talented person, and the family did not object. The best happiness.

The power is not the first thing in her eyes. Only the daughter has a good life and is satisfied, she will be satisfied.

Although Feinas is also from the Magnolia Empire family, she is quiet in character and loves literature. She is a very classical woman, so it is not surprising to think of it here.

However, although Lin Lei said this, Feinas still wanted to tell a few words, saying: "I know your commitment to Delia, she is very important, and I don't want to wrong her, but I don't think Delia will care. And I do n’t care, as long as Delia is satisfied and willing, I ’m a mother, whatever is good! And you have been fighting with the divine swiftly, I also know more about this time. In essence, the Holy See ... "

"Okay, okay, Madam, these things will be resolved by lei, we have to believe him." Daya quickly interrupted his wife on the side and smiled: "Neither lei nor delia are ordinary people, a few years later. It ’s not too late to get married again. "

What he said is a fact. Female cultivators are different from ordinary women. Once they are over 30 years old, it is difficult to ensure safety in fertility, but cultivators do not have these concerns. With the strong life physique of cultivators, postponing ten Marriage for more than a year is no problem.

Some strong females in grades 8 and 9 can still have children after the age of 100.

Although Deya also hopes that Lin Lei and Delia will get married as soon as possible, but he does not want to force too tightly. Lin Lei has Lin Lei's own considerations and ideas. Those of them who are elders cannot always impose their wishes on them.

This is not to love them, but to force them!

"Come here, sit down and talk, don't stand." Hogg said.

Everyone sat down quickly. Lei also sat down next to Delia. Delia lightly glanced at him with a gentle smile in her eyes.

Lin Lei also smiled back, and the two of them looked at each other secretly, frowning around, and watching the elders shaking their heads.

"Lei, take Delia to walk around," Hogg said aloud.

"It's time to go for a walk. You haven't seen it in eight years. I'm afraid there is a lot to say. I am afraid there is a lot of things to say in front of our group of old guys. Go!" .

"Yes, we'll retreat first." Lei stood up impatiently, then gestured to Delia with his eyes.

In the laughter of everyone, the two faced red through the hall and entered the garden. At this time, lei had taken Delia's hand and walked towards a grove in the garden.

In the secluded pavilion, lei and delia hugged together, at this time Wu Shensheng had a voice.

It was a long time before Lin Lei smiled and looked down at Delia with a deep love on his face, and said, "Dilya, have you been well all these years? Have you been wronged? Hard work?"

Hearing the words, Delia raised her hand, touched his face, and answered softly: "I have a good life, there is a family behind me, and there is a teacher around me, no one dares to bully me, but I usually miss you a bit, Feeling sad! "

"Sorry, Delia, you are suffering." Lin Lei looked a little guilty.

"Lin Lei, do n’t say that, I do n’t feel wronged, because I know that my beloved one is struggling for our future, only for a future that sets off my status. I am not wronged when I think of this, and I feel very happy. . "

"Delia ..." lei once again embraced her in her arms, sniffing her fragrance, her heart is full of gratitude, grateful for her tolerance and understanding!

Eight years ago, for the sake of her ideals, this girl was willing to wait alone, keeping a warm harbor for herself! This sentiment was very cherished in his heart.

"Diliya, will you give me two more years?" Lei seemed to guarantee, as if he had placed an order for himself, his eyes full of fighting spirit said: "In two years, I will definitely be able to lay down the territory of a kingdom and make you wind Beautiful scenery when I am King Baruch! "

Looking at Lin Lei's fighting eyes, Delia smiled gently and nodded gently around his neck, saying, "I'm willing to wait and believe you."

At the end of the speech, she tipped her feet, and her flamboyant lips covered lei's big mouth.

For a long time, with a split lips, Delia looked at Lin Lei's smirking face and said softly, "Don't let yourself be too tired. In fact, I am very content with the identity of a Holy Domain strong lady."

At that time, Lei's promise was to step on Xiangyun to marry her, and this ... Lin Lei was able to do it a few years ago, but she knew that Lei did not want to wrong her, so she has been working hard.

So she doesn't resent Lin Lei for not understanding her mind, she understands Lei!

To understand him is to tolerate him and understand him!

"I didn't want to wrong you or let your family look down." Lin Lei sighed. He had considered this matter when he became a sanctuary. But when he thought of the family and family behind Delia, he stopped.

In the eyes of these big families, a small sanctuary is nothing!

"I know, I understand, so I don't blame you." Delia shook her head and covered his lips, laughing: "Okay, don't say this anymore, let's say something else!"

The two sat down in the pavilion, drinking tea, looking at the surrounding scenery, and talking about their own experiences over the years.

Lin Lei talked about his cultivation, and he also said that he was competing with the powerful in the Sanctuary. The thrilling adventure in the Warcraft Mountains all caused Delia to exclaim, and made Lei laugh from time to time. Dark, which also talked about the five brothers of Buck, and also mentioned the god-level strongman, Sisi, and finally mentioned Cheng Buyun.

"It's really wonderful, lei is so powerful that you can see so many strong men." Delia's eyes flickered and looked at the man next to her, and she was deeply intoxicated.

Lin Lei smiled and kissed Delia.


Suddenly, his eyes turned to the outside of the pavilion, where a figure was running in a hurry, this figure was a family guard.

And Delia also heard the footsteps, and immediately stood up and looked at her robe, sorting out the folds.

"Master, your host invites you and Ms. Delia to lie down in the hall." The bodyguard said, bowing his head far away and bowing respectfully.

In the Earl's Court, many guards were the head guards that the Baruch head had cultivated before. When Wharton came to the O'Brien Empire for enrollment, a large number of family guards followed.

In these years, Earl ’s Court has recruited many civilian children, and the number of guards is quite good.

"it is good!"

Lei nodded and waved his hand, pulled Delia through the garden, and returned to the hall again.

After seeing the force to everyone, lei asked: "Father, I don't know what happened to call me and Delia?"

"Well, that's it." Hogg was not polite, lei was his son, what kind of politeness, and laughed: "Langern, Lons, Deya, Feinas have come here, so it's a little bit wrong Yes, so I call you back to meet Bu Yunxian ’s nephew, will you meet again? "

"It should be no problem. This is a trivial matter. Sit all of you, and I will meet Brother Buyun." Lin Lei laughed, and today Delia came and did not bring him to Bu Yun. Good fruit to eat.

Although there is no guarantee in lei's discourse, lei, the closest person of Cheng Buyun, said that there is at least a 70-80% chance of being interviewed, and everyone immediately smiles.

Especially Langern, the smile on his face was a little bit bigger than before.

During this time, many high-level sanctuaries and pinnacle-level sanctuary strongmen have come to visit, and even the strong men such as Deris have come to the door, but unfortunately all left with disappointment, and he relied on Delia's younger children. Seeing Cheng Buyun's side, it looks too faceless from the outside.

Regardless of the reason for seeing Cheng Buyun, outsiders will only say that he has face to see Cheng Buyun, the god-level strongman, this is the status!

Lei stepped in his footsteps, then immediately stopped again, and everyone's face immediately became confused.

"Okay, don't need to talk about it, Brother Yun has already voiced me. Everyone follow me." Lei turned to look at everyone and smiled.

Langen and Longs glanced at each other and said, "Great!"

The god-level strongman is really extremely extreme, the other party's eyes are paying attention to this, they can't even realize it!

God level strong is really not simple, and the sanctuary is not at the same level.

For the power of the god-level strong, they looked a little more cautious.


Langen, Longs, and Deya were not only happy, but also felt nervous.

A group of people walked to the back garden, all with tension on their faces, their bodies tense, and their condition was not easy.

This can't be blamed on them. After all, it is a god-level strongman, the pinnacle of the Magnolia continent. If you are not nervous, who can do it?

"Lin Lei, will Master Cheng Buyun be dissatisfied with me? Have you ever told me about him? Will you be dissatisfied with me as your girlfriend?" Delia was at a loss, and her words were a bit upside down.

Daya did n’t blame his daughter. He was not like that. His hands and feet were trembling and his face was so tense. Even when he saw that his ancestors had n’t been so nervous before, it was really a glimpse of the divine power.

That can destroy the existence of the country and destroy the country in one word, who can treat it easily!

"Relax, I'm here, don't be nervous, Brother Bu Yun is very easy-going." Lin Lei patted Delia's little hand and comforted softly.

Hogg also saw everyone's nervousness and quickly said aloud: "Lin Lei said well, Bu Yunxian's nephew is very easy-going, I haven't seen him angry and blushed for so many years, don't worry, do it It ’s enough to be yourself, just put everything else in your stomach. "

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